SOCIO-emotional Functioning and Mental Health Awareness

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• at the end of the lesson, everyone is expected to

understand the socio-emotional functioning, mental health
and well being and be able to use it in the daily classroom
• Two person carry an object of choice, down a path and
back using designated body parts between the two
• choose an object to carry
• pick a body part to be use
• teamwork, being comfortable with friends and controlling
emotion is important in attaining..........
Presented by:
Ms. Josephine T. Mendoza
Teacher 1
Socio-emotional functioning

• pertains to the manifestations of a youngster’s internal

emotional life.

Socio-emotional functioning

• Capacity to participate socially, ability to adhere to social

norms while engaged with others, and degree of comfort in
interpersonal interactions are all important components of the
social aspects of this domain.
Socio-emotional functioning

• The emotional aspects include the nature, intensity, regulation,

and correspondence to the external environment of a
youngster’s feelings.
• 1. Resilience
• 2. self-knowledge
• 3. Tenacity
• 4.Social awareness
• 5. collaboration
• 6. Empathy
• 7. Self Management
• 8. Responsible Decision Making
• 9. Assertive Communication
• 10. Personal
Mental Health and well-being
• The World Health Organization defines it as:

• "Mental health is not just the absence of mental disorder.

It is defined as a state of well-being in which every
individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with
the normal stresses of life, can work productively and
fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his
good mental health is when:

• "You care about yourself and you care for yourself. You love yourself, not hate
yourself. You look after your physical health – eat well, sleep well, exercise and enjoy

• You see yourself as being a valuable person in your own right. You don't have to earn
the right to exist. You exist, so you have the right to exist.

• You judge yourself on reasonable standards. You don't set yourself impossible goals,
such as 'I have to be perfect in everything I do', and then punish yourself when you
don't reach those goals."
• Social and emotional well being is essential for our overall
health and well being.
• Being socially and emotionally well means being able to
realise your abilities, cope with the normal stresses of life,
work productively and contribute to your community.
Thank you
God bless

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