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Toko Aneka Lezat

seller’s name = Mrs. Darmi

Nama = Vanessa Andelina Handoko

Kelas = 7B
No Absen = 12
1. Hello, I want to ask what
is your mother’s 4. How much is the sales
My name is madam darmi
turnover per day?
Sales turnover per day can
2. sorry ma’am darmi I want to ask how long have reach 200.000
you been working at the Delicious Assorted shop?
Mrs. Darmi has been working for 25 years
5. how many workers are
3. Mrs. Darmi opens the shop from what time there in the delicious
until it closes?
assortment shop?
Open the shop from 06.00 if the shop closes at
08.00 There are about 5 workers
𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾

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