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What is Cloud Computing?

Basics of Cloud Computing

• Whether you are running applications that share photos to tnillions
of mobile users or you're supporting the critical operations of your
business, a cloud services platforn1provides rapid access to flexible
and low cost IT resources.
• With cloud computing, you don't need to make large upfront
invest1nents in hardware and spend a lot of time on the heavy lifting
of managing that hardware.
• Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a secure cloud services platfonn,
offering compu te power, database storage, content delivery and
other functionality to help businesses scale and grow.
• If you too want to make yourself as an Amazon Clou d special i st!,
it would be advisable that you take AWS Training in Chennai.
How Does Cloud Computing Work?
• Cloud computing provides a simple way to access servers,
storage, databases and a broad set of application services over
the Internet.
• A Cloud services platform such as Amazon Web Services
owns and maintains the network-connected hardware required for
these application services, while you provision and use what
you need via a web application.

-............ Comput1ng
Types of Cloud
• Cloud computing is usually described in one of two
ways. Either based on the cloud location, or on the
service that the cloud is offering.
Based on a cloud location
• public ,
• private,
• hybrid
• community cloud Based on a service
• Infrastructure as a Service (laaS)
• Platform as a Service (PaaS)
• Software as a Service (SaaS)
• public cloud mean that the whole co1npu ting infrastructure
is located on the premises of a cloud computi ng company that
offers the cloud service. The location ren1ains, thus, separate
fron1 the customer and he has no physical control over the
• Virtually unlimited resources - You can instantly
provision virtuall y unlimited amount of resources
• Scalability & Elasticity - You can scale up or down your resources to
meet demand peaks and lows, and you pay only for what you use
• Pay as you go - No
Capex, you pay a 1nonthly bill

• Lack of Perceived Amortization Benefits on Investment
• Compliance - Public Cloud providers may not be following all the
regulatory compliance required by an organization.
• Private cloud means using a cloud infrastructure (network) solely by
one customer/organization. It is not shared with others, yet it is
remotely located. The companies have an option of choosing an on­
premise private c.loud as well, which is inore expensive, but they do
have a physical control over the infrastructure.
• Security -There is a sense of security among organizations as the data
resides on premise
• Compliance - Enterprises can comply to the co1upliance standards
required for their industries and follow required corporate
the governance structure for their organizations
• Costs - Organizations need to own the hardware, storage and
networking resources upfront and also spend on the 1naintenance of all
the resources
• Complexity - Private Clouds are complex to deploy and maintain
cause of the complex virtualization of the hard ware resources
• Hybrid cloud means, using both private and public clouds,
depending on their purpose
• Hyb1id cloud can also mean the ability to connect collocation,
managed and or dedicated services with cloud resources.
• Flexibility Organizations can inake use of various Public and
Private Clouds to utilize the advantages of both the deployment
• Cloud Bursting - You can iu n an application on private cloud and
burst it to public cloud to 1neet de1nand peaks
• Complexity - To deploy a hybrid model is quite complex because
of the varying standards of each provider

Infrastructure cloud
as a service



Sol,6ce UNCTAO, adapted frcm National Institute QI St-and Technology,2011

Infrastructure as a Service (laaS):
•Infrastructure as a Service, sometimes abbreviated as laaS, contai ns the
basic building blocks for cloud IT and typically provide access to
networking features, computers (virtual or on dedicated
hardware), and data storage space.
•Infrastructure as a Service provides you with the highest level of
flexibility and management control over your IT resources and is
most sinular to existing IT resources that many IT departments and
developers are familiar with today.
Platform as a Service (PaaS):
•Platfonns as a service ren1ove the need for organizations to inanage the
underlyi ng infrastructure (usually hardware and operating
syste1ns) and allow you to focus on the deployment and
management of your applications.
• This helps you be more efficient as you don't need to worry about
resource procurement, capacity plan ning, software maintenance,
patching, or any of the other unditferentiated heavy lifting involved
in running your application.
Software as a Service (SaaS):
• Software as a Service provides you with a completed produ ct that is
run and managed by the service provider. In most cases, people
referring to Software as a Service are referring to end-user
applications .
• A common example of a Saas application is web-based email where
you can send and receive e1nail withou t having to n1anage
feature additions to the emai l product or maintaining the
servers and operating systems that the email progra 111 is
running on.

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