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Welcome to
Dear Almighty Father,

Thank you for this day that you provide us all. For your
guidance, love, protection and wisdom we thank you. Guide
us by your eternal light as we discover new things and
lessons today. We ask this in the name of Jesus.

 Come to school on time.
 Bring what you need with you.
 Listen to the teacher.
 Follow directions.
 Be kind to others.
Do you want
To play a game?
Give papa a cup of proper
coffee in a copper coffee
She saw Susie sitting in a shoeshine
shop. Where she shines, she sits, and
where she sits, she shines.
Denise sees the fleece,
Denise sees the fleas.
At least Denise could sneeze
And feed and freeze the fleas
Six slippery snails slid slowly
How much caramel can a canny
cannonball cram in a camel if a canny
cannonball can cram caramel in a camel?
of a Story
1. Setting
The setting of a story is the time and place in which
the events happen. It includes
the physical, historical, and cultural settings of a
story. It includes the situation in which a character
or characters find themselves. There may be just one
or multiple settings in a story. The setting affects the
plot, or events, of the story.
When reading, ask yourself -
• How does the time and place of the story affect how a character
behaves or reacts to certain events? Would people in a different
historical time period or culture behave or react differently?

• Would things happen differently in another time and place? Could the

same events occur in the past that could happen today? Would or could
the same events occur in a different cultural or physical setting?

2. Characters
Characters are the people in a story. Depending on the story,
characters could be animals, imaginary creatures, or even magical
objects that can think and feel. A reader can learn about a
character through his other thoughts, feelings, words, actions,
and interactions with other characters. Main characters often go
through changes in a story.
When reading, ask yourself -
• What words best describe each character?

• Why do characters behave in certain ways?

• How do characters interact with each other, and what does this show the

• How do characters' actions and interactions affect the plot?

• Does a character change throughout the story? If so, in what meaningful
3. Plot
The plot of a story is made up of a sequence of
events—it is what happens in a story. At the
beginning of the story, the setting is established,
and the main characters are introduced to the
reader. The conflict in the story is usually
introduced soon afterward. Then, the rising
action occurs. This series of events leads to
the climax. After the climax, the falling
action leads to the resolution at the end of the
When reading, ask yourself -
• What event begins the rising action?

What is the major conflict in the story, and how is it resolved?

What is the highest point of tension in the story, in which the
resolution is unclear but about to be determined by events

and/or a character's choices?
4. Theme
A theme of a story is a message, lesson, moral, or meaning that
can be drawn from the story. It is not a summary of the story’s
characters and events or a statement of its topic. The theme
rises above the story itself. It is what the reader can learn from
what happens to the characters in the story. There may be more
than one theme in a story.
When reading, ask yourself -

• What ideas are bigger than the story itself?

• What can the reader learn from the story?

• What message or messages can the reader infer?

• What evidence from the passage supports the theme(s)?
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Directions: Copy the concept map in your manila paper. Using the
word Bank below. Fill in the blank spaces in the concept map with the
appropriate word or words.
The Elves and the Shoemaker


Let’s sum it up
Let’s sum it up
Let’s sum it up
1. Setting
2. Character
3. Character
4. Plot
5. Theme
Directions: Present the details of your favorite fairy tale by
making story grammar using semantic web. Write your story
grammar on your English notebook and be ready to present it
in class the following day.

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