The Story of Keesh by Jack London

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The Story of Keesh by Jack London

Jack London
 His full name is John Griffith
 was an American novelist,
journalist, and activist. A pioneer of
commercial fiction and American
magazines, he was one of the first
American authors to become an
international celebrity and earn a
large fortune from writing.
 His writing was influenced by
Charles Darwin, Robert Loius
Stevenson, and more.
Do you think, where these places can be seen
on our globe?
These places are located in the upper part of the
globe where the temperature is cold and freezing.
What is Eskimos?

- a member of a group of peoples of northern

Canada, Green land and eastern Siberia. They are the
indigenous peoples who have traditionally inhabited
the northern circumpolar region.
1) Keesh
Keesh was a thirteen-year-old boy who lived at the North Pole a long time ago. His
father died struggling with a bear in order to keep the people in the village from
starving. After that, Keesh lived alone with his mother. One council Keesh
complained about unfair treatment, but other people laughed at him. Therefore, he
decided to hunt by himself.

2) Klosh-Kwan
Klosh-Kwan was the chief of the village who lived in a large igloo. In the beginning,
he could not believe Keesh, but he admired him later.
3) Ikeega
Ikeega was Keesh’s mother who lived only with his sole son. She
loved his son very much. She is a flat character, because from the
beginning until the end, she is the same, and doesn’t develop.

4) Ugh-Gluk
Ugh-Gluk were opposed Keesh from the beginning until the end of
the story.

5) Bim and Bawn

Bim and Bawn were two clever young hunters who were appointed
to spy on Keesh. They told how Keesh killed bears when they came
 Keesh was the young son of a great and well-respected huntsman in his tribe
who passed away. After that, his father's deeds were almost forgotten.
 Inspired by tales of his father’s skills as a hunter, and emboldened by his self-
confidence and the lackluster amount of food being gathered by the tribe, he
addressed the village elders in the Igloo of the tribe’s chief. A child addressing
the tribal elders was seen as precocious. Keesh declared that he would honor his
father’s memory and become a great hunter, and bring back a wealth of meat
for his people. 
 He was made fun of and left alone by everyone. They didn't anticipate hearing
from him once more. He did, however, make a four-day return trip with an
enormous load of recently slain meat.
 The corpse of the polar bear, according to him, was located a day's journey
from the village. His success stunned everyone. But, after a few hunts, everyone
started to doubt Keesh, claiming that he had studied witchcraft, but they had no
alternative but to remain obedient.
 For Keesh, the villagers built an igloo that was
larger than the chief's, which he found to be
thoughtful. They made the decision to send two
scouts to watch Keesh after a number of hunts.
 They came back a few days later with a polar
bear's carcass. The story was repeated by the
scouts, and the tribal council was incredulous.
They congregated in Keesh's igloo and declared
him to be a witch.
 Keesh, however, explained how he managed to
kill the bear. The scouts were instructed by Keesh
to irritate the bear and follow him. The bear
afterward ate the little food balls that he had
dropped on the ice. The bear suddenly grew sick
and insane, allowing Keesh to stab it without
getting hurt.”
Is there any similar
experience that you can do or
do for you to prove that other
people’s accusation is wrong?
How do you handle this kind
of situation?

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