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To the Braveheart Project , Men s Bible Study Part 1

What is the Kingdom of Leadership Institute?

Proclaims and building towards the Kingdom of God - the Great Commission Matthew 28:16-20 A Christian defined life is underlined by a Biblical worldview (Different way of thinking) Apply Biblical principles of reform to our family, Church, and government Return to Godly tenets of morality, Gods law, leadership, fatherhood, Biblical

What is the Kingdom of Leadership Institute? (Cont.)

Desperate need for young people to become leaders; leader & kingdom mindset Take risks and implement what we read in scripture KLI prepares Christians, especially the youth to carry out the Great Commission Specific instructions come right from the pages of scripture

What is Biblical Leadership?

A.Self-confident B.Functions out of human wisdom C.Seeks to promote upward mobility D.Strength through independence E.None of the above


Rick Rescorla

Purpose of Braveheart Project

Experiencing a crisis similar to the Apostle Paul He loved to Jews to the point of asking God to remove his salvation so that they might be saved (Romans 9:1-3) Then in great frustration proclaimed your blood be upon your own heads, low, I go to the Gentiles. The same is true concerning your generation. We have passed a monster to you. You cannot afford to make the same mistakes of our Hezekiah generation We sold out your future for our comfort

Purpose of Braveheart Project (Cont.)

God Judges and Restores Nations Based Upon Leadership:
Isaiah 3 and the book of Judges We need leaders a time like this demand that will give their lives to fulfill Isaiah 58:12 & 61:4

Purpose of Braveheart Project (Cont.)

Jeremiah 6:16 and return to form. It has been over 500 years since the church has examined itself in the light of Scripture The Lord needs prophetic reformers to assess what is, the true condition of your generation Look to the scriptures and history to make it what it ought to be The entire call of God through the prophets is to reform your ways and doings

Purpose of Braveheart Project (Cont.)

Divine Order: :
God works through headship The father fails, the family falls apart Smite the pastor, the sheep are scattered Politicians become corrupt, tyranny stalks the land God is not the author of confusion, Satan is Your generation is out of order and is spinning out of control

Purpose of Braveheart Project (Cont.)

Divine Order: :
God works through headship The father fails, the family falls apart Smite the pastor, the sheep are scattered Politicians become corrupt, tyranny stalks the land God is not the author of confusion, Satan is Your generation is out of order and is spinning out of control

Purpose of Braveheart Project (Cont.)

Connect the Dots:
There is a profound connection between are moral and spiritual condition and the litany of woe that is upon us Ideas have consequences and a belief system will lead mankind somewhere Bad theology and ideas lead to evil behavior Your challenge is to become critical thinkers who not only know what to think, but how to think You need to rise up and become

Expectations of Students
Taking the Gospel to the Gates To serve heroically for the King of Kings, a vision of victory is required. When you make peace with God through Jesus Christ, you automatically declare war on the enemy. Instead of retreating from the roar of the enemy, Christians must run to the roar of our cultural battles. Commanders intent A Christians training, primarily, is in the Word of God A systematic study of the Scriptures, selfeducation, discipleship, and taking the Gospel of the Kingdom to the gates of

What is the most important spiritual leadership attribute?

A.Confident in God B.Seeks the mind of God C.Humble and promotes glory of God D.Seeks reward from God E.Dependent on God F. Other

Text and Supplementary Materials

REQUIRED: Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas: The Kingdom Leadership Institute Manual,

Tate Publishing (September 29, 2009).

OPTIONAL: Rev. John Eldridge: Wild at Heart: Discovering The Secret of a Man's Soul

Thomas Nelson (April 3, 2001)

Interactive media as needed

The Holy Bible KJV, NIV, ASV, & NASB are appropriate for this course


The Knightly Code of Honor King Alfreds War Song The Ten Commandments The Apostles Creed The Nicene Creed The Chalcedonian Creed The Fathers Covenant

Methods of instruction and evaluation

Candidate is able to define one of the Biblical core principle taught during that training module. Candidate is able to describe an application of that core principle. Leadership team is committed to provide reinforced training as needed in a servant leadership capacity. Schedule and provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented, such as Wednesday evening meetings at BibleWay Church; guide students to correct understandings of Biblical truths and values. Candidates will successfully complete a Christian Mentor-Protg session. Further guidance on Christian Mentor-Protg program will be published.

What should motivate a spiritual leader?

A.He must be bold and outspoken among many B.Every great spiritual leader is a servant leader. leader C.Personal ambition D.Gods prosperity bestowed upon those who Serve Him E.Strong autocratic leadership F. A zero-defects mentality that viciously condemns and punishes

even the

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