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Presented by: Joy Avorque
First Aid
Refers to the emergence or
immediate care you should provide
when a person is injured or ill until
full medical treatment is available.
First Aid Kit
Is a collection of supplies and
equipment used to give immediate
medical treatment, primarily to treat
a sick or injured person.
Premade First-Aid Kits
 Group Size
Fist aid kit for single-day hikes number of
number of people a kit will serve.

Bandages, Pain Meds
Medical tools: Thermometers, tweezers, splints
Premade First-Aid Kits
 Trip length/distance
Usually find an estimated number of days in a kit’s
product description.

 Comprehensive Kits
It can be valuable to get a kit with advanced tools and
supplies because others in your group or area might have
medical knowledge.
Consider the following:

Trip Risks
Special Needs
Consider the following:
Always pack an individual
Consider multiple kits
Built your own First Aid Kits

Water-resistant bag or
Zip-lock plastic bags
Marker and Tape
First-Aid Kit Basics
Assorted adhesive bandages
Athletic tape
Blister treatments (molweskin)
First-Aid Kit Basics
Medication and ointments/lotion
 Ibuprofen
 Antibiotics ointments
 Antacid tablets
 Antidiarrheal pills
 Rehydration salts
 Prescription Medicines
First-Aid Kit Basics
Basic Tools
Small mirror
Blunt tip scissors
Razor blade or Knife
First-Aid Kit Basics
Miscellaneous items
Bee-sting kit
Tick remover
Antiseptic towelettes
Burn dressing
Splints and elastic wraps
First-Aid Kit Instructions

Always include a quick-reference

guide or more comprehensive
booklet that explains how to
administer first aid.
Trip-Specific First-Aid Supplies

You should supplement your home-

assembled kit with extra supplies for a
longer trip or special supplies for your
destination, activity and group
Additional Outdoor Safety Essentials

Heat-reflecting blanket
Bug repellent
Hand sanitizer
First-Aid Training
Training will help you overcome the
initial fear and shock of responding to
an emergency. Being fully prepared to
deal with a serious incident beforehand
can make all the difference.
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