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Võ Thị Thủy Chung

 Opinion paragraph is the paragraph in the audit
report that expresses the auditor’s conclusions.
 An opinion paragraph:
- Gives the writer’s view about a topic
- Interprets or explains fact (By giving the writer’s
critical view or examples)
- Is often about a controversial issue
- Makes the reader think
- Considers both sides of an argument
Remember the Paragraph Structure…
EVERY paragraph that you will write in your
future will require the following:
 An introduction sentence;
 A concluding sentence; and
 Three peas (In fact, the number of peas
depends on your ideas, so you can support 2 or
more peas)
Sentence #1
Topic sentence:
• Opinion statement that includes 3 points/ideas
listed in order to develop support for your

Your TOPIC SENTENCE is your introduction sentence

that is a general comment about your topic
Included in your TOPIC SENTENCE is a list of your
THREE points that you’re going to use to help prove
your point/argument
You need THREE PEAS in every paragraph

PEA #1 (Sentences #2-3) PEA #2 (Sentences #4-5) PEA #3 (Sentences #6-7)

• FIRST, Restate • NEXT, Restate • FINALLY, Restate

Opinion Statement: Opinion Statement: Opinion Statement:
• Point 1: • Point 2: • Point 3:
______________ _____________ ________________
• Evidence 1: • Evidence 2: • Evidence 3:
______________ _______________ ________________
• Analysis 1: • Analysis 2: • Analysis 3:
______________ _______________ ________________

 First, you will need to choose THREE points, and from

there you need THREE pieces of evidence (or examples), and
finally, you will need to have THREE analyses, which simply
explain how your points prove your point.

Topic: CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) is one of the best developed

shows on primetime television today. OK, so what three points can we
use to prove that CSI is one of the best TV shows?

 Three points: 1. Intricate crime scenes and forensic processes;

2. Realistic characters;
3. Suspenseful plots.
 These THREE points are going to prove my argument, which is
that CSI is one of the best developed TV shows.
Sentence #8
Conclusion Sentence:
• Restate the opinion statement and summarize
your points/evidence

CONCLUDING SENTENCE is the last sentence in

your argument where you simply sum up your
argument and points or give solutions for the
 GRAMMAR: Present simple tense
(Because you are giving the fact)
 STRUCTURE: You do not need to provide too
complex sentences whose 3 or 4 clauses
because it will make the reader confused. You
just need to write simple sentences with 1 or
2 clauses.
 To express opinion:
I believe (strongly/ firmly) that I am totally against sb/sth
In my opinion/ view, … I couldn’t agree more that / with
I think, I strongly believe that I couldn’t disagree more that/
The way I see it is that with…
It seems to me (that) … I am convinced that …
As far as I am concerned, … From my own perspective/view,
I (completely) agree that / with From my point of view, …
I (strongly) disagree that / with To my way of thinking, …
According to me/my view, …
 To list points:
In the first place, ... First of all,…
To start with, … Firstly, …
To begin with, …
 To introduce examples:
For example, For instance, such as
in particular, Especially, To illustrate,
To paraphrase, Namely, In this case,…
 To add more points:
What is more, Another major reason,
Also, Furthermore,
Moreover, In addition to this/that,
Besides, Apart from this,
Not to mention the fact that,…
 To introduce contrasting viewpoints:
On the other hand, …
However, …
Alternatively, …
It is argued that, …
People argue that, …
Opponent of this view say, …
There are people who oppose, …
Contrary to what most people believe, …
As opposed to the above ideas, …
In contrast, …
 To conclude:
In conclusion, …
To conclude, …
To sum up, …
All in all, …
All things considered, …
Taking everything into account/ consideration,…
In short, …
• Make sure your main idea – your opinion about the subject - is
clear and well stated
• Transition into the body of the paragraph
• Give your second strongest reason to support this idea
• Give a specific example or statistics to support this statement
• Give your weakest reason to support this idea
• Give an example to support this statement too
• Give your strongest reason to support this idea
• Explain and give an example of someone you know
• Give the strongest reason that others who do not agree with you
• Refute this argument – prove that it is not really the correct view
• Finish with a good concluding sentence

It’s crazy to wear platform boots! First of all, they

are to difficult to walk in. People who wear
plarform boots usually have to walk very slowly to
keep their balance. Secondly, platform boots are
EX1 also dangerous. If the wearer loses her balance, REASON 2
she might break her ankle. I know 3 people who
broke their ankles wearing patform boots. Finally,
another problem is platform boots are bad for the
wearer’s posture. Wearing platform boots makes
the bad curve in the bad way. For these reason, REASON 3
people shouldn’t wear platform boots.
Topic: CIS is one of the best developed shows on
primetime television today

Crime Scene Investigation is an intriguing career in our Western culture today,

and because of the hype created, primetime television airs a show called CSI that Topic
explores the ins and outs of the job. The intricacies of the crime scenes and Sentence
processes, the realistic characters, and the suspenseful plots make CSI one of the best
developed shows on primetime television today. FIRST, the show prides itself on the #Point 1
details and intricacies of the crime scenes and processes of forensics. In one episode, #Evidence 1
lab tech, Hodges, tries to explore the unanswered questions of the miniature killer and
discovers that bleach is the killer’s trigger, which he found when exploring through the
detailed miniature diagrams with a microscope. Particular attention to detail draws #Analysis 1
audiences in because it teaches the viewer to be more observant. NEXT, the characters #Point 2
are realistic in the show, which appeal to the audience because they believe the roles
of each character. In two episodes, CSI’s Stokes and Sidle were kidnapped, and #Evidence 2
although different strategies and kidnappers, the audience really felt for the characters’
wellbeing and stayed tuned for the next season to arrive when they would be found.
Good character development is a large component of audience attention, and usually if #Analysis 2
characters are dynamic and real, audiences will watch. FINALLY, CSI is a suspenseful #Point 3
show, which appeals to audiences because they are always anticipating what may
happen. In every episode there is always a twist, whether it is a piece of forensic #Evidence 3
evidence that went missing or clues lead them on the wrong path, the viewer is always
in a state of suspense, which makes CSI an entertaining show to watch. Audiences #Analysis 3
enjoy suspense because it demonstrates great writing and always keeps them tuned in.
In sum, CSI is one of the best developed shows on primetime television because so Concluding
much attention is paid to the writing and character development. Sentence

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