Nstpdrugeducation 12

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 Majority of the patients were within the 15-29

age groups
 The mean age is 27 years old
 The ratio of male to female is 14:1
 Majority are workers/employees
 Drugs are first introduced at age 15-19
 Almost 70% cited friends as their major source
 Most are mono-drug users (shabu)
 A drug is a chemical substance
that brings about physical,
emotional or behavioral change
in a person taking it.
 Is any substance other
than food or water that is
intended to be taken or
administered for the
purpose of altering,
sustaining or controlling
the recipients physical,
mental or emotional state.
1. Tablets
2. Capsules
3. Syrup/Liquid
4. Plant
5. Cigarette
6. Powder
7. Crystals
-Used as
suppository or
applied topically
- Mostdrugs are taken orally.
When a drug is swallowed it
goes to the stomach, absorbed
by the small intestines and into
the blood for circulation.
- Inhaled drugs enter the
bloodstream through the
capillaries of the lungs.
- When a drug is injected into a
vein it travels directly to the
heart and circulate throughout
the system.
 It is the use of any substance, licit or illicit,
which results in an individuals physical,
mental, emotional or social impairments.

 It is the use or consumption without medical

authorization of medically useful drugs which
alter mood and behavior.

 It is the use of drugs and substance for a

purpose different from the one for which it has
been prescribed.
Scientific Name:
Methamphetamine Hydrochloride

Street / Slang Names:

Poor Man’s Cocaine, Meth, Ice,
Speed, Shabs, “S”, Shasha, Ubas,
Bato, Tobats, Siopao, Splash,
Items, etc.
Scientific Name:
Cannabis Sativa (Plants)
Tetrahydrocannabinol (Process)

Street / Slang Names

Mary Jane , MJ, Flower, Doodie,
Pampapogi, Brownies, Damo, Pot,
Tea, Joint, Dope, Jutes, Chongki,
Weed, Ganja, Hushies, etc.
Scientific Name:
3-4 MethyleneDioxyMethAmphetamine

Street / Slang Names

Designers Drug, X, XTC, Rave, E,
Eckie, Love Drug, Flying Saucer, LBD
or Libido, Jagged Little Pill, Adam,
Eve, Artist Drug, Hug Drug, MDA,
MDEA, Love Doves, Disco Biscuit, etc.
PROHIBITED - not legally sold unless authorized
by competent authority.
(Ex. Heroin, Marijuana, Cocaine, Opium)
REGULATED - sold with prescription.
(Ex. Amphetamine, Nubain)

Note: Under the new Drug Law (R.A. 9165) both categories are
considered as Dangerous Drugs.

 Natural - anything that comes from nature.

Ex. Plants (Marijuana) and Animals
(Snake venom - snakebites)

 Synthetic - anything that is produced

artificially or processed in the laboratory.
Ex. Shabu
 Volatile chemical substances that contain
psycho-active (mind/mood altering) vapors to
produce a state of intoxication.
Ex: Glue and Adhesive Cement / Rugby / Super
Glue / Thinner
 Any liquid, solid or mixed substances having
the property of releasing toxic vapors or fumes
containing one or more of the following
chemical compounds:

 Methanol, ethanol, iso-propanol, ethyl acetate,

 The term narcotic, derived from the Greek word
for stupor, originally referred to a variety of
substances that induced sleep.
 Also called OPIATES, which is medically used
to relieve pain.
 When abused it causes insensibility, stupor,
and dullness of mind with delusions.
(Ex: Cough syrups, Opium, Cocaine, Morphine,
 (also known as “uppers”)

 Any of a group of drugs that excite the central

nervous system, in which increase alertness,
alleviate fatigue, reduce hunger and provide a
feeling of well being.

(Ex. Cocaine / Amphetamine i.e. SHABU)

 also called as “downers” or “barbs”

 any drug or chemical that decreases the

activity of any bodily function. The term most
often is used to refer to drugs that reduce the
activity of the central nervous system

(Ex: Sedatives / Sleeping Pills / Tranquilizers)

 (also called psychedelics)
 First developed as appetite suppressant
 any one of a large number of natural or
synthetic psychoactive drugs that produce
marked distortions of the senses and changes
in perception. Drugs capable of provoking
changes in sensation, thinking, self-awareness
and emotion. Alteration of time and space
perception and hallucination.
(Ex: MJ / LSD / Ecstasy / Ketamine /


Normal Brain
Cross-Section of a Drug Affected Human Brain
How to Spot a
Drug Users
General Signs
 Wearing sunglasses at inappropriate times to hide dilated or
constricted pupils, or bloodshot eyes.
 Found in old places like closets and storage.
 Intoxication and drunkenness.
 Aggressive behavior or drowsiness.
 Lack of concentration.
 Scars on arms and body.
 Antisocial, very low morals.
 Nasal secretion and watering eyes.
 Extreme cheerfulness and exhilaration.
 Extreme restlessness and irritability.
Ecstasy Users
Birth Defect called
“Acro Syndactily Yours”
Defect cause by smoking Marijuana
Defect cause by smoking Marijuana
Parents who are heavy
users of LSD and
Marijuana are likely
to produce children
with Hydrocephalus
(Big, Watery Head)
Family Problems
Lack of Parental Guidance
Peer Pressure/Curiosity
Boredom, Frustration
Weak Personality, Desire
to Escape From Reality
Before After
Change from normal
Change in attendance at
capabilities (work habits,
work or school
efficiency, etc.)
Stealing items which can be readily sold for cash
(to support a drug habit)
Association with known drug abusers
Before After
Changes in Mood – depending on the drug taken.
Example: depressed or becoming elated and euphoric.
Before After
Injection Marks of an Unusual effort made to cover arms
Addict in order to hide needle marks
Wearing sunglasses constantly at inappropriate
times (for instance, indoors or at night) or only
to hide dilated or constricted pupils but also to
compensate for the eyes’ inability to adjust to
sunlight. Marijuana causes bloodshot eyes.
Poor physical appearance, including
inattention to dress and personal hygiene

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