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21st Century Literature

PPT presentation of 11-Humss Perceptive Group 2
In Malinche Laura Esquivel
reimagines the relationship
between the Spaniard Hernán
Cortés and the Indian woman
Malinalli, his interpreter and
mistress during his conquest
of the Aztecs.
We must learn to know
the people around us
first before we trust

Essential Question:

Being in charged or being powerful
will not always come from the high
class society

◈ The difference between Malinalli and
Cortes View is that in Malinalli’s point of
view she believe that a world that needed to
be changed and ridden of human sacrifices
while in Cortes view he only sees the
Conquest of the Aztec Empire as a way to
find gold and riches.
2. Why do you think they have different ways of looking at
the world? Is your view closer to Malinalli’s or Cortes’s?
◈ It is Because Malinalli and Cortes came from a different
lands where they have a different beliefs,tradions and
Culture. But if we’re going to pick what side or view are
we closer with. Honestly we will pick Malinalli’s side
because it is more looking justifiable to us. Defining the
world has a different definitions in the eyes of different
people. I can’t say that his words are wrong it is actually
accurate because in our generation today we define the
world as what we see and what we observe. 7
3. From the Characterization of Cortes and
Malinalli, What kind of relationship do you think
they have?
◈ Malinalli became a mistress to Cortés and gave
birth to his first son, Martín, who is considered
one of the first Mestizos (people of mixed
European and indigenous American ancestry).

4. Do you think that the text was sympathetic
toward Malinalli? Why do you say so?
◈ Yes. Malinalli become a sympathetic
character between two people who makes
bad choices. But she also trying to save
herself in process . Sympathetic is a
Example text that include to the personal
information and while her decision may not
be justified to happen. 9
5. How would you describe the misunderstanding that happened between
Malinalli and Cortes? What kind of relationship do you they have?

• The misunderstanding between Malinalli and Cortes

is that there different perspective.The word Malinche
is Derived from the word 'Malin' (part of malinalli)
and the word 'che' is a title for honor. since Malinche
always spoke for Cortes they were both called by that
and because of their different perspective they
misunderstood each other and that brings out the
conflict between the two of them. And they have this
close relationship. 10

1. How are the History figures mentioned in the
• She was the mediator between two cultures, Hispanic
and Native American, and three languages, Spanish,
Mayan, and Nahuatl. She was also a slave, trying to
rebel against the barbarous culture of her masters the
Aztecs. But her loyalty was to her own people, whom
she was trying to set free

2.How do the Characters in the excerpt relate to
history of mexico? Elaborate.
Marina or more popularly known as La Malinche a Nusltua
woman from the Mexican Gulrcomst become known for
contributing to the Spanish conquest of the Aztec empire by
acting as an interpreter,advisor, and intermediary for the
spanish lorquistador Hernan Cortes.

3. How true or untrue that woman named “The Tounge” has been
considered as a traitor to mexinco? Prove your answer.

• Understandably, many Mexicans

regard La Malinche as a traitor. Her
role as an interpreter has often been
sullied by this perception. She has
become the embodiment of the
famous saying “Traduttore, traidore.”
Whether you see her as a victim of circumstance, a
brilliant survivor, or as a traitor, there is no
disputing that her language interpreting skills
helped to seal her role in history forever, as well as
the fate of the Aztec Empire. Her story, in part,
serves to illustrate the importance that interpreters
can play in shaping history, as well as the price that
they sometimes pay when they do so.
4. What types of religion are presented in the excerpt? Explain
how they differ from each other and affect the relationship of
the characters?
• The religions that are present in the excerpt are the Aztec and
Atheist they differ in a way that cortes believes in God but malinalli
don’t. It. Affected the way they understood each other. They
couldn’t understand each other that much because they have
different perceptives.

11-humss Perceptive group 2

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