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System unit

terms and

Урок №5
Предмет: англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням
Тема: Терміни та характеристики системного блоку
Завдання до уроку:
1. Опрацюйте матеріал до уроку, запишіть в робочий зошит складові системного блоку, їх
різновиди та характеристики, перекладіть українською. Допишіть бракуючі деталі.
2. Подивіться відеоматеріал What does what in your computer? Computer parts Explained
3. Використовуючи додаткові джерела інформації знайдіть та запишіть алгоритм дій при зміні
батарейки у системному блоці What do you do before replacing your battery you must follow
these steps?
There are many motherboards but
most of them have the following ports,
connectors and slots.
There are many different types of CPUs depending on the intended application. The most common CPU in
ordinary devices have x86 or x64 architecture for PCs and tablets and ARM based architectures for phone
and light tablets.
Based on the number of cores there are single core, dual core, quad core, hex core and octa-core
processors (one, two, four, six and eight cores respectively). “Core“ means a physical logistical processor
inside a CPU. The more cores the better, but there is also a hyper-threading technology enabling a CPU
with one physical core to split it up into 2 virtual cores allowing for twice the amount of processing but
half the power.

The main CPU brands are Microsoft Intel and AMD. Every CPU
has a number of technical characteristics:
Processor type: Mobile, Desktop or Server
Series and number of cores
Basically a series is written on the top of a processor.
Sometimes the number of cores is not mentioned but you
can always find that information at the company

CPU Socket Type

A socket is a rectangular slot made up of a series of pins (metal contacts) that
connect a CPU to a motherboard (which means you can replace or upgrade it
without soldering). There are many types of sockets for different processors. For
example, Intel names their sockets based on the number of pins (LGA 1155, LGA
2011, LGA 1151, LGA 2066 etc.) while AMD sockets have names like AM2, AM3+,
AM4, SP3, TR4 and so on. When buying a motherboard, think carefully of what
CPU socket you want.
Motherboards (also called Main Board, System Board,
Base Board, Planar Board or Logic Board) come in
different sizes, known as form factors. The most common
motherboard form factor is ATX (Advanced Technology

The different types of ATX are known as micro-ATX

(sometimes shown as µATX, mini-ATX, FlexATX, EATX,
WATX, nano-ATX, pico-ATX, and mobileATX).
A smaller form factor is ITX, which comes in mini-ITX,
nano-ITX, and pico-ITX sizes.
RAM stands for Random Access Memory. It gives computers the virtual space needed to
manage information and solve problems in the moment. RAM comes in a variety of
shapes, capacities (measured in MB or GB), speeds (measured in MHz or GHz), and
architectures. These and other aspects are important to consider when upgrading systems
with RAM, as computer systems (e.g. hardware, motherboards) have to adhere to strict
compatibility guidelines. For example:
- Older-generation computers are unlikely to accommodate the more recent types of
RAM technology
- Laptop memory won’t fit in desktops (and vice versa)
- RAM is not always backward compatible
A system generally cannot mix and match different types/generations of RAM together.
Although all RAM serves the same purpose, there are a few different types commonly in
use today:
- Static RAM (SRAM) (Digital cameras,
routers, printers, LCD screens)
- Dynamic RAM (DRAM) (Video game
consoles, networking hardware)
- Synchronous Dynamic RAM (SDRAM)
(Computer memory, video game consoles)
- Single Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic
RAM (SDR SDRAM) (Computer memory, video
game consoles)
- Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic
(Computer memory)
- Graphics Double Data Rate Synchronous
GDDR4, GDDR5) (Video graphics cards, some
- Flash Memory (used in digital cameras,
smartphones/tablets, handheld gaming

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