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Prepared by: Mr. ISRAEL P. PENERO


At the end of this lesson, the student

should be able to:
1. Define matrix.
2. Determine the size of a matrix.
3. Determine the different kinds of a
4. Perform matrix operation.
A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers in the
form column 1 column 2 column n
a11 a12 … a1n Row 1
a21 a22 … a2n Row 2
A = . . … .
. . . .
. . . .
am1 am2 … amn . Row m
So, by the presentation above, we could say that if m and n
are positive integers, an m x n (read as m by n) matrix is a
rectangular array in which each entry aij, of the matrix is a
number. An m x n matrix has m rows and n columns. Matrices
are usually denoted by capital letters such as A, B, C, etc.

The entry aij is located in the ith row and

the jth column. The index i is called the row
subscript because it identifies the row in
which the entry lies, and the index j is called
the column subscript because it identifies the
column in which the entry lies.

A matrix with m rows and n columns is

said to be size m x n.

This is a 1 x 2 matrix since there is one row and two colums.
The a11 = 2 and the a12 = 4. This is known as a row matrix.

This is a 3 x 1 matrix since there are 3-row and 1-column. The a 11 = 2, a21 = -4
and the a31 = 3. This is known as a column matrix.

c) This is a 3 x 2 matrix. Why? What is a22 = ? How about a31 = ?

d) This is also a matrix. What is its size? What is a 11?

The a22 is what? How about a32?

Arow matrix can be expressed as 1xn

[ 𝐚 𝟏𝟏 𝐚 𝟏𝟐 𝐚 𝟏𝟑 … . 𝐚𝟏 𝐧 ]
column matrix can be expressed as mx1
Kinds of a
 Square matrix – an array of numbers having the same number of
columns and rows, i.e. m = n. The numbers a11 , a22 , … , and ann
form the main diagonal. Its size can be expressed as n x n matrix.


This is also a square matrix since
The size of this matrix is the number of row is the same as the
3 x 3 hence this is a square number of column where this matrix
matrix since the number of
has a size of 2 x 2.
row is equal to the number of

The main diagonal of the first matrix is a 11= 1; a22 = 2 and a33 = 1
While the main diagonal of the second matrix is a 11 = 1 and a22 = 3.
 Diagonal matrix – a square matrix for which every term
off the main diagonal is zero.

Illustration: The following matrix is called as the diagonal matrix.

( )
4 0 0
0 2 0
0 0 −3

Can you give us another example of a diagonal matrix?

 Scalar matrix – a diagonal matrix for which all terms on
the main diagonal are equal.

( )
2 0 0
0 2 0
0 0 2

Can you give us another example of a scalar matrix?

 Equal matrices – matrices having the corresponding elements equal
as well as its size otherwise they are not equal. In other words,  they
have the same number of rows and columns A (m × n) = B (m × n)
and if the elements of the first matrix are equal to the corresponding
elements in the second matrix a i j = b i j .

Let A = and B = . Here, we could say that matrix A is equal to matrix B.

Two matrices are equal, say if x = 3, y = 0 and z = 3

 Zero matrix – any m x n matrix that all elements are
entirely having zero entries.


 Identity matrix – square matrix whose elements in the
main diagonal are all one and for which every term off
the main diagonal is zero.


 Coefficient matrix – matrix containing only the
coefficient of the system.

Let the system of linear equations would be:

2x – 3y + z = 5 (1)
-4x + 2y – 2z = 6 (2)
4x – 3y + 3z = -2 (3)

Then the coefficient matrix is;

 Constant matrix - A matrix in which all the entries are
constants. If all the entries are the same constant k,
multiplication by the matrix, when it can be done, is
equivalent to multiplication by the scalar k and by a
matrix of the same order in which all entries are 1.


 Augmented matrix – matrix where constant is adjoining
to the coefficient matrix.

Let the system of linear equations would be:

2x – 3y + z = 5 (1)
-4x + 2y – 2z = 6 (2)
4x – 3y + 3z = -2 (3)

Then the augmented matrix is;

 Leading entry of a matrix – The leading entry in a row of a
matrix is the first non-zero entry in that row, starting from
the left.

( )
2 −3 1
0 2 0
4 0 3

The leading entry for row 1 is 2.

The leading entry for row 2 is 2.

The leading entry for row 3 is 4

Matrix Operations
Matrix Addition and Subtraction. Two or more matrices can added
and subtracted provided that those matrices have the same number of
rows and the same number of columns, i.e. only matrices of the same

Let A, B, C and D are matrices; say

 A = B = C= and D =
 Find the following if possible.
1. A + C 2. B + D 3. D – B 4. C – A 5. A + B 6. C –
2. A + C =
2. B + D =
Let A, B, C and D are matrices; say
 A = B = C= and D =
 Find the following if possible.
1. A + C 2. B + D 3. D – B 4. C – A 5. A + B 6. C
3. D – B =
4. C – A =
5. A + B is not possible since they do not have same size. A is 3 x 2 while B is
2 x 2.

6. C – B is not possible also since they have different size.

Matrix Multiplication. The product of two matrices is possible if and only if
the number of columns of the first matrix is exactly the same as the number of
rows of the second. Say A is an m x p matrix while B is a p x n matrix, hence
the size of the product of AB is an m x n matrix.


Let A, B, C and D are matrices; say

 A = B = C= and D =
 Find the following if possible.
1. AB 2. BD 3. AD 4. CA

1. AB =
Let A, B, C and D are matrices; say
 A = B = C= and D =
 Find the following if possible.
1. AB 2. BD 3. AD 4. CA

2. BD =

3. AD =

4. CA = , this is not possible since the number of column in the first matrix is
not equal to the number row of the second matrix.
Scalar Multiplication. If r is any real number and A is an
mxn matrix, then the scalar multiple of A by r is rA. Hence,
rA is obtained by multiplying each element of A by r.


 Let scalar c = 3 and a matrix A be What is cA?

cA = 3
Transpose of a matrix. If A is an mxn matrix, then the transpose of A
is determined by interchanging rows and columns of A. In symbol, the
transpose of A is written as AT.


 Let matrix A be . Find AT.

AT =
Exercises: Determine the size of the following matrix

A= D=

B= E=


Exercises: Answer the following questions:

1. In matrix A, what is a22?, what is a33?

2. What is the leading entry in matrix D for row 1 and 2?
3. Is matrix A a square matrix? Justify your answer.
4. What is the main diagonal of matrix A?
5. Which of the above matrix could be considered as equal

A= B= C=

D= E= F=

and a = -2 and b = 3. Find the following if possible. It not possible,

write your explanation.

a) E+C g) aBC
b) B+F h) bCA
c) B+D i) (AD)T
d) ET + CT j) (aC + bF) DT
e) AD
f) (aF)(bE)

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