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Prepared by: Mr. ISRAEL P. PENERO

Source: Linear Algebra by Ron Larson

1. Write, recognize and to be familiarized with the
system of m linear equations in n variables.
2. State and define the linear equation in n variables.
3. Find the solution set of a linear equation.
4. Identify the solution of a system of linear
equations whether it is consistent or inconsistent.
5. Solve the system of linear equation using
substitution, elimination, elimination by substitution,
back-substitution and Gauss elimination method.
In Analytic Geometry, we studied
about an equation of a line in two-
dimensional space denoted as R2 and
this is in the form of:

a 1 x +a 2 y =b where a1 , a2 ∧b are constant

This is a linear equation in two variables x and

Illustration: The equation given below is a linear equations in two unknowns.
Sketch the line of each linear equation in an x-y plane.

a) 5x – y + 3 = 0

Using x and y intercept, let x = 0 and solve for y then let y = 0 and solve for x.
If x = 0, y = 3 and if y = 0, x = -3/5  - 0.6


Similarly, the equation of a plane in three-
dimensional space denoted by R3 has the form:

This is a linear equation in three

variables x, y and z.
Illustration: The system of linear equation given below has a unique solution.
-3x + 2y – 5z = -14; 2x – 3y + 4z = 10; and x + y + z = 4

The given three linear equations has a unique solution. The solution set
for this is (x, y, z) = (3, 0, 1). If you want to check, substitute the respective
value for each linear equation of three unknowns and you could find out the it
will satisfy the equation. Meaning, there is a certain point where these three
plane region coincides to each other.
However, there are instances that these three linear equations with three variables
has an infinite solution and no solution.

No solution

Infinite Solution
Definition of a Linear
Equation in n Variables
In general, the definition of a linear equation
in n-variables is that:

A linear equation in n variables x1, x2, x3,

…, xn is in the form of:
a1x1 + a2x2 + a3x3 + … + anxn = b.

The coefficients a1, a2, a3, …, an are real

numbers, and the constant term b is a real
number also. The number a1 is the leading
coefficient, and x1 is the leading variable.
Solutions and Solution Sets

A solution of a linear equation in n

variables is a sequence of n real numbers
s1, s2, s3, …, sn arranged to satisfy the
equation when you substitute the values
x1 = s1, x2 = s2, x3 = s3, …, xn = sn into the
Example 1:
In an equation x1 + 2x2 = 4 will be satisfied
if x1 = 2 and x2 =1 and the other solution
would be x1 = -4 and x2 = 4, or x2 = 2 and x1
= -2 and x2 = 3.
Note: The set of all solutions of a linear equation is
called its solution set, and when you have found this
set, you have solved the equation. To describe the
entire solution set of a linear equation, use a
parametric representation.
Example 2.

Let’s look at the equation 2x - 3y = 7 where x,y  Z.

Notice that x = 5 and y = 1 is a point in R2 that is a

solution of this equation because we can let x = 5 and y = 1
in the equation 2x - 3y = 7 and then we’d have 2(5) - 3(1)
= 10 - 3 = 7.
The point x = 8 and y = 3 is also a solution of the
equation 2x - 3y = 7 since 2(8) - 3(3) = 16 - 9 = 7.
The point x = 4 and y = 6 is not a solution of the
equation 2x - 3y = 7 because 2(4) - 3(6) = 8 - 18 = - 10,
and - 10  7.
Example for Parametric Representation of a Solution Set
Solve the linear equation x1 + 2x2 = 4.
To find the solution set of an equation involving two
variables, solve for one of the variables in terms of the
other variables. Say, solving for x1 in terms of x2, we

x1 = 4 – 2x2, (by means of transposition)

  In this form, the variable x2 is free, which means that
it can take on any real value. The variable x1 is not free
because its value depends on the value assigned to x2.
To represent the infinitely many solutions of
this equation, it is convenient to introduce a third
variable t called a parameter. By letting x 2 = t, we
can represent the solution set as
x1 = 4 – 2t, x2 = t, t is any real number.

To obtain particular solutions, assign

values to the parameter t. For instance, t = 1
yields the solution x1 = 2 and x2 =1 and t = 4
yields the solution x1 = -4 and x2 = 4.
Another way to represent the solution set of the linear
equation in the previous example is that we could choose
x1 as to be the free variable and the x2 would be the not
free variable. Now the parametric representation for this
would be

x2 = 2 – 1/2x1. If x1 = s then x2 = 2 – 1/2s where s is any

real number.

Note: For convenience, choose the variables

that occur last in a given equation to be free
Example: Solve the linear equation 3x + 2y – z = 3.

Choosing y and z to be the free variable, solve for x. So,

3x = 3 – 2y + z (dividing the equation by 3)

x = 1 – 2/3y + 1/3z (let y =s and z = t and s,t R).
Hence, x = 1 -2/3s + 1/3t for y =s and z = t

So, we have two possible solutions.

SS = {(x,y,z)|x=1,y=0,z=0}
SS = {(x,y,z)|x=1,y=1,z=2}

A system of m linear equations in n variables is written

in the following form:
a11x1 + a12x2 + … + a1nxn = b1
a21x1 + a22x2 + … + a2nxn = b2
. . The double-subscript
notation indicates aij
. . is the coefficient of
. . xj in the ith equation.

am1x1 + am2x2 + … + amnxn = bm .

As for system of linear equations, there can be unique

solution, many solutions, or no solution.

Let the system of linear equation would be:

3x1 + 2x2 = 3 (equation 1)
-x1 + x2 = 4 (equation 2)

Now, the solution for each variable would be

x1 = -1 and x2 = 3 to be able to be satisfied both
the equation but when x1 = 1 and x2 = 0 would
not be the solution since only equation 1 will be
We could show this
solutions by means of
substitution or by means of
elimination by substitution
The previous example is known as the system of
two equations in two variables. We could find its
solution set by means of two methods such as
substitution method or by means of elimination by
substitution method.

In general, the system of two linear equations in

two variables is in the form of:

a11x1 + a12x2 = b1
a21x1 + a22x2 = b2

On the other hand, the system of three

linear equations in three variables is in the
form of:
a11x1 + a12x2 + a13x3 = b1
a21x1 + a22x2 + a23x3 = b2
a31x1 + a32x2 + a33x3 = b2
A solution of a linear system is a
tuple (s1,s2, … , sn) of numbers that
makes each equation a true statement
when the values s1,s2, … , sn are
substituted for x1,x2, … , xn,
respectively. The set of all solutions
of a linear system is called the
solution set of the system.
Now, the system that has exactly one solution or it
has infinitely many solutions is called consistent
system while the system that has no solution is called
as inconsistent system.

Theorem 1.1. Any system of linear equations has one of

the following exclusive conclusions.
(a) No solution.
(b) Unique solution.
(c) Infinitely many solutions.
A linear system is said to be consistent if it has at
least one solution; and is said to be inconsistent if it has
no solution.

The following examples are example for a system of linear
equations with one solution, infinitely many solutions and an
inconsistent system.

Example 1: Unique Solution

Consider the linear system
x – 3y = 9 (eq. 1)
2x + y = 4 (eq. 2)
The course facilitator will be presented his
solution on the board. Please listen attentively
with your course facilitator
Equate equation 1 and equation 2, then eliminate x. To be able to
eliminate x, multiply by 2 both member of an equation of equation 1.
So, we have 2(x – 3y = 9) which leads to 2x – 6y = 18. This will serve
as our new equation 1.
Now, equating new equation 1 and equation 2, we get:
2x – 6y = 18
2x + y = 4
Since the term with a variable x has the same sign, we will be using
subtraction as our operation.
It becomes;
2x – 6y = 18
-2x – y = -4
-7y = 14 (3)
You will notice that our equation 3 has now only one variable and that
is y. With this, we can now solve the value for y by dividing the whole
equation by -7. After dividing the whole equation by -7 we got;
-7y = 14
So, the value of y would be -2 and this can be written as y = -2. Since
we all know that the value of y is -2, we could now solve for the value
of x by substituting y = -2 either equation 1 or equation 2. Let us say
you want to use equation 1. In equation 1, substitute the value of y
which is 2 then solve for the value of x. This can be presented as
x – 3y = 9
x – 3(-2) = 9
Hence the SS = {(x,y) | x = 3, y = -2}
Example 2: Unique Solution
Consider the linear system
x – 2y + 3z = 9 (eq. 1)
- x + 3y – z = -6 (eq. 2)
2x – 5y + 5z = 17 (eq. 3)


The course facilitator will be presented his solution on this
presentation. Please listen attentively with your course
x – 2y + 3z = 9 (eq. 1)
- x + 3y – z = -6 (eq. 2)
2x – 5y + 5z = 17 (eq. 3)
Step 1. Equate (1) and (2) then eliminate x. If you want to
eliminate x in (1) and (2), the operation that you are going to use is
addition since the x variable here has different sign. You will notice also
that the numerical coefficient of x here in both equations are the same
which is 1. So you can now proceed to the elimination for x.
x – 2y + 3z = 9 ( 1)
- x + 3y – z = -6 (2)
y + 2z = 3 (3)
The new equation y + 2z = 3 becomes our equation 3.
Step 2. Equate (1) and (3). Since in step 1, we
eliminate the x variable and so as if you are
equating (1) and (3). To be able to eliminate x in
these equations, you need to multiply the equation
(2) by 2. So, the new equation (2) becomes;
2( - x + 3y – z = -6)  -2x + 6y – 2z = - 12 (equation 2’)
Now, we could now equate (2’) and (3).
-2x + 6y – 2z = - 12
2x – 5y + 5z = 17
y + 3z = 5 (4)
Step 3. Equate (3) and (4) and eliminate y. No
need to multiply of any number equation 3 and 4
since they have already the same numerical
coefficient. So, proceed to subtraction since they
have the same sign. If you are going to subtract
equation 4 from 3, the sign of each term in equation
4 will be changed. So,
y + 2z = 3
-y - 3z = -5
- z = -2
So, z = 2.
Step 4. To solve for y, substitute the value of z = 2 either (3) or (4). Say you use (3),
y + 2z = 3
y + 2(2) = 3
y =3–4
y = -1
Step 5. Now, we know the value of y = -1 and z = 2. We could now substitute
this value for y and z either (1), (2) or (3) to solve for the value of x. Let us say you
want to use (1), we have;

x – 2y + 3z = 9
x – 2(-1) + 3(2) = 9
Step 6. Write the result in a form of solution set, that is S.S. = {(x,y,z) | x = 1, y
= -1, z = 2}. Note that this is called 3-tuple.
The example below is an example for a system of linear equations with infinitely many
solutions and an inconsistent system.

Example 3: Infinite (Many) Solution

Consider the linear system
x + y = 3 (eq. 1)
2x + 2y = 6 (eq. 2)

The course facilitator will be presented his solution on this
powerpoint. Please listen attentively with your course facilitator
x + y = 3 (1)
2x + 2y = 6 (2)
Equate (1) and (2) and eliminate x. If you wish to eliminate x, you need to multiply the
equation 1 by 2. So, the new equation 1 after multiplying it by 2 becomes 2x + 2y = 6.
Then, equate this in (2). We have;
2x + 2y = 6
2x + 2y = 6
Now, since it becomes 0 = 0 we could write this as follows:
x +y=3
So, x + y = 3 and solve for x. It follows that;
x = 3 – y and let y = t where t is any real number. Hence
Example 4. Many solutions
Consider the system of equations
3x + 2y – 5z = 2
2x + 3y – 5z = -2 .

The course facilitator will be presented his
solution on the board. Please listen attentively
with your course facilitator
  3x + 2y – 5z = 2 (1)
2x + 3y – 5z = -2 (2)
Step 1. Equate (1) and (2) and eliminate z. Since variable z
has the same numerical coefficient and sign, we will subtract
equation (2) from equation (1). It becomes;
3x + 2y – 5z = 2
-2x - 3y + 5z = 2
x – y = 4 (3)
Step 2. In equation 3, we need to solve x in terms of y,
Step 3. We need to let y = t where t is any real number. So;

Step 4. Now, we already know that x = 4 + t and y = t, we

need to determine the value of z. In (1);

3x + 2y – 5z = 2
3(4 + t) + 2t – 5z = 2
12 + 3t + 2t – 5z = 2
12 + 5t – 5z = 2
-5z = 2 – 12 – 5t
-5z = -10 – 5t
z = (-10 – 5t)/-5
Note: Here, t is a free variable
Example 5. No Solution
Consider the linear system:

2x + 3y = 6 (1)
4x + 6y = -8 (2)

Equate (1) and (2) and eliminate x. If you wish to eliminate x, you need to
make the numerical coefficient of an x-variable in both (1) and (2) are equal.
So, you need to multiply equation (1) by 2. After multiplying (1) by 2, the new
equation 1 would be:

4x + 6y = 12 (1’) Re-writing the equation (2)

4x + 6y = -8 (2)

Now, eliminating x in (1’) and (2) would be easy for us. Simply use subtraction
as our operation. So, it becomes;

4x + 6y = 12 (1’)
-4x - 6y = 8 (2)
0 = 20
Note that 0  20; hence there is no solution for this.
Example 6. No Solution
Consider the linear system (no solution)
2x - 4y + z = 3 (1)
8x – 2y + 4z = 14 (2)
-4x + y – 2z = -8 (3)

The course facilitator will be presented his
solution on this powerpoint. Please listen
attentively with your course facilitator.
Consider the linear system
2x - 4y + z = 3 (1)
8x – 2y + 4z = 14 (2)
-4x + y – 2z = -8 (3)
Let us examine and analyze our three given equations. Let us say we need
to equate (2) and (3) and eliminate one of the variables, say z. We need to
multiply equation 3 by 2 so that the numerical coefficient of the variable z
would be the same.
8x – 2y + 4z = 14
-8x + 2y – 4z = -16
0 = -2
Now, as you can see based on (2) and (3) after equating, it ends up to
0 = - 2 and we all know that it should not be the case. Hence, we could say that
there is no solution for this system of linear equation even we are not trying to
equate another combination of equations, say equating (1) and (2).
Example 7. No Solution
Consider the linear system
x + 3y = 5
3x – 6y = -30
4x + 7y = 10 .
The course facilitator will be presented his
solution on the board. Please listen attentively
with your course facilitator
Consider the linear system
x + 3y = 5 (1)
3x – 6y = -30 (2)
4x + 7y = 10 (3)
Step 1. Let us equate (1) and (2) and eliminate one of the variables say
x. To be able to eliminate variable x in (1) and (2), multiply equation (1)
by 3 and the new equation will be;
3x + 9y = 15
Now, subtract equation (2) from (1) to eliminate x. Here, we have;
3x + 9y = 15
-3x + 6y = 30
15y = 45
y = 45/15
Step 2. Now, let us equate (2) and (3) and eliminate x also. To be able to
eliminate x, we need to make the numerical coefficient of variable x here
be the same, so we need to multiply (2) by 4 and (3) by 3. So, the new
equations would be:
12x – 24y = -120 (2’)
12x + 21y = 30 (3’)Now, subtract (3’) from (2’) and we got;

12x – 24y = -120

-12x - 21y = - 30
-45y = -150
y = -150/-45 or 10/3
As you can see, after equating (1) and (2) and (2) and (3) and
both eliminating x, we could see that there are two different values for y.
On this note, we could say that there is no solution for this system of linear
Solving System of
Linear Equations
Back-Substitution in
Row-Echelon Form
Another method in solving system of linear equations is
with the use of so called “Back-substitution in Row-
Echelon Form”. The row-echelon form is as like as a
“stair-step” pattern with leading coefficients of 1.

Let us take a look two sets of system of linear equation

and try to analyse.

x – 2y + 3z = 9 x – 2y + 3z = 9
-x + 3y = -4 y + 3z = 5
2x – 5y + 5z = 17 z=2

The question is, “Which system of linear equations

is more easier to solve? The first group or the second
Rewriting a system of linear equations in row-echelon form
usually involves a chain of equivalent systems, each of which
is obtained by using one of the three basic operations. This
process is called Gaussian elimination, after the German
mathematicians Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855).

What would be the operations that produce equivalent

system? Each of the following operations on a system of
linear equations produces an equivalent system.

1. Interchange two equations.

2. Multiply an equation by a nonzero constant.
3. Add a multiple of an equation to another equation.
Examples: With the use of back-substitution in row-echelon
form, solve the following system of linear equations.

a) 2x + 3y = 10 (eq. 1)
y = 2 (eq. 2)

b) x – 2y + 3z = 9 (eq. 1)
y + 3z = 5 (eq. 2)
z = 2 (eq. 3)
Example: Solve the system;

x – 2y + 3z = 9 (eq. 1)
-x + 3y = -4 (eq. 2)
2x – 5y + 5z = 17 (eq. 3)
Adding eq. 1 to eq. 2, we could produce another new equation.
x – 2y + 3z = 9
y + 3z = 5 (eq. 4)
2x – 5y + 5z = 17
Now, multiplying -2 to eq. 1 and add to eq. 3, we produce another
x – 2y + 3z = 9
y + 3z = 5
-y – z = -1 (eq. 5)

This time, add eq. 4 and 5 to produce another equation, i.e. 2z = 4, thus;

z = 2 (eq. 6)
x – 2y + 3z = 9 (eq. 1)
y + 3z = 5 (eq. 4)
z = 2 (eq. 6)

With the use of Back-substitution in row-

echelon form, we could solve the variable x, y
and z.

Hence, the solution set would be;

SS = {(x,y,z)|x = 1, y = -1, z = 2}
Application of System
Of Linear Equation
Solving of system of linear equation is very
important most especially if you are going to
solve some mathematical worded problems that
need this concept. For sure, you encountered
worded problems in mathematics that need to
translate it into a more comprehensive and
accurate equation.

In order to solve mathematical problems using

the concept of the system of linear equations,
you need to follow guidelines presented on the
next slide.
1. Read with understanding and correct analysis the problem. If
necessary to read it twice or thrice, please do so until you fully
understand the problem.

2. Usually, the constant served as the given in the problem and the
required quantities served as the unknown or the variables. Use
appropriate or meaningful variables for a particular worded problems.

3. If necessary, draw the figures, diagrams or even tables so that you

could write the relevant information for the constant and variables that
could be translated into correct equation.

4. From 3, write the equations based on what is stated in the problem.

5. On this stage, solve the system of linear equations.

6. Last, you need to check the solved quantity or quantities if it will

match on the equations.
Twice a number minus a
second number equals
5. The sum of the two
numbers is 16. Find the
two numbers.
A homeowner sections off part
of her backyard for a
vegetable garden. The width
of the garden is 4 ft shorter
than the length. The perimeter
of the garden is 52 ft. What
are the dimension of the
A carpenter purchased 60 ft
of redwood and 80 ft of pine
for a total cost of Php 286. A
second purchase, at the same
prices, included 100 ft of
redwood and 60 ft of pine for a
total cost of Php 396. Find the
cost per foot of redwood and of
Ace Novelty wishes to produce three types of
souvenirs: types A, B, and C. To manufacture a type-A
souvenir requires 2 minutes on machine I, 1 minute on
machine II, and 2 minutes on machine III. A type-B
souvenir requires 1 minute on machine I, 3 minutes on
machine II, and 1 minute on machine III. A type-C
souvenir requires 1 minute on machine I and 2 minutes
each on machines II and III. There are 3 hours
available on machine I, 5 hours available on machine
II, and 4 hours available on machine III for processing
the order. How many souvenirs of each type should
Ace Novelty make in order to use all of the available
The given information may be tabulated as follows:

Type A Type B Type C Time Available (min)

Machine 1 2 1 1 180
Machine 2 1 3 2 300
Machine 3 2 1 2 240

The course facilitator will be presented his
solution on the board. Please listen attentively
with your course facilitator
Based on the given example, the table could be written as system of linear
2x + y + z = 180 (1)
x + 3y + 2z = 300 (2)
2x + y + 2z = 240 (3)

and we let that x is Type A, y would be Type B and z is Type C.

Now, with the aid of elimination by substitution, we could determine the
solution for x, y and z.
Step 1. Equate (1) and (2) and eliminate x. To eliminate x, the numerical for x-
variable here must be the same. We can only do that by multiplying (2) by 2 and
the new equation would be;
2x + 6y + 4z = 600 (2’). Subtract (2) from (1), we got;
2x + y + z = 180
-2x – 6y – 4z = -600
-5y – 3z = - 420 (4)
Step 2. Equate (1) and (3) and eliminate x also. As you can see, the x-
variable here has the same numerical coefficient, so we need to proceed to
subtraction. So, subtracting (3) from (1), we got;
2x + y + z = 180
-2x – y – 2z = -240
-z = -60
z = 60
Step 3. Since, we have now a value for z which is equal to 60, we could
now substitute this in (4) to solve of y. So,
-5y – 3z = -420
-5y -3(60) = -420
-5y – 180 = -420
-5y = -420 + 180
-5y = -240 (Dividing both sides by -5)
y = 48
Step 4. Now, we have a value for y = 48 and z = 60.
The only variable that we need to solve is the x-
variable. To solve for the value of x, we need to
substitute the value of y and z either (1). (2) or (3).
If we choose (1), we can solve for the value of x.
2x + y + z = 180
2x + 48 + 60 = 180
2x = 180 – 48 – 60
2x = 72 (Dividing both sides by 2)
x = 36

So, Type A = 36; Type B = 48 and Type C = 60.

Exercises: Find the solution of the following system of linear equation
whether there is a unique solution, infinite solution or no solution.

a. 2x + y – 2z = -1
3x – 3y – z = 5
x – 2y + 3z = 6

b. x – 3y + z = 1
2x – y – 2z = 5
x + 2y - 3z = -1

c. y – z = 0
x – 3z = -1
-x + 3y = 1
An oil refinery produces low-sulfur and high-sulfur
fuels. Each ton of low-sulfur fuel requires 5 minutes in the
blending plant and 4 minutes in the refining plant; each ton
of high-sulfur fuel requires 4 minutes in the blending plant
and 2 minutes in the refining plant. If the blending plant is
available for 3 hours and the refining plant is available for
2 hours, then how many tons of each type of fuel should be
manufactured so that the plant are fully utilized ?
Exercises: Solve the system of linear
equation with the use of “Back-substitution in
row-echelon form.

5x – 3y + 2z = 3

2x + 4y – z = 7

x – 11y + 4z = 3

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