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At the end of the lesson the pupils are able to:

• To acknowledge the goodness of God

• To appreciate all the blessings of God

• To celebrate and give thanks to God for

all the good things He has given to us
Let us pray….
I will extol, O my God and King, and I will bless
your name forever and ever. Everyday I will bless
you and I will praise your name forever and ever.
. Great is the Lord and highly to be praised, his
greatness is unsearchable. Generation after
generation praises your works and proclaims
your might. Psalm 145: 1-4

Observe and Listen

• Paradise is the
place where God
puts the man and
the woman ang all
He created
Where is the Garden of Eden
• The Bible tells us that the Lord God
planted a garden eastward in Eden,
and there He put the man whom He
had formed (Genesis 2:8-9).

• God Himself planted the garden. From

the Garden of Eden, we learn that God
desires to provide for His people. God
knew that Adam and Eve would need a
place to live, so He provided a place for
them. God knows our needs and He
will help us in our times of need as
well. The garden was named Eden
meaning "delight." Everything in it
was beautiful and delightful to the
sight. That is why it is called paradise.
What do we find in the Garden of Eden
• Our Holy Mother the Church says,
"The first man was not only created
good, but He was in the presence of
God always because man has to live
in harmony with his Creator, himself,
and all of creation" (CCC 374).

• God is infinitely good and all His

works are good (CCC 385). Man,
therefore, is good. God wanted man
to be happy. God blessed him and
gave him all that he needed. God put
him in paradise. But man's life and
happiness is assured only if man
continues to follow and obey God.
Everything that God created is good. God
provided man everything that is good for him
to enjoy and be happy. The story of the
Garden of Eden tells us that God knows our
needs and that He will give us everything that
is good. And God is giving all these blessings
to man freely.
When God gives us something,
He wants us to use it properly.
He instructs us with guidance
and direction.
God is good that He has given us so many blessings. Parents, brothers
and sisters , relatives, friends, home and many more. For all of these
blessings in your life, were you able to say “Thank You, Lord”?
The Lord put man in
paradise not only to
enjoy it but to care for
it and maintain it
(Genesis 2:15)

Create your own

“Rain of Blessings”
Bond Paper
Blue colored paper
the Protector
Guide of All
What do you think the
kids are doing?
Who are angels?
The Bible tells us that angels are servants and
messengers of God.
Who made the angels?
Our Holy Mother the Church says God made the
angels. They are pure spirits because they do not
have bodies like us (CFC 363).
What do the angels do?

The angels worship and serve God. God sends

the angels to help and deliver messages to us.
The angels are the ones who watch over us and
protect us from bad things and from all danger.
The Bible tells us that angels played an active
role in the Old Testament, in the life of Jesus,
and of the Church (CFC 363).
We call the angels who guide us and protect
us our Guardian Angels.
As children, you like to do things. Sometimes,
you do good things. Sometimes, you also do
bad things. At home, who gives you guidance
and direction? Your parents do. But do you
love them? Do you respect and obey them?
How do you show your love for them?
Jesus wants you to be good children. He wants
you to love and respect your parents,
brothers, and sisters. He wants you to be
good, and do good to them. Jesus loves and
blesses you if you love and respect your
In school, sometimes, you are a good pupil.
You follow school rules and regulations. But
sometimes you do not. Jesus wants you to
respect and trust others so that others will
respect and trust you. Jesus loves you. He
wants you to feel loved, respected, and
In return, He wants you to love, respect, and
trust others. Let us pray and give thanks to
Jesus and ask Him to keep sending His angels
to watch over us and protect us always.

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