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Azerbaijan Airlines

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National Aviation Academy
Faculty:Texnology of transportation
Spechality:Aviation security
Theme: Second Karabakh War
Teacher: Musayeva Manzura
Student:Mustafayev Aziz
Baku 2020
Clashes began on the morning of 27 September 2020 along the Nagorno-Karabakh Line of
Contact, which had been established in the aftermath of the First Nagorno-Karabakh
War (1988–1994). In response, Armenia and Artsakh introduced martial law and
total mobilization,while Azerbaijan introduced martial law, a curfew and partial mobilization.
Turkey provided military support to Azerbaijan, although the extent of this support has been
disputed. Turkey's involvement is thought to have been an attempt to extend its sphere of
influence, both by increasing the standing of Azerbaijan in the conflict and by marginalizing
Russia's influence over the region.
During the ongoing war, Jabrayil was liberated on
October 4, Fizuli on October 17, Zangilan on October 20,
Gubadli on October 25 and Shusha on November 8.
According to the agreement signed in Moscow, a
complete ceasefire and military operations in the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone from 00:00 Baku time
on November 10, withdrawal of Armenian forces from
Armenian-controlled Azerbaijani territories around
Nagorno-Karabakh by December 1 and the Nakhchivan
Autonomous Republic and the western regions of
Azerbaijan. It was announced to ensure the construction
of new transport communications connecting the two
countries. The ceasefire was violated for the first time
since the end of military operations in Nagorno-Karabakh
on December 11 and the beginning of peacekeeping
operations in the Russian Federation. A case of violation
of the ceasefire was registered in Hadrut. As a result, one
Azerbaijani serviceman was wounded.
According to the Ministry of Transport,
Communications and High Technologies in the
morning of September 27, a number of restrictions
were imposed on the country's Internet broadcasting
to prevent provocations by Armenia. The State
Committee also appealed to Azerbaijanis living
abroad not to use unofficial, unspecified and biased
information on social networks, electronic media and
other media. In connection with the military
situation, the Milli Majlis decided to declare curfew
in Baku, Ganja, Goygol, Yevlakh and a number of
regions from 00:00 on September 27. The press
service of Azerbaijan Airlines also announced that all
airports of the Republic of Azerbaijan will be closed
for regular passenger flights until September 30.
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev
has issued an order on partial mobilization in the
Republic of Azerbaijan.
During the 44-day war, the Azerbaijani army made extensive use of Harop strike drones, including
Israeli-made strike drones and other UAVs, including the Bayraktar TB2 strike drones. Through
Bayraktar TB2 drones alone, Azerbaijan has destroyed $ 1 billion worth of Armenian military
equipment. Azerbaijan has been actively using An-2 drones to detect the positions of Armenia's
air defense systems. This unique trick of the Azerbaijani Army is considered a novelty in world
military history.
The first attack took place on October 4 and
resulted in the martyrdom of one civilian,
Aliyev Tunar Goshgar oglu, and the wounding
of more than 30 civilians. This missile attack
was the first serious attack outside the war-torn
Nagorno-Karabakh region. The second rocket
attack took place on October 8. No one was
killed or injured in the attack. The third rocket
attack took place on October 11, killing 10
civilians and injuring more than 40. The attack
took place a day after the ceasefire was signed
and resulted in a ceasefire violation. The fourth
rocket attack on civilians took place on October
17. As a result of the attack, all civilians. 16
people were killed and 55 were injured. The
attacks damaged the city's infrastructure, other
buildings and vehicles, including residential
There were rocket attacks by the Armenian Armed Forces on
October 27, 2020 in Garayusifli village of Barda region, and on
October 28 in Barda city. As a result of the attacks, 27 people
were killed and more than 70 were injured.
Shusha and the surrounding mountainous
area is one of the most strategically
important places in the Nagorno-
Karabakh region, generally referred to as
the "beating heart" of the region. On
November 7, the Azerbaijani Special
Forces entered Shusha with light
weapons, climbing the rocks of the city.
They soon drove Armenian troops out of
the city, and on November 8, Azerbaijani
President Ilham Aliyev announced that
Azerbaijani forces had liberated Shusha
from occupation. The liberation of
Shusha was a decisive moment of the war
and gave Azerbaijan a strategic
advantage. A few days after the war,
Armenia suffered defeat and Azerbaijan
won the war.
According to the information spread by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
2783 servicemen of our Armed Forces were killed in the Patriotic War. Among them, work is
underway to identify 103 servicemen by DNA analysis. More than 100 servicemen are missing.
Necessary measures are being taken to find them and inform their families. At present, 1245
servicemen are being treated in medical institutions. The losses of the Armenian side are more
than 10,000 servicemen.
Along with 3,000 Azerbaijani soldiers and officers,
Turkish soldiers and officers also took part in the military
parade held in Baku in honor of Azerbaijan's victory in
the Second Karabakh War. Some of the military
equipment belonging to the Armenian Armed Forces,
which was seized during the war, was demonstrated.
About 150 military equipment, including missile and
artillery installations, air defense systems, as well as
warships and boats, were demonstrated at the military
parade on Freedom Square.
More than 80,000 servicemen were awarded various
medals for their participation in the Great Patriotic War:

"Brave Warrior" medal;

Medal "For Distinguished Service";
Medal "For the release of Sugovusha";
Medal "For the release of Jabrayil";
Medal "For the liberation of Khojavend";
Medal "For the release of Fuzuli";
Medal "For the release of Zangilan";
Medal "For the release of Gubadli";
Medal "For the liberation of Shusha;
Medal "For the liberation of Kalbajar";
Medal "For the liberation of Agdam";
Medal "For the liberation of Lachin";
Medal "Participant of the Patriotic War";
Medal "For services in the rear in the Great Patriotic

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