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Oracle/PeopleSoft HRCS

9.0 Upgrade



PeopleTools 8.50 New Features

 User Interface Enhancements

 Menu Navigation/Dropdown Navigation
 Modal Prompt Pages and Modal Alert Dialog Boxes
 Favorites Menu Enhancements
 Type Ahead
 Processing Icon Changes
 Search Page Enhancements

 Query Enhancements
 Ability to add an in-tree criteria prompt
 Download query results to XML file
Continuation: Agenda

HR Table Setup: New Features or Changes

 Template Based Hire
 Personal Modal Changes

SA Table Setup: New Features or Changes:

 Academic Institution Table
 Academic Program Table
 Academic Plan Table
 Term Values Table
 Term/Session Table
 Define Transcript Type
 Transcript Type
 Transcript Security
 Student Group Security and Process
 View Student Groups by Group
 Course Typically Offered
 Service Impact Table
 Service Indicator Table
 Financial Aid- External Awards
 Financial Aid - Repackaging
 Financial Aid Item Types
Continuation: Agenda
 Self Service: Student Records
 Self Service : Financial Aid
 Self Service: Student Financial

 Modules Enhancements:
 Human Resources
Self-Service for I-9
Mass Update Feature
Credit Card Encryption
HCM Event Manager
Other Enhancements
General HCM Enhancements
Profile Management
 Payroll
Base Benefits
Garnishment Processing
Integration with T&L
Year-End Reports
eBenefits (no license)
ePay (no license)
Continuation: Agenda
 Campus Community
3C Communication Generation
Service Indicator
 Student Records
Flexible Transcript
Class Permission
Service Impact
Student Group
Self Service (Student and Faculty)
Student Financials
Self Service
 Financial Aid
New External Award Processes
New Repackaging Processes & Enhanced Mass Packaging Select
Assign Awards to a Student & Aggregate Program Summary
View Packaging Status Summary
New Process Financial Aid Year-Batch
Self Service
NOTE: Complete and detail TEST SCRIPT is required if decided to implement new

This presentation will contain HCRS System 9.0 Version new features and changes for the following

 Human Resources

 Payroll

 Campus Community

 Admissions and Recruiting

 Student Records

 Student Financials

 Financial Aid
PEOPLETOOLS 8.50 New Features: User Interface Enhancement
Menu Navigation/Dropdown Navigation

PeopleTools 8.50 offers floating drop-down menu navigation. Place your mouse over any section of the menu, the menu cascades to the right,
revealing more components that you have access to view. Advantages of the new floating navigation are:

You can sort the menu – Click the sort icon on the main menu to toggle between alphabetic ascending, descending, and portal sequence number
presentation of folders.
The menu is scrollable – Click the scroll arrows that appear at the top and bottom of the menu when the menu is too long for you to view in its
entirety. When you find the folder or page, select it.
You can search the menu – Enter a keyword or phrase and the search index will generate matching entries as you type. When you see a match,
select the item in the list.
The menu leaves breadcrumbs – As you navigate, breadcrumbs appear across the top of the page to inform you of your location.
PEOPLETOOLS 8.50 New Features: User Interface Enhancement
Modal Prompt Pages and Modal Alert Dialog Boxes
All Look Up (prompt) pages and alert dialog boxes are modal and appear in front of the primary page, which is grayed out while the prompt
page is active. When working with these pages, you can:

Resize the page.

Minimize or collapse the page to the title bar.

Close the page from the title bar close icon.

PEOPLETOOLS 8.50 New Features: User Interface Enhancement
Favorites Menu Enhancements
The Favorites menu has been enhanced to include a Most Recently Used (MRU) list. The last five (5) most recently accessed pages appear at the
top of the Favorites list. The Favorites menu also includes the primary key as part of any Favorite that you save. For example, as a Security
Administrator you can create a generic Employee user profile on the Copy User Profile page and save it as a favorite. When new employees are
hired, you can navigate directly to this profile within the Favorites menu and quickly create a new employee.

You are no longer taken to the search page.

This is the new favorites menu showing the Recently Used list and the Base EE User Profile favorite in the My Favorites list:
PEOPLETOOLS 8.50 New Features: User Interface Enhancement
Type Ahead
Prompt Fields now include a type ahead text. As you type, the system searches in the background and matches entries in the record to the text
you enter. Type ahead is configurable through User Personalizations, and appears on search pages and in prompt dialog boxes.

This is an example of type ahead on a Maintain Schedule of Classes page where the user is searching for a “Subject Area” with the letter “m”.
System displayed all subjects with letter “M”.
PEOPLETOOLS 8.50 New Features: User Interface Enhancement
Processing Icon Changes

The processing and saved icons have changed. The new processing icon looks like this:
PEOPLETOOLS 8.50 New Features: User Interface Enhancement
Search Page Enhancements
Search pages now include a Maximum number of rows to return field. When you perform a search using a transaction search page, you can
determine the number of entries that the search can return. The maximum value and the default value are set in the Search Settings on the
PeopleTools Options page.

You can limit the number of search items returned by entering a lower value in the Maximum number of rows to return field on the search page;
you can set the number of entries that the search returns to any value less than the maximum.
If the search retrieves more than the maximum number of listings, the Search Results grid displays the total number of results above the search

Sample Screen Shot Below: Rows to return is set to 10, the search results shows possible 11368 records but only 10 records are displayed.
PEOPLETOOLS 8.50 New Features: Query Enhancements
Ability to add in-tree criteria prompt

Download query to XML file

After you click the XML link on the Query Manager or Query Viewer search results page, query results are downloaded to browser as web
browser format and there are options that enable you to open, save, or cancel the downloaded file. If you click the Open button, XML formatted
query result is downloaded to browser.

The Download to XML link is also available on the Query Manager - Run page. In the Schedule Query component, there are two new formats
XML and XMLP. XML produces web-row-set XML format result. XMLP produces XMLP format result.
HR Table Setup New Features or Changes: Template Based Hire

Navigation: Main Menu > Set Up HRMS > Product Related > Work Administration > Template-Based Hire > Template Creation
Main Menu > Workforce Administration > Template-Based Hire

Template-Based Hire (also called Smart-Hire) enables a template administrator to configure hiring pages according to an organization’s unique
on-boarding processes that often differ by jobs, geographies, worker types, industries, and so forth. Configuration options include field and page
layout, as well as security and automatic updates. Field attribution features include the ability to default and hide values, override defaulted
values, or require fields at the user interface level. With templates that default all data common to a job, a person performing entry only needs to
enter variable data such as name or address. This significantly reduces the time it takes to enter hire data, and ensures that the data saved to the
database is correct and complete. It also is possible to allow or disallow users from overriding template data so that organizations can determine
the level of policy flexibility granted to users
HR Table Setup New Features or Changes: Personal Modal Changes
Navigation: Main Menu > Setup HRMS > System Administration > Database Processes

The Person Model enables a single source of truth for employee data and work history. Staff productivity improves by entering data only once,
instead of several times in multiple systems. Enhancements to Person Model include:

Improved flexibility to support the growing contingent worker segment of the workforce

Batch process for deleting Employee IDs supports the deletion of specific Employee Records giving organizations the flexibility to manage
employee records at a more granular and accurate level, leading to better data integrity and reporting for terminations and turnover analysis

Organizations have more options for the types of non-workers who can be paid or receive benefits. Possible Persons of Interest who may receive
payments or benefits from an organization include surviving spouses or former dependents
SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: Academic Institution Table
Navigation: Main Menu > Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Academic Structure > Academic Institution Table
Academic Institution 5: Added new field “Grade Match Option”. You can match a currently enrolled class with previous attempts by
either the best grade or the worst grade

Academic Institution 7: Added new page is to identify the advisement report types to be used in self-service
SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: Academic Program Table
Navigation: Main Menu > Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Academic Structure > Academic Program Table

Academic Program page:

Added new field “Last Prospect Date”. LBCC is currently not using PeopleSoft Prospect.

Added new field “ Last Admit Term”. This field is optional. Enter the last term in which students can be admitted to the academic program. You
cannot admit students to the academic program after the term that you specify. The system will compare the admit term used in the student's
application to this last term valid value. If the admit term is greater than this value, the program is not available to the user.

Use the new fields to ensure that discontinued academic programs, plans, and sub-plans remain active for current students, but are not available for
recruiting and admissions processing.
SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: Academic Plan Table
Navigation: Main Menu > Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Academic Structure > Academic Plan Table

Academic Plan Table page:

Added new field “Last Prospect Date”. LBCC is currently not using PeopleSoft Prospect.

Added new field “Last Admit Term”. This field is optional. Enter the last term in which students can be admitted to the academic plan. You
cannot admit students to the academic plan after the term you specified in the field. The system will compare the admit term used in the student's
application to this last term valid value. If the admit term is greater than this value, the plan is not available to the user.
SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: Term Values Table

Navigation: Main menu > Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Term Setup > Term Values Table

Added new page “Display in Class Search”. Added new page to define dates to control the availability of terms on self-service pages, both for
students and faculty.
SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: Term/Session Table
Navigation: Main menu > Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Term Setup > Term/Session Table

Term Table page: Added “Display in Self-Service” group box. Define dates in this group box to control the availability of self-service
enrollment and My Planner features by term.

Enrollment & Shopping Cart

Enter a range of dates to control the availability of this term in the Select Term field on student self-service enrollment and shopping cart pages.
The student self-service Class Search & Browse Course Catalog also uses the date range to determine if the Select button should be displayed,
which allows the student to add the class to their shopping cart.
Student Planner
Enter a range of dates to control the availability of this term for use on the student self-service My Planner
SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: Define Transcript Type
Navigation: Main Menu > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Transcript > Define Transcript Type

This is a new component and page. Define Transcript Type is only used for transcript report, no Academic Advising Report, with FERPA
information and allow XML output file.

New added Pages: Test Scores – Define the print area s and details for display of test scores, Special GPA – Define the print areas and details for
display of Special GPAs, and View Sort – Display the sorting order for how the transcript type information appears.

Note: Campus needs to review current transcript type setup to differentiate transcript and advising reports.
SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: Transcript Type
Navigation: Main Menu > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Transcript > Transcript Type

Note: Transcript Type table setup is only used for Advising Report.

Added new View Sort page. Display the sorting order for how the transcript type information appears
SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: Transcript Security
Navigation: Main Menu > Set Up SACR > Security > Secure Student Administration > User ID

Transcript Report Security: Grant access for transcript report.

Transcript Type: Grant access for advising report.

SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: Student Group Security
and Process
Navigation: Main Menu > Set Up SACR > Security > Secure Student Administration > User ID > Student Group Security

New component and page. Set up the user ID security access for student groups. Modify a user ID’s student group security access by inquiry and

Navigation: Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Process Student Groups
SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: View Student Groups by

Navigation: Main Menu > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Student Standing and Awards > View Student Groups by Group

New component and page. Display student groups which user have access, by group. You can view data by selected effective dates: All, Most
Current, Most Current Active and Most Current Inactive
SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: Course Typically Offered

Navigation: Main Menu > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > Course Typically Offered

New component and page. Typically offered values are institutionally defined within a typically offered setup page. They are then assigned to courses
on the Course Catalog Offerings page

Based on how Student Record-Self Service set up, the data appears on a variety of self-service pages, including Browse Course Catalog, Course
Detail, My Planner, and My Academic Requirements
SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: Service Impact Table
Navigation: Main Menu > Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Service Indicators > Service Impact Table
Added new fields: Term and Date
 If the business process is term-based, select the Term check box for the system to disregard the impact automatically upon completion of the
End Term. The end term is defined on the Add Service Indicator page, which is where you assign the service indicator to an ID.
 If the business process is date-based, select the Date check box for the system to disregard the impact automatically upon completion of the End
Date. The end date is defined on the Add Service Indicator page, which is where you assign the service indicator to an ID.
 If the business process is both term-based and date-based, you can select both check boxes. For example, you might need to restrict enrollment
activities for an individual for Fall Term 2010 but only once the Drops period has begun, which is two weeks into the term. The Service Indicator
code with the appropriate impact is assigned with a Start Term value of Fall Term 2010, an End Term value of Fall Term 2010, and a Start Date
of Dec 6. Selecting both check boxes would allow this impact to restrict enrollment activities only on or after Dec 6 and only for Fall Term 2010.

A new service impact (DENR), No Drop Activity – Add Allowed, when attached to a service indicator that is assigned to a
student, prevents the student from dropping any enrolled class without administrative override.
SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: Service Indicator Table
Navigation: Main Menu > Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Service Indicators > Service Indicator Table

Added new group box “Attributes” with new fields “Person, Organizations, Default Start Term and Default Start Date”.
Person and Organization boxes:
Select the Person check box to allow assignment to individuals.
Select the Organization check box to allow assignment to organizations.
Select both check boxes to allow assignment to both individuals and organizations.

Default Term and Date boxes:

Select this check box to set the Start Term to 0000 (Begin Service Indicator Term) when this service indicator is assigned
Select this check box to set the Start Date to <today's date> (current system date) when this service indicator is assigned.
SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: Financial Aid - External

Navigation: Main Menu > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > External Awards

External Awards Type, External Award Source, External Award Cross Reference and External Award Search Match Rules Setup pages
SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: Financial Aid –
Repackaging & Financial Aid Item Type
Navigation: Main Menu > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards

Repackaging Rule: Increase, Decrease, Original Plan, Validate Entire Package and Validate Item Type

Financial Aid Item Types:

Navigation: Main Menu > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards > Financial Aid Item Types

Added new (Selection Box): Don’t Repackage

SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: Student Records-Self
Navigation: Main Menu > Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Self Service > Student Records

New group box: Additional Self Service Setup

Display Typically Offered Data: Select this check box to display when a course is usually offered at the institution. If selected, the data
appears on a variety of self-service pages, including Browse Course Catalog, Course Detail, My Planner, and My Academic Requirements. If you
clear the check box, the system does not display typically offered data within self-service, but it continues to display it on administrative pages.
Typically offered values are institutionally defined within a typically offered setup page. They are then assigned to courses on the Course Catalog
- Offerings page. Note: New Course Typically Offered table setup is required if you selected the box.

Show Student Photos on Rosters: Select this check box if you want student photos to appear on the class and advisee rosters in the Faculty
(Continuation) SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: Student
Records-Self Service
Added new field: Textbook Information for both student and faculty

Added new group box: Student Textbook Information

SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: Financial Aid-Self Service
Navigation: Main Menu > Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Self Service > Financial Aid > Self Service Options

Inquiry Options page/new fields or boxes: Award Notification and View Award Notification

Award Notification: Select this check box to display the FE Award Notification PDF link on the student's Financial Aid -Award Summary
page and Financial Aid -Award Package page.

View Award Notification: Enter a name for the link on the Financial Aid - Award Summary page and Financial Aid -Award Summary page.
This link enables students to view and print their award letter and notification.
(Continuation) SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: Financial
Aid-Self Service
Award Options page/new group box External Award Reporting

Access from Award Inquiry: Select this check box to display a link to the Report Aid from Other Source component on the students’ Award
Inquiry Self Service pages.

Access from Accept/Decline: Select this check box to display a link to the Report Aid from Other Source component on the students’ Accept
Award and Decline Award Self Service pages.

Alternate Text for Reporting: Enter text that will be used as the link from the Award Inquiry and Accept/Decline page.

Alternate Text for List View: Enter text that will be used as the page title for a student to report aid from an external source.
(Continuation) SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: Financial
Aid-Self Service
New Page: Loan Options
New Group boxes: FFELP Lender Section Setup and Entrance/Exit Counseling Setup
FFELP Lender Section Setup group box
Select the Display Lender Selection check box to display the lender selection on the students' self service pages.
Entrance Exit Counseling Setup group box
Display Entrance Interview URL : To turn on an entrance interview link for loan counseling, select this check box. The URL is
defined on the Loan Counseling page.
Display Exit Interview URL: To turn on an exit interview link for loan counseling, select this check box. The URL is defined on
the Loan Counseling page.
General Loan Information and Perkins Master Promissory Note group boxes are not new, they are moved from Inquiry and Awarding Options page s
SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: Student Financials – Self
Navigation: Main Menu > Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Self Service > Student Financials

General Options page/Self Service Options group box new fields:

Allow Payment Plan Enrollment: Check to allow students to enroll in payment plans. This flag controls whether the Payment Plan option
appears in the Other Financial dropdown in Student Center and whether the link appears at the bottom of the Account Inquiry page.

Display Student Permissions: U.S. Department of Education regulations require that federal financial aid awards be used to pay only
allowable charges for the period of enrollment covered by the aid year in which those funds were awarded. Regulations require schools to collect
individual authorization from a student to allow funds to pay for non-allowable charges such as library fines and parking fees or for charges for
the prior year immediately preceding the current aid year.
Select this check box to allow access to the Grant Student Permissions option for students in this institution set.
If the student wants to revoke permission, this can only be done by the administrator, not via Self Service by the student

Accept Miscellaneous Purchases: Check to allow students to select and purchase items or services. This flag controls whether the Accept
Miscellaneous Purchases option appears in the other financial dropdown in Student Center and whether the link appears at the bottom of the
Account Inquiry page

Display 1098-T Self Service: Select to display and to allow access to the 1098-T Self Service option for students in this institution set. This
flag controls whether the 1098-T option appears in the other financial dropdown in Student Center and whether the link appears at the bottom
of the Account Inquiry page

Grant Student Permissions: Select to display and to allow access to the Grant Permissions option for students in this institution set.
This check box displays only if Display Student Permissions check box is selected
(Continuation) SA Table Setup New Features or Changes: Student
Financials – Self Service
Navigation: Main Menu > Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Self Service > Student Financials > Purchase Category or Purchase Items

Purchase Category: Set up purchase category

Purchase Items Set fee structure for purchase of miscellaneous items

Modules Enhancements: Human Resources – Complete & Submit I-9
Complete and Submit I-9 Form
Navigation: Main Menu > Self Service > Personal Information > Complete and Submit I-9 Form

To better comply with the United States’ Immigration and Nationality Act, we enable your company to collect and store all I-9 information.
Features include workflow-driven self-service functionality to complete I-9 information, with the ability for employers to complete and submit
the required sections
Modules Enhancements: Human Resources – Mass Update Features,
Credit Card and HCM Event Manager

Mass Update Features

Mass Update feature enables you to make changes to the data of large groups of people. Mass Update Manager is the front end module where
you define, create, manage, report, execute and delete mass updates. The Transaction Processor is the back-end module that consists of the
Configure Processor component for setting up and managing system data that is available for mass updates and an application class that
provides access to transaction processing functionality. The Execution Manager is a back-end module that is a mechanism in the batch mass
update process.

Credit Card Encryption

Stronger credit card encryption solution that complies with the cardholder data protection requirements of the Payment Card Industry (PCI)
Data Security Standard and with Visa’s Cardholder Information Security Program (CISP).

HCM Event Manager

HCM Event Manager is a framework that enables you to define, implement, and run business logic for business events. Using the Event
Manager framework, you can define the business events that the system raises when you change certain data in application components or run
certain PeopleTools Application Engine processes. You can also define the event handlers that the Event Manager framework executes to react
to these specific event instances. Raising an event is the act of creating an event instance. If an event is raised, the Event Manager framework
automatically executes the business logic for the registered event handlers of the event.
(Continuation) Modules Enhancements: Human Resources – HCM
Event Manager and General HCM Enhancements

To make code reuse more manageable, we provide a registry that enables you to register HCM interfaces for Service Oriented Architecture
(SOA). The HCM Registry holds all the interface specifications for available services. It stores contracts from service providers and provides
those contracts to interested service consumers. The service provider registers the interface, the service consumer locates the interface in the
registry and uses the information to bind and execute the contract between the consumer and the provider.

Military Rank enhancements can be applied globally and provide considerable value to global military customers in several ways. A number of
new and existing pages now display military-specific fields and sections when the Military functionality is enabled on the Installation table. New
components are defined to support the definition and make up of military services, as well as tracking and personal information of individual
service members. This feature integrates with the Human Resources Manage Profiles business process to update service member worn rank
changes through services defined in the HCM Event Manager.

Contingent Worker/Person enhancements added to further take advantage of the 8.9 Person Model changes. We can now track security
clearances, badges for all people in your PeopleSoft HCM database. The previous Job Summary has been enhanced for any person with a Job,
and renamed to Workforce Job Summary. With the addition of several expiration dates, there is now an online expiration inquiry page, as well
as a batch process to notify managers and other roles designated by the users.

General HCM Enhancements

A common document generation solution used throughout the PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM suite that leverages Oracle's XML Publisher
technology. (General HCM Enhancements may not apply to all products.)

The new product now has a vastly improved functionality to automatically trigger workflow notifications to inform the next approver in the
process of work waiting. It is user-friendly, configurable, easily maintained and upgraded, and consistent across all adopting HCM applications
through the use of the Approval Workflow Engine. (Please note that general HCM Enhancements may not apply to all products.)

Utilizing the Approval Workflow Engine, users have the ability to authorize other users to perform managerial tasks on their behalf by
delegating authority to initiate or approve managerial transactions. (General HCM Enhancements may not apply to all products.)
Modules Enhancements: Human Resources – Profile Management
Profile Management

Key elements of the new profile management feature are:

 Track job/organization and person profile attributes with the newly designed, flexible-setup content catalog. The content catalog joins the
existing competency management and job profiles data structures.

 Link job or organization profiles to a number of different entities such as job code, position, department, and so on. Also define entities based on
your business needs.

 Streamline profile administration by copying items between profiles. For example, employee profiles can contain profile items that also appear
in job code or salary grade profiles.

 Control who can view or change profiles by enabling profile approval processing. Use the security settings for each content section to control
who can view and update the section.

 Perform targeted analysis through powerful search and compare tools.

 Integrate with ePerformance, Recruiting Solutions, and Enterprise Learning Management and other PeopleSoft applications, such as Financials
and CRM.
Modules Enhancements: Payroll – Manage Base Benefits and
Garnishment Processing
Manage Base Benefits business process enhancements:

 Reorganized rate table functionality. One rate structure replaces the previous service rate tables. Common architecture standardizes rate table

 Reorganized the Calculation Rules component, keeping only fields directly related to rate calculation. A simple interface for calculation rules
contains fields that impact the coverage calculation.

 Centralized the attributes calculating life insurance and disability plan coverage in a common formula-based component. Select existing
formulas to calculate life insurance coverage or create your own formula.

 Established simple Rate Plans to help you set up long-term care insurance, employee assistance plans, legal plans, and other types of insurances
that only require an associated rate.

 Simplified many dependent relationships and mapped them to benefit eligible statuses.

 Streamlined several Savings Plan components to increase usability and flexibility to limit processing and overrides.

Garnishment Processing

Improved flexibility for garnishment processing by leveraging the Canadian rules-based engine to meet the ever-changing regulatory
requirements in the United States. This gives customers complete control over all aspects of their garnishment calculations by providing users
more flexibility in defining the applicable earnings and exemptions. These changes increase staff productivity by reducing the amount of manual
labor required to compute garnishments, which also improves data accuracy. Business flexibility is also improved.
Modules Enhancements: Payroll – Integration with T&L and Year End
Integration with T&L

Enhanced integration between Payroll for North America and Time and Labor, including reconciling reported and payable time, payable time
status and reason codes, Load Time and Labor filters, and check reversals.

Year End Report

Streamlined menu structure for year-end reports for ease of use.

Modules Enhancements: Payroll – eBenefits and ePay

Ability to associate certification questionnaires with certain dependent relationships or with certain plan types. Certificates are built using the
Certification Definition page. Implement certifications using either Event Rules or Dependent Relationships. This certificate, if assigned to a
particular benefit plan or dependent relationship, appears in eBenefits self-service to the participant.

Optional workflow to help manage self-reported dependent data.


Available options with ePay. Navigation: Main Menu > Self Service > Payroll and Compensation

Enhanced Payroll for North America and ePay functionality to enable customers to use XML Publisher (XMLP) to produce paychecks in PDF
format. The system creates and stores data in XML format and builds the PDF file for display on demand using XMLP templates. We deliver
paycheck report templates that customers can modify to add their company logo, as an example. Employees are then able to access, view and
print an electronic version of their paycheck details through Self Service, including YTD hours and amounts for each check. A separate view is
provided for payroll administrators to access employees’ paychecks for verification or reprint purposes.

Enhanced Payroll for North America and ePay functionality to enable customers to use XML Publisher (XMLP) to produce W-2, W-2c, T4 and
T4A forms in PDF format. This functionality creates online as well as paper forms in PDF format, and provides employees with access to an
electronic version of their year-end forms through Self Service. The system creates and stores data in XML format and builds the PDF file for
display on demand using XMLP templates. Employees are then able to view or print the forms. A separate view is provided for payroll
administrators to access employees’ forms for verification or reprint purposes. The payroll administrator is able to view forms for all employees,
including forms for employees who have not consented to receiving their forms electronically. To assist with the process of obtaining employee
consent for online forms, new pages, workflows, notifications, and reports are provided.
Modules Enhancements: Campus Community – 3C Communication
Generation and Service Indicator
(3C) Communication Generation

 The new Communication Generation process provides a more streamlined way to produce multiple types of communication in a variety of
 The Communication Generation process does not replace the existing Letter Generation process or communication structures, but instead
provides greater power and flexibility for creating communications. The Communication Generation process does everything that the Letter
Generation process does, but with additional flexibility
 The Communication Generation process relies on:
Communication Data Source
Report Definition
Letter Code
XML Publisher

Service Indicator

 End date and end term consistency: All feature implementations of Service Indicators treat date and time periods the same way
 You can use service indicators to provide or limit access to services at your institution for organizations as well as individuals
 A user's security determines which indicators appear
 You can use the Population Selection process to mass assign and mass release service indicators
 Enhancements to Service Indicator Audits functionality include the expansion of the search criteria and the display of search results in a sort
able grid. The Service Indicator Audits feature also captures history for organizations
Modules Enhancements: Student Records – Flexible Transcript, Class
Permissions and Service Impact
Flexible Transcript
 A new Application Engine process replaces the COBOL-based engine traditionally used to generate transcripts after they have been requested.
Oracle's XML Publisher is delivered as the application that produces the transcript document
 More data is available from which to produce a transcript and it is stored in a series of specific transcript tables
 Delivered templates allow your institution to take advantage of new designs without having to create them. You can also design templates
 Transcripts in PDF format are available to administrators
 The new Define Transcript Type component includes three new pages – Test Scores, Special GPA, and View Sort
 In a readable grid format, Transcript Request Inquiry enables you to access the student’s history of transcript requests, filter them by transcript
type, sort the results, and personalize the sequence of grid columns

Class Permissions (Needs integration testing with A&R and AS Dept)

 Permissions can be defined to override all or some of the following conditions:
Closed class section
Requisites not met
Consent required
Career restrictions
Time period restrictions
 You can record information about when and by whom a permission is issued. You can also save comments about the permission
 The new Permission to Drop page is available

Service Impact
 A new service impact (DENR), No Drop Activity – Add Allowed, when attached to a service indicator that is assigned to a student, prevents the
student from dropping any enrolled class without administrative override
Modules Enhancements: Student Records – Student Group

Student Group
 Use the new Process Student Group component to assign a group of students to a student group
 View student groups by student or by group
 The new Student Group Security page ensures greater control of sensitive student group data

Student Groups page: Added new “Last Update Date/Time, Updated By and Type” fields
Modules Enhancements: Student Records – Academic Data
Academic Data
Navigation: Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Student Term Information > Term History
 Term History-Term Statistics and the Term History-Cumulative Statistics pages are redesigned to include statistics taken at the
home institution and for transfer credit

 Repeat checking logic: The Grade Match Option field is added to the Academic Institution 5 page. For multiple repeated classes, you can match
a currently enrolled class with previous attempts by either the best grade or the worst grade

 Transfer credit grade recording: Use the new Default Grade field to indicate how you want the Transfer Credit process to determine the grades
for internal equivalent courses
Modules Enhancements: Financial Aid – External Awards Processes
New menus and pages

Manual External Award Process:

 Add External Awards by Type

 Add External Awards to Student

View and Update External Award Data before Processing:

 Manage External Award Data

 Manage External Award Data by Type
 Manage Awards by Status

 Manage Student External Awards – manual posting by student ID

Batch Process Posting and Validation Data:

 Process External Award File

 View Data File Staging Results
 Load External Awards
 External Award Load Summary
 External Awards Load Detail
 Process SF External Award
Modules Enhancements: Financial Aid – Repackaging Processes &
Mass Packaging Select
Repackaging Processes: New menus and pages

 Select Students to Repackages

 View Selected Student Students
 View Assigned Repackaging Plans
 View Assigned Plans
 Process Batch Repackaging
 View Batch Repackaging Summary
 View Batch Repackaging Details
 View Batch Repackaging Errors

Mass Packaging Select: Added new Population Selection update tools

Modules Enhancements: Financial Aid – Assign Awards Student &
Aggregate Program Summary
Assign Awards to a Student: Added “Repackaging Plan ID field, Repackage button and EA (external award) select box

Aggregate Program Summary: New page

Modules Enhancements: Financial Aid – View Packaging Status
Summary & Process Financial Aid Years
View Packaging Status Summary: Added “Repackaging Plan field and Self Service External Award Access select box”

Process Financial Aid Years: New batch process page to (Aid Year Activation)
Modules Enhancements: Student Records – Self Service (Student and

Self Service (Student and Faculty)

 The Student Center provides students a single entry point from which to begin navigation to student related transactions. It also presents to
students, in one location, information such as their class schedule, enrollment dates, and account information
 New class search functionality enables students to access class search from several places within Self Service, and select classes directly from
class search, even if they do not access class search through enrollment navigation
 Shopping cart functionality enables students to plan enrollment in class sections for a particular term. Students can validate their class sections
to check for time conflicts and prerequisites
 A step-by-step wizard guides students through the enrollment processes of adding, dropping, swapping, and editing classes
 The My Academics page provides students with their current program and plan information and also provides a set of links to academic
information such as transfer credit and graduation
 Faculty Center provides instructors a single entry point from which to begin navigation to instructor-related transactions - for example, view
teaching schedules, search for classes and access Grade book

Note: Self Service – Student and Faculty detail presentation will be provided separately.
Modules Enhancements: Student Financials – Self Service
Self Service

 The Account Summary pages are redesigned to present more useful information to students about the status of their accounts
 New functionality is available in the Make a Payment Wizard:
Students can make payments towards their account using either credit card or eCheck tender
Students can change the payment amount throughout the payment processes
Students can allocate their payment by term
 Students can make miscellaneous purchases using Self Service
 Students can sign up for a Payment Plan
 Students can view and reprint a substitute copy of the U.S. 1098-T after having received a paper copy through postal mail
Modules Enhancements: Financial Aid – Self Service
Self Service

 Improved navigation and a standardized appearance for the Financial Aid self-service pages
 The Update Totals button is available on the Financial Aid - Award Package page
 The Reporting External Award component allows students to provide information regarding any external awards that are not already reflected
on their award package
 A self-service option allows students to select a FFELP (Federal Family Education Loan Program) lender or to change a previously assigned
 The following functionality assists your institution to comply with federal loan counseling requirements: Expanded administrative pages to
track the completion of both entrance and exit counseling by loan program for each student
 Setup pages to define those loan programs requiring counseling and the effective dates for displaying exit-counseling dates
 Links appear on self-service pages if the student has not already completed the required counseling
 Authorizing application of Financial Aid for non-allowable charges: Functionality in Student Financials enables students to provide
authorization through Self Service
 View and Print Award Notice
 The Perkins eMPN process supports the requirement that schools use the Perkins Master Promissory Note (MPN) and provides the option for
students to complete and sign their Perkins MPN electronically

Note: Self Service – Financial Aid detail presentation will be provided separately.

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