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Bahir Dar Institute of Technology(BiT)

Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial

Course Title:- Research Method (Meng 4281)
Topic :- Research process
Program: regular 4th year

Prepared by Tibebu M.
May /2021
Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
What is research process ?

It is the systematic manner in which a researcher approaches their area of study to produce knowledge
which the community will consider to be worth while within the field.

There are four principles stages in the research process that we will cover here:

Series of various actions, which are necessary to effective research work.
Research process consist of a number of closely related activities.

Various steps involved in a research process are not mutually exclusive; nor they are separate &distinct.
Research process
Research process
Research process
Research process
Step One: Define research problem

Step Two: Review of literature

Step Three: Formulate hypotheses

Step Four: Preparing the research design

Step Five: Data collection

Step Six: Data analysis

Step Seven: Interpretation and report writing

Step Six: Data Analysis

The analysis of data requires a number of closely related operations such as
establishment of categories. This stage mainly include :
Step Seven: Interpretation and Report Writing

Researcher has to prepare the report of what has been done by him.
Writing of report includes:
The preliminary pages;
The main text, and
End matter

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