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By: Dan Andrey H. David & Mico Irica
Reporter: Mark Joseph Efondo & Mike Encilla
Topic: Computer Hardware

They are not sure what are the wire distribution from power supply going to
the motherboard
They are not careful on handling the wires especially on removing
They do not know the chord connecting from motherboard to hard disk drive
They are not confident on differentiating Hard Disk Drive (HDD) and Solid
State Drive (SSD)
They do not know what is the proper way of disassembling and assembling of
CPU fan and heat sink.
They did not also know what are the different types of monitor and printers
Wire Distribution from Power Supply to Motherboard
Every PSU installation will require 2
direct connections to your motherboard.
One for the main motherboard power,
and one for the CPU power. The
locations where you plug these in on a
motherboard will generally be around
the same area from board to board. 

Where to plug the 8 pin CPU cable

(YELLOW) and 24 pin motherboard cable
Proper Handling of Wires

• Managing cables or wires help

maintain basic functionality and
protects the devices from the
clogged airflow due to messy and
disorganized cables. Proper handling
of the wires on a computer system is
very important especially when we are
plugging it on the ports, we must make
sure that the pins inside the port would
not be damaged or disalign.
•  Route each cable neatly, making sure
not to create any tangles along the
way, and then use Velcro strips to
create tight bundles. Spiral wire wraps
can also be great for tidying up the
cables inside your PC
Cable Connection from Hard Disk Drive to Motherboard

In a PC setup, SATA cables can be
used to connect the hard disk to the
motherboard. Hard disks typically
feature multiple inlet ports, at least one
of which will be SATA compatible. The
SATA cable is also responsible for
supplying power to the hard disk so
additional hard drive power cables may
not be required.
Difference Between HDD and SSD

 HDDs are traditional

storage devices with
spinning platters that
read and write
data. SSDs use newer
technology that stores
data on instantly
accessible memory
chips. SSD’s are
faster, quieter, smaller,
consume less energy,
and more durable
Proper Way of Assembling and Disassembling Heat Sink and CPU Fan

• Before installing a CPU fan

and heatsink, you'll first have
to determine whether you
need to apply thermal paste
to the CPU.
• Begin CPU fan installation by
making sure that all four push
pins are facing the correct
direction. The grooves on the
push pins should be facing the
center of the CPU fan
Proper Way of Assembling and Disassembling Heat Sink and CPU Fan

• To install a CPU fan and heat

sink, you will need to align
the four push pins of the heat
sink (circled in yellow above)
with the four pin holes on the
Proper Way of Assembling and Disassembling Heat Sink and CPU Fan

• Once everything is aligned,

place your thumbs on the two
diagonally opposite push pins
and press down on both pins
at the same time until you
hear a "click" sound.
Proper Way of Assembling and Disassembling Heat Sink and CPU Fan

• Once you have pushed down

all four pins, take a look at
the bottom of the
motherboard. If you have
installed the CPU cooler
correctly, the pins should
protrude fully 
Proper Way of Assembling and Disassembling Heat Sink and CPU Fan

• Now we are down to the final

step of installing a CPU fan:
Plug the CPU fan power
connector into the 4-pin CPU
fan header on the
motherboard. On most
motherboards, this header
will be located near the CPU
Different Type of Monitors and Printers
CRT Monitor
• A CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitor
is an analog display device that
creates a visible image on the
screen by directing three electron
 beams over millions of phosphor
dots to make them light up. 

Liquid Crystal Display Monitor

• A liquid crystal display (LCD)
monitor is a computer monitor or
display that uses LCD technology
to show clear images, and is found
mostly in laptop computers and
flat panel monitors.
Different Types of Monitors
LED Monitor
• A LED monitor is a flat panel
monitor that uses an array
of light emitting diodes as
pixels for a video display.

Plasma Monitor
• A plasma monitor uses gas
molecules to create images. The
display is composed of many cells
with pixels, each one filled with
plasma. Their number and size
determine the resolution and the
overall picture quality.
Different Types of Printers
Dot Matrix Printer
• Dot matrix printing or impact printing is
a type of computer printing which uses
a print head that runs back and forth, or
in an up and down motion on the page
and prints by impact striking an ink
soaked cloth ribbon against the paper.

Inkjet Printer
• Inkjet printer is a type of printer
that works by spraying ionized ink
at the sheet of paper.
Different Types of Printers
Laser Printer
• Laser printing is an electrostatic
digital printing process that rapidly
produces high quality text and
graphics by passing a laser beam
over a charged drum to define a
differentially charged image.

Plotter Printer
• Plotter printer is a device that draws
pictures on paper based on commands
from a computer. Plotters differ from
printers in that they draw lines using a
pen. As a result, they can produce
continuous lines, whereas printers can be
only stimulate lines by printing a closely
spaced series of Dots .
Different Types of Printers

Thermal Printer
• Thermal printer is a printer that
makes use of heat in order to
produce the image on a paper.
Thermal paper is a special fine
paper that is coated with a
material formulated to change
color when exposed to heat
Reporter: Zeke Ocfemia & Ronel Berjamin
Topic: Cleaning the Computer Components

They do not follow the proper way of cleaning the computer system.
They use brushes when cleaning the ports of a computer system
They did not master the proper use of tools on leaning a computer
They do not know how to remove the rust on the Disc Drive
They use eyeglass cloth cleaner instead of microfiber cloth and also
the brush, they use a dirty brush on cleaning the computer
They do not know the proper way of cleaning the RAM
Proper Way of Cleaning a Computer System
When cleaning a component or the computer, turn it off before cleaning.
Discharge yourself before you start touching the computer components
Never spray any liquid onto any computer component. If a spray is needed, spray the liquid onto a cloth.
You can use a mini vacuum to suck up dirt, dust, or hair around the computer or also compressed air can.
When cleaning, be careful to not accidentally adjust any knobs or controls. Also, when cleaning the back
of the computer, if anything is connected make sure not to disconnect the plugs.
When cleaning fans, especially smaller fans, hold the fan or place something in-between the fan blades
to prevent it from spinning. Spraying compressed air can into a fan or cleaning a fan with a mini
vacuum cleaner.
Proper used of tools are also necessary so that it can avoid damaged to the computer components
When we are cleaning the ports, we must avoid using brush because the bristles can stuck inside the port
that can cause malfunction and also the pins inside the port can be damaged. Yet, we can use
compressed air can or mini vacuum cleaner on cleaning the ports of a computer system.
We must use microfiber cloth
To remove the Rust, we can use a mix of water and vinegar, because vinegar has an acid that can remove
When we are cleaning the ports, we
must avoid using brush because the
bristles can stuck inside the port
that can cause malfunction and also
the pins inside the port can be
damaged. Yet, we can use
compressed air can or mini vacuum
cleaner on cleaning the ports of a
computer system.
Proper Way of Cleaning the RAM

To remove the Rust, we can use

a mix of water and vinegar,
because vinegar has an acid
that can remove rust.

Lay the RAM module down on a flat clean

surface. Use the pencil eraser in short
strokes all along all of the contacts back and
forth until the eraser end is clean. You will
notice the first few strokes will most likely
result in the eraser end becoming a bit dirty
Reporter: Lian San Andres & Andrew Pasigan
Topic: Reformatting

Lian explained well the process of reformatting
They importance of having a partition drive
Only Lian San Andres master their topic but overall they make their report
organize and clear.
They also answered the follow up questions
They also explained the reason why we need to reformat our Computer.
Reporter: Jethro Roxas & Shane Stephen Orgaya
Topic: Disassembling and Assembling

They did not know the proper process of changing and removing the
Proper handling of Screwdriver
Proper order of removing cables and connectors
Process on Changing the RAM

off your installation space and make sure you’re working in a static-safe environment.
Remove any plastic bags or papers from your workspace.
Shut down your desktop computer because your files, documents, and data are on your storage
drive, not your Random Access Memory (RAM), they remain unaffected during this process.
Unplug the power cable. This includes any cables and accessories plugged into the computer
Hold the power button for 5 seconds. This discharges any residual electricity still in the system.
Open the case
Discharge yourself
Remove existing memory modules. Press down on the clips on the sides of each module, the clip
mechanism will push the memory module up. You can then pull the module completely out.
 Install memory. Holding the modules along the edges, align the notches on the module with the
ridge in the slot, then apply even pressure and firmly press the module in. It usually takes about 30
pounds of pressure to fully install the module.
 Close the computer case
Proper Handling of Screw Driver

• Hold the Screw driver at the

handle not on the metal part
because when we are working
on the computer system it can
cause injuries.
Reporter: Jhan Aldrey Galicia & Jhiro Tuplano
Topic : Assembly and Disassembly

The Proper Handling of HDD, DVD drive and RAM
They did not properly plug in the Cables
The proper placement of DVD Drive
Proper handling of screw driver
When we are going to assemble the Computer System, we must make sure
that the cables are properly plugged in because if the cables are not
properly plugged, it may cause errors when we open our computer system
and for some instance it may be faulty. For example, when we do not
properly plug the cable in the hard disk drive, it wouldn’t be read when we
open our computer system.
The Proper Way of Handling HDD,DVD Drive, and RAM
Reporter: Johnfer Euste & Alvin Gasga
Topic : Assembly and Disassembly

The Proper Handling RAM
They did not properly plug in the Cables
Proper handling of screw driver
Proper Placement of Power Supply
Proper Placement of Power Supply

It is recommended to mount the power

supply with its ventilation top cover facing
DOWNWARD. The fan in the power
supply will take in the warm air inside the
computer case, and the power supply will
exhaust the air through the back.
Reporter: Christian Lumayag & Aidrian Mark Aure
Topic: Setting Up a Computer

They do not memorize the step by step on setting up a computer
They turning on the computer while the monitor chord is not already
plugged in
Aure read only the material and did not explain well the step by step
The Importance of Knowing the Procedure on Setting Up a

Knowing the step by step procedure on setting up a computer is very

important, because when we memorized the step by step on how to set up
a computer, we can easily set it up in organized manner with no thinking if
we are doing right or wrong and we can also plug the cables in and
especially we can save time and effort.
 If we do not memorize the step by step of a setting up a computer some
failures may happen like when they are reporting they turning on the
computer system and the power cable of the monitor is not already plugged
Mr. Aure must know the step by step on setting up a computer
Reporter: Onie Ocampo & Christian Ghoy Velasco
Topic : Installing and Uninstalling

They do not master the proper way of installing a software
They must both know the proper way of installing an app from a
They do not know how to properly explain the Application Software
Mr. Velasco do not know what are the different examples of browser
They do not know what is the importance of browsers
Example of Installing a Software

• Locate and download an .exe file.

• Locate and double-click the .exe file. (It

will usually be in
your Downloads folder.

• A dialog box will appear. Follow the

instructions to install the software.
Why is it important to copy paste first the app installer from the
flash drive to a computer system before installing?

When installing an application from the flash drive, we can directly install it
without copying the installer from the flash drive to the computer system.
Still, when we use the application, there are possibilities that the applications
may be faulty or causes a log. Hence, it is advisable to copy the application
installer from the flash drive and then paste it anywhere on your system so
that when you use the application, it should function well and not be faulty.
Application Software
• Application software (App) is a kind of software that performs specific
functions for the end user by interacting directly with it. The sole
purpose of application software is to aid the user in doing specified
• Web browsers like Firefox, and Google Chrome, as well as Microsoft
Word and Excel, are examples of application software that is used on
a personal computer or laptop
What is browser explain?
- A browser is an application program that provides a way to look
at and interact with all the information on the World Wide Web.
This includes Web pages, videos and images.
Examples of web browsers:
Reporter: Kurt Bugagao & John Francis Asug
Topic : Computer Maintenance

They not explain well their topic about the computer maintenance
They not explain well the difference between shift delete and delete
They also not explain well the fire wall
They did not explain well defragging and its importance
The Importance of Computer Maintenance

Computer maintenance means keeping your computers and laptops in

good condition through regular cleanings, hard drive updates, and virus
prevention. Doing so can lengthen the lifespan of your devices and it can
also help you browse the web more safely.
The Difference Between Shift Delete and Delete
"Delete" send the data to recycle bin whereas "Shift Delete" delete the
data permanently.

Fire Wall
A firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing
network traffic and permits or blocks data packets based on a set of security
rules. Its purpose is to establish a barrier between your internal network and
incoming traffic from external sources (such as the internet) in order to
block malicious traffic like viruses and hackers.
Hard Disk Drive Defragging

Defragging process can give more space on the hard drive, it can
also produce a more stable computing experience and improve
system performance

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