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Group 6
He Mengyao
Yu Wenting
Chen Yi
Lv Xiyuan
#END violence in
Unicef (儿童基金会)

for every child
1.Current situation
3. Abusers

4. Solution
Part one
Current situation
School violence includes physical,
psychological and sexual violence.

Statistic Globally, one in three children experiences
bullying and a similar proportion are affected
by physical violence.

Physical bullying is the most common and

sexual bullying is the second most common
type of bullying.
More than one in three students (36%)
has been involved in a physical fight with
another student and almost one in three
(32.4%) has been physically attacked at least
once in the past year.
Corporal punishment, which is a form
of physical violence, is still allowed in
schools in 68 countries and is frequently
used in many of these countries.

Half of the world’s teens

experience peer violence in and
around school.
Cyber bullying affects as many
as one in ten children.
Characteristics 1 ) Contingency.
Violence is accidental, sudden and
unpredictable. School is a place where
young people are highly gathered. The
vast majority of young people have a
strong sense of justice. They love to fight
against injustice, have high passion, and
have great mood swing. They are also
very easy to be incited. Often, if
something is not handled properly,
violence will suddenly happen.
Characteristics 2 ) Progressivity.
Any violent event has a process
from quantitative change to qualitative
change. In this process, it must be an
evolutionary process from low level to
high level, from gradual change to
mutation. In campus violence, the
abusers coerces the victim to do some
things. The forms of crime are
characterized by diversification,
younger age, and new development.
Characteristics 3 ) Severity.
Once violence happens, it will bring
unavoidable consequences to the
victims, which is reflected in the
physical and mental damage, economic
losses and social impact. From the
figures, we can see, students who were
bullied are more likely to feel lonely,
worried they could not sleep, suicide,
tobacco use, alcohol use, marijuana use
and early sexual intercourse.
Literary work
School violence between
teachers and students
Fang Siqi, the heroine in the book, was
seduced by a 50-year-old teacher at the age
of 13. Lin Yihan, the author of the novel, said
in the process of writing, she was miserable
and full of tears. On April 27, 2017, Lin Yihan
hanged herself in the residence, only 26. Her
parents’ later statement confirmed that
what was written in the book was the true
record of their daughter being seduced by a
tutor when she was 13 years old.
Literary work
You can pretend that no one in the world
takes pleasure in raping a little girl; pretend
that no girl has ever been raped; pretend that
Siqi never exists. You can live in a peaceful life
and pretend that there are only macarons,
hand-made coffee and imported stationary in
the world. But you can also choose to
experience all the pain Siqi has ever felt, and
learn from all her efforts to resist these pains,
from the time you were born together to the
time you read from your diary.
Part Two

# If you suffered from campus violence, what would you choose? #

“ According to relevant statistics, 240 million students in the world
 suffer from campus violence every year, accounting for 32% of t
he total number of students. Nearly 30% of the students will not 
Abusers have more resources, or even
 the power to cut off the resources of 
victims. OR
 Because of some factors, abusers hav
e the handle of victims.
-So the victims can’t resist.
When bullying just happened, the victim was
 isolated and no one dared to speak for her. 
Why do some people Therefore, the lack of support makes 
not dare  resist? people lack the courage to fight back.
Reasons Character
The victims are usually the weaker group in the 
campus group, and this group of people may be 
more likely to be chosen and bullied by the 
perpetrators because of their own cowardice,
 inferiority and other characteristics. On the other 
hand, this kind of personality is more likely to be 
unable to resist because of fear in bullying.

Why do some people
not dare  resist?
Why do some people

not dare  resist?

Attributional style (归因风
-In 1958, Fritz Heider put forward in his book interpersonal 
psychology that there are two kinds of explanations for the 
causes of events: one is internal causes, such as emotion, 
attitude, personality, ability, etc; Second, external factors, 
such as external pressure, weather, situation, etc.
For some people, they are more likely to attribute to external 
factors when explaining other people’s behavior; When they 
explain their own events, they tend to be attributed to internal
 causes. If these people are bullied, the first thing they
 think of is probably my problem. As a result, they are likely 
to blame themselves while angry at the bully.
-Disguise themselves abnormally.No one can see who they really
-Never give their heart when they communicate with anyone.
-Be sensitive to what others say and never conflict with others.
-Can’t control their inner fear,uneasiness and anxiety .
-No matter how sad things them encounter,just go to
sleep.Always find a excuse to escape after waking up.
-Memory is seriously declinging,and they can’t remember what
happened around them.
-They often find themselves distracted.
-Social phobia.Dare not in the collective.
-Extreme self-esteem and sensitivity,any word may hurt them.
-The desire for salvation.
-Self loathing,self-pity,self suppression.Fate worse than death.
Campus violence can cause physical and mental 
harm to the victims, and lasts for a long time. If 
the victims can not get out of the shadow of 

campus violence, we can see that with the 
advance of time, the harm left by campus 
violence to the victims is more and more serious.
There are more and more


news about girls bullying girls.

At the same age, girls grow 
earlier than boys. Compared 
 Girls more clearly with the boy’s simplicity, they
 are more delicate,sensitive
know how to
and have strong self-
bully girls. esteem and vanity.They are
easy to have great mood 
Erickson, a famous psychologist,
 put forward his most famous 
concept identity crisis when he 
talked about adolescent  Maybe it’s just that
personality development. He   the media think that 
believes that in the adolescence  girls bullying girls is
(12~20 years old), they often  more attractive to
feel a lot of inner conflict. the public,so they
make a lot of
Part 3

Student-on-student bullying is the most common of all incidents
of school violence.While we don’t know why teenagers bully, other
research suggests that children who bully are more likely to exhibit
“externalising behaviours”.These are defined as: defiant,
aggressive, disruptive and non-compliant behaviour.
They were also more
likely to have:
negative thoughts, beliefs
and attitudes about 01
themselves and others.
influenced by the culture of
02 violent movies and televisions

been negatively influenced

by peers.
lived in families where
there were problems such
04 as parental conflict.
Abort Bandera, a famous American psychologist, believes that
aggressive behavior is not innate but a result of acquired learning;
social learning is an important way for adolescents to acquire
aggressive behavior patterns.
In the family, domestic violence on the one hand greatly harms
the physical and mental health of adolescents, making children
growing up in an environment with domestic violence lack care and
security from an early age, and on the other hand, parents become
demonstrators of violence and role models for adolescents to imitate.
In schools, the negative effects of direct
physical punishment or cold violence by
teachers are also serious.

On the one hand, students may take the

"violent teacher" as a role model and develop
a mentality of imitation; on the other hand,
violence by teachers greatly undermines
students' self-confidence and self-esteem,
resulting in rebellion.

This is partly responsible for the violence

that has occurred between students and
teachers in recent years.
However, in school violence,
the identity of the abuser and
the victim is not always fixed,
and in exceptional cases, the
victim can turn into the

A:obedient B:resist
obedient resist
Victims who have been subjected In the course of a person's exposure
to violence, out of fear, choose to to violence, they learn that they
submit to abusers, become their need to respond with force when
followers and curry favour with they encounter violence. When the
them as a way of seeking victim is again severely provoked
protection from them. At this by violence and believes that the
point, the victim will not help the only way to avoid further violence
new victim, and may feel grateful. is to resort to violence, they become
But the victim is still trapped in determined to use violence. Not
the school violence, having only do they resist, but they initiate
avoided physical harm, but the attack and then turn into
suffering mentally. abusers.

A new Australian study shows that
teenagers who have been both a victim
and a bully are at greatest risk of mental
health problems, including self-harm and
suicidal thoughts.
In reality, three
quarters of the
adolescents who
reported that they
had bullied others
were also victims of

Bullies are victims too

One of the most frightening things about this world is that many people always think
that they are not directly involved and that they have nothing to do with the
consequences of what happens.

perpetrators Parents school


campus violence
(1)Cowardly people are more likely to
become the target of the abuser. We should
have the courage to resist, and swallowing
insult and humiliation silently will make
the perpetrators more arrogant. But not by
violence, but by shouting for help and
calling the police in the process of being
abused, so as to reduce our own injuries

(2)Seek help from teachers and parents

after suffering violence or threats, and do
not take the initiative to conflict with


(3)After being threatened, go with friends

as far as possible, so that the perpetrators
have no chance to take advantage of it
(1) Pay more attention to the child's emotional, physical and behavioral changes, such as fear of
going to school, damaged clothes, body injuries, often come home late after school for no

(2)Teach children how to get along with others and deal with contradictions correctly. Parents
should be on guard against children becoming victims, and even prevent children from
becoming perpetrators

(3) Parents of the perpetrators should not connive at their children, correct their children's
violent behaviors together with the school, and timely apologize and actively remedy the

(4) The parents of the victims should explain the situation to the school in time so that the
perpetrators can be punished and prevent the recurrence of violence; Psychological counseling
for their children, if necessary to consult a professional psychologist; Respect your child's
(1)Setting up psychological education courses to
guide teenagers to form a good personality ; Set
School up a psychological counseling office
(2) Formulate strict rules and regulations, and
Rules and Regulations increase the severity of punishment.Strengthen
the publicity of law popularization on campus.
03 It is a crime to carry out campus violence.
(3)The perpetrators shall be given
Perpetrators and
corresponding punishment . If they are
Victims suspected of breaking the law, school shall
report the case to the police in time .Pay more
attention to the victims and create a peaceful
campus environment for them
(1) improve the laws and regulations
on campus violence and the protection
of minors, order parents to discipline
them severely, and punish students
with bad circumstances according to

(2)Cooperate with the school to

establish the campus public security
organization, so that the campus
violence can be controlled in the first

Government time
Bystanders and Public In social media, there are always people
abusing the victims of campus violence,
Bystanders 01 believing that they are victims of
Faced with the victims' cries for help, assist violence because of their own fault.This
them to report to the teacher or report to the 01 idea will blur the main criminal
police, and try their best to prevent the responsibility of the perpetrator, which
02 Pubic
tragedy;show kindness to victims when they will lead to turning a blind eye to the
02 violence
It's time toinfringement.
of the stop victim-blaming.
It will not
return to school.
only cause the second harm to the
Government 03 victim, but also may lead the victim to
Speak carefully on social media, 03 become the perpetrator and form the evil
calling on governments and schools
04 Government
inverting crime.
to pay attention
Should not expose the privacy of
04 victims and perpetrators to prevent
the incident from getting worse and
out of control
Thank you !

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