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Look at these images. What do they have in
In all three
images, forces

A force is an influence that can change the motion of an

A force is not something that an object contains or ‘has
in it’. Forces can be described as a push or pull on an

A force is exerted on one object by another.

The idea of a force is not limited to living things or non-

living things. All objects (living and non-living) can apply
a force on or to another object; also all objects (living It is measured in the SI unit
and non living) can be affected by forces. of newton (N).

The magnet exerts a force of

Force is represented by the
attraction on metal objects.
symbol F.
The are two types of
· Contact force
· Non-contact force
To represent a force, a vector is used: a
geometric representation similar to an

Force A is less than force B and both Force A is the same as force B, force A is greater than force B and
act in the same direction and acting in the same direction and they act in different directions and
direction. opposite direction. senses.

1. It describes three examples of forces: friction, gravity, applied,

drag, spring, magnetic, tension, buoyant.

2. Draw how the forces of the previous activity act.

3. Now, draw how you think the magnet's attraction vector is


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