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Science- Group 2
What is Biodiversity?

Bio means Diversity means

Life Variety
3 03/07/2023 BIodiversity
• Biodiversity is the variety of life forms on Earth and the essential
interdependence of all living things.
• As defined in convention on Biological diversity singed at Rio De Jenerio
(Brazil) in 1992, the BIODIVERSITY is defined as “the variability among living
organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other
aquatic eco-systems and the ecological complexes of which the area part- this
include diversity with in species, between species and of ecosystem”
• According on IUCN in 1998, “the variety and variability of species of their
population, the variety of species of their life forms, the diversity of the
complex association with species with their interaction and their ecological
process which influences perform”

4 03/07/2023 Biodiversity
• Scientist have identified more then 2 million species. Tens of millions are
remain unknown…
• The tremendous variety of life on Earth is made possible by complex
interactions among all living things including microscopic species like algae
and mites.
There are THREE main types of Biodiversity
• Diversity of Species
• Diversity of Ecosystem 
• Diversity of Genes 

5 03/07/2023 Biodiversity
Should we be
concerned about
Should we be concerned about Biodiversity?
• The Earth is losing species at an alarming rate.
• Some scientist estimate that as many as 3 species per hour
are going extinct and 20,000 extinctions occur each year.
• When species of plants and animals go extinct, many other
species are affected.
• Having biodiversity improves the health of Earth. It shows it
is thriving. And healthy ecosystems clean our water, purify
our air, maintain our soil, regulate the climate, recycle
nutrients and provide us with food. Biodiversity provides raw
materials and resources for our daily lives.

7 03/07/2023 Should we be concerned about Biodiversity?

Why Conserve/Protect Biodiversity?
• As we all know by now, Biodiversity is essential for maintaining the
ecological functions, including stabilizing of the water cycle,
maintenance and replenishment of soil fertility, pollination and cross-
fertilization of crops and other vegetation, protection against soil
erosion and stability of food producing and other ecosystems.
• Conservation of biological diversity leads to conservation of essential
ecological diversity to preserve the continuity of food chains.
• Biodiversity provides the base for livelihoods cultures and economies
of several hundred millions of people, including farmers, fisher folk,
forest dwellers and artisans.
• The rapid erosion of biodiversity in the last few decades has impacted
on the health of land, water bodies and people.

9 03/07/2023 Why Conserve/Protect Biodiversity?

How to Protect/
Conservation of
How to Protect/ Conservation of Biodiversity?
There are several strategies which are adapted for conservation of
Biodiversity. Some of these are:
• Legislation
• In-situ Conservation
• Ex-situ Conservation
• Recording Indigenous Knowledge
• Community Participation in Biodiversity Conservation
• International Conservation Strategies

11 03/07/2023 How to Protect/ Conservation of Biodiversity?

How to Protect/ Conservation of Biodiversity?
1. Legislation
• Formal policies and programmes for conservation and sustainable utilization
of biodiversity resources dates back to several decades. The concept of
environmental protection is enshrined in the Indian constitution in articles 48a
and 51a (g). Major central acts relevant to biodiversity include:
 Environment Protection Act, 1986
 Fisheries Act, 1897
 Forest Act, 1927
 Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
 Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972 and Wildlife (Protection) Amendment Act 1991

12 03/07/2023 How to Protect/ Conservation of Biodiversity?

How to Protect/ Conservation of Biodiversity?
2. In-situ Conservation
• Conserving the animals and plants in their natural habitats is known as in situ
conservation. The established natural habitats are:
 National parks and sanctuaries
 Biosphere reserves
 Nature reserves
 Reserved and protected forests
 Preservation plots
 Reserved forests Sanctuary

13 03/07/2023 How to Protect/ Conservation of Biodiversity?

How to Protect/ Conservation of Biodiversity?
3. Ex- situ Conservation
• Ex-situ conservation of plants and animals preserve/ or protect them away
from their natural habitat. This could be zoological parks and botanical
gardens or through the forestry institutions and agricultural research centers.
A lot of effort is under way to collect and preserve the genetic material of
crops, animal, bird and fish species. This work is being done by institutions
such as the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, the
National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources, etc.

Zoological park
14 03/07/2023 How to Protect/ Conservation of Biodiversity?
How to Protect/ Conservation of Biodiversity?
4. Recording Indigenous Knowledge
• The lives of local communities are closely interwoven with their environment,
and are dependent upon their immediate resources for meeting their needs.
These communities have a vast knowledge about local flora and fauna which
is very important for biodiversity conservation.
• Much of this knowledge is orally passed on from generation to generation.
Such indigenous knowledge needs to be recorded and preserved before it is
lost. Several organizations have recognized this and are working to record the
knowledge and preserve it for posterity.

15 03/07/2023 How to Protect/ Conservation of Biodiversity?

How to Protect/ Conservation of Biodiversity?
5. Community Participation in Biodiversity Conservation
• It is being recognized that no legal provisions can be effective unless local
communities are involved in planning, management and monitoring
conservation programmes. There are several initiative to do this, both by
government as well as non-governmental organization.
 For example, the Joint Forest Management philosophy stresses involvement
of village communities in regenerating and protecting degraded forest land in
the vicinity of villages.
• Successful conservation strategies will have to have the confidence and
participation of the local communities.

16 03/07/2023 How to Protect/ Conservation of Biodiversity?

How to Protect/ Conservation of Biodiversity?
6. International Conservation Strategies
• Conserving biodiversity is not an issue confined to any one country or
community. It is a crucial global concern. Several international treaties and
agreements are in place the attempt to strengthen international participation
and commitment towards conserving biodiversity. Some of these are:
 The Convention on Biological Diversity
 The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora
and Fauna (CITES)
 The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance

17 03/07/2023 How to Protect/ Conservation of Biodiversity?

How to Protect/ Conservation of Biodiversity?
Saving Biodiversity = Saving Life
Following are some conservation actions that we can take up:
 Plant trees
 Grow local vegetables in your hostel
 Make a list of different kinds of trees in your campus
 Adopt vegetarianism
 Paper and cloth should replace non-biodegradable plastic
 Make children aware of their surroundings
 Promote bio farming
 Make use of sustainable technologies

18 03/07/2023 How to Protect/ Conservation of Biodiversity?

Threats to
Threats to Biodiversity
Natural causes:
• Narrow geographical area
• Low population
• Low breeding rate
• Natural disasters
Anthropogenic causes:
• Pollution
• Habitat modification
• Hunting
• Overexploitation of selected species • Global warming and climate change
• Innovation by exotic species • Agriculture
• Domino effect

20 03/07/2023 Threats to Biodiversity

• Biodiversity is our life. If the Biodiversity got lost at this rate
then in the near future, the survival of human being will be
threatened. So, it is our moral duty to conserve and protect
Biodiversity as well as our Environment. Long term
maintenance of species and their management requires co-
operative efforts across entire landscapes. Biodiversity
should be dealt with at scale of habitats or ecosystems rather
than at species level.

22 03/07/2023 Conclusion

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