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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Identify the five different hypotheses on Stephen Krashen’s
Theory of Second Language Acquisition;
2. Explain the significance of Krashen’s Five Hypotheses in
second language teaching and learning;

3. Create a meaningful interaction using the target language.

What is the implications of these 5
situations in language learning?
1. If a baby hears the word “milk” often enough right before being fed from the bottle,
he'll soon learn what that word means.
2. Kyle always practice in his mind what he was about to say to Jenna.
3. English language learners pick up how to use present tense ‘–ing’ as in “She likes
typing” before the possessive ‘s’ as in “Amy’s dress is red”.
4. Someone can only understand the word “voltage” if he/she is familiar with
5. Teacher Gonzales always encourage her students to ask questions before moving
into another topic in her vocabulary class.
Quiz Time
Part 1: Look back to the given 5 situations, identify where on Krashen’s hypotheses
do the following take place.
1. If a baby hears the word “milk” often enough right before being fed from the bottle,
he'll soon learn what that word means.
2. Kyle always practice in his mind what he was about to say to Jenna.
3. English language learners pick up how to use present tense ‘–ing’ as in “She likes
typing” before the possessive ‘s’ as in “Amy’s dress is red”.
4. Someone can only understand the word “voltage” if he/she is familiar with
5. Teacher Gonzales always encourage her students to ask questions before moving
into another topic in her vocabulary class.
Part 2: Identify what hypotheses of Krashen’s is being discussed.
1.  _________________________ is the unconscious absorbing of
language when exposed to comprehended messages.
2.  _________________________ is getting conscious, focused
knowledge of certain elements of a language through grammatical
explanations, drills and studying.
3.  _________________________ results in knowing about the language.
4.  _________________________ results in being able to understand and
use the language spontaneously and unconsciously.
5.  The ________________________ hypothesis suggests that the
grammatical elements of a language are acquired in a predictable
sequence that cannot be altered by focusing on certain features.
6.  The ________________________ hypothesis is the idea that emotional
factors such as anxiety, stress, social acceptance and self-confidence can
have a significant impact on learning.
7.  The ________________________ hypothesis is a refinement of the
Input Hypothesis. It asserts grammar and vocabulary are the result of
language acquisition, not the cause.
8.  The ________________________ hypothesis is the idea that reading in
the target language is the fastest, best and easiest way to improve one’s
reading ability, writing ability, vocabulary, spelling and grammar.
9.  The ________________________ hypothesis states that language is
acquired by comprehensible input rather than by conscious learning.
10.  The ___________________   __________ hypothesis declares that if
the input in interesting enough, learners will acquire the language
regardless of whether they are focused on improving or not.

What is the significance or implication of Krashen’s 5

hypotheses in language teaching and learning?

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