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Course for The World

By Ali Elsayed

emission by 2050
 In the coming decades, the world faces the complex challenge of maintaining
economic growth while simultaneously reducing and mitigating the effects of CO2
and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
 The science shows clearly that in order to avert the worst impacts of climate
change and preserve a livable planet, global temperature increase needs to be
limited to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
 The Earth is already about 1.1°C warmer than it was in the late 1800s, and
emissions continue to rise. To keep global warming to no more than 1.5°C – as
called for in the Paris Agreement – emissions need to be reduced by 45% by 2030
and reach net zero by 2050.
 This means that a collective effort will have to be made involving drastic reductions
in energy-related CO2 emissions for instance, through measures to boost energy
efficiency and savings, but also by integrating more renewable energy, by
decarbonizing the mobility and industry sectors and other infrastructures.
GENERAL OVERVIEW-Renewables are the key

 The full potential of renewables has yet to be unleashed by

creating more storage capacity, reducing reliance on fossil fuels,
and making distributed energy systems more flexible and
 A number of countries have already embarked on a path towards
a full-scale energy transition by creating market incentives for
renewable energy, by fostering research and development, and
by adopting other measures and policies aimed at increasing the
share of clean energy in their energy mixes.
 Investment in renewables is now driven mostly by private capital
and stands at about US$330 billion per year.
 Faced with these challenges, engineers and policymakers are
increasingly looking to the use of hydrogen as a potential
game-changing technology.
 Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe. Almost all of our
chemical fuels are based on hydrogen, although in a bound form as
hydrocarbons or other hydrogen compounds.
 Hydrogen is a versatile energy carrier (not an energy source). It can be
produced from multiple feedstocks and can be used across virtually any
 Hydrogen is a highly efficient energy carrier, and upon combustion, the only
byproduct of this zero-emissions fuel is water. This makes it an ideal medium
for electrification and the substitution of fossil fuels in industrial processes and
other applications.
 Hydrogen can accelerate the energy transition by
1. Enabling large-scale renewable energy integration and power generation.
2. Distributing energy across sectors and regions.
3. Acting as a buffer to increase energy system resilience.
 Hydrogen can be used in fuel cells to generate electricity, or power and heat.
 Today, hydrogen is most commonly used in petroleum refining and fertilizer
production, while transportation and utilities are emerging markets.
hydrogen colour spectrum
 Hydrogen is an invisible gas, there is no visible difference between the different
types of hydrogen.
 Their colourful descriptions corresponds to a different extraction process.
 there is no universal naming convention and these colour definitions may
change over time, and even between countries.
common types of hydrogen

 Three main methods of sourcing hydrogen can be distinguished:

 Grey hydrogen: is obtained by steam reforming, i.e., converting natural gas or

coal under heat into H2 and CO2, with about 10t of CO2 being released into the
atmosphere as GHG for each ton of hydrogen produced.

 Blue hydrogen: is produced in the same way as the Grey hydrogen, but with
the addition of carbon capture and storage (CCS) to prevent the CO2 from being

 Green hydrogen: is produced by electrolysis of water using only renewable,

CO2-free electricity sources.

 However, nearly all synthetic hydrogen is produced with fossil fuels.


 Hydrogencan help achieve a clean, secure and affordable energy future and
decarbonize a range of sectors:
1. Transportation: Hydrogen applications in transport are possible with use of internal combustion
engines(ICE) or turbines, and with use of fuel cells.

2. Power generation: Hydrogen application in power sector is limited today, but there is potential for
increasing role in the future. Hydrogen powered gas turbines could be a source of flexibility in electricity
system. Also, Solid Oxide Fuel Cells can offer the highest conversion efficiency. In addition, hydrogen
can become along-term storage option to balance seasonal variations in electricity demand.

3. Industry: In industry hydrogen (mainly in the form of methane) applications include demand for
industrial heat or feed stock. At present, hydrogen is used in large-scale industrial processes like oil
refineries, petrochemicals, ammonia production, methanol production, and steel production. In oil
refineries, hydrogen is used to remove Sulphur crude oil and produce lighter oil products from heavy
oil .Hydrogen with a source of carbon will replace natural gas and to a smaller degree oil as the basis for
production of synthetic gases under the concept of power-to-X conversion that includes power-to-
ammonia, power-to-chemicals, and power-to-methane.

4. Buildings: hydrogen can play an important role in decarbonization of buildings. It can be applied n
buildings for power and heating appliances.
from Coal

 Coal produced hydrogen currently accounts for around 25% of the hydrogen production. Hydro
gen from coal via gasification has been used for many decades by the chemical and fertilizer
industries to produce ammonia, especially in areas where coal is abundant and methane is not.

 Coal gasification is an established technique

whereby coal gets reacts with pressurized steam
and air/oxygen under controlled conditions to
produce syngas.
 Syngas is a mixture of carbon monoxide ,
methane, Sulphur compounds and water vapor.
After removal of these impurities, the syngas can
either be fired directly in a gad turbine or passed
with additional steam through a catalytic reactor to
convert the CO to CO2 while producing more
hydrogen via the water gas shift (WGS) reaction
 The hydrogen and CO2 can then be separated via
membranes to provide two near pure gas streams
and CO2 can be captured and stored.
METHODS-Hydrogen from Biomass
 Biohydrogen is the source of energy that uses living microorganisms to make hydrogen via
biological processes. The three main processes are as follows:
1. Thermochemical process:
Three primary thermochemical routes:

 Gasification: is a mature technology that uses a controlled process involving heat, oxygen and steam to
convert biomass to hydrogen and other products, without combustion, at approximately 1000 ℃.

 Pyrolysis: similar to gasification but can be performed at lower temperatures and without an oxidizing agent.

 Aqueous phase reforming: converts mainly oxygenated compounds into hydrogen.

2. Biological process:
Can be divided into three categories: biological water gas shift reaction, dark fermentation , and photo-
fermentation. Each one depends on the nature of the enzymes used to catalyze H2 formation.

3. Electrochemical process:
Is an electrochemical process widely investigated for hydrogen production by splitting water molecules. The
mechanism occurs in an electrolyser (containing cathode and anode) and relies on the flow of an electric current
through a conductive electrolyte (alkali or polymer) in water.
Hydrogen from Natural Gas
 Nowadays natural gas is the main source of hydrogen accounting for about 70% of total hydrogen manufactured.
There are three key methods of producing hydrogen from gas.

1. Steam Methane reforming (SMR): Mature, carbon and 2. Methane Pyrolysis: A highly endothermic process, methane splits
energy-intensive process that produces syngas (hydrogen and into gaseous hydrogen and solid carbon. This solid carbon means that no
CO) throyght the reation of light hydrocarbons (typically methane) CO2 is produced. The heat needed may come from various sources such
with water. In SMR, carbon dioxide is generated and released into combustion of hydrocarbons, concentrated solar heat, electricity or

the atmosphere. According to UNECE, currently, around 96% of another heat source. Metal or carbon based catalysts are used to

hydrogen is produced via SMR of fossil fuels 49% from natural accelerate the process.

gas, 29% from liquid hydrocarbons, and 18% from Coal.

3. Electrochemical process: Partial oxidation is the process in which
methane and other hydrocarbons in natural gas react with limited amount
of oxygen (not enough to completely oxidize the hydrocarbons to carbon
dioxide and water). The reaction produces mainly hydrogen and carbon
monoxide (and nitrogen, if the reaction is carried out with air rather than
pure oxygen) and a small amount of carbon dioxide and other
Hydrogen from Nuclear power
 Nuclear power is an important source of low-carbon electricity and heat. In the
future nuclear power can also be used to produce hydrogen via several low-
carbon processes.
1. Low-temperature electrolysis: Low-temperature
electrolysis of water is the approach based on using current
nuclear reactors producing electricity. The low-carbon electricity
is used to power electrolysis that generates emissions-free
hydrogen at ambient temperatures. Electrolyzers are most
effective when working continually at a high capacity factor
rather than intermittently to diminish costs.
2. High-temperature steam electrolysis: applies low-
carbon heat and electricity from nuclear reactors to power
steam electrolysis, which is more efficient in producing
hydrogen than electrolysis via renewable energy. While this
process is more efficient at temperature range (550 – 750°C), it
is also possible at temperature (<200°C).
Hydrogen from Nuclear power
 Nuclear energy for steam methane reforming
applies nuclear heating SMR process. This could
reduce natural gas consumption and CO2
emissions by 30% and greatly improve the thermal
efficiency of the process.
 Industry analysis indicates that using low-
temperature heat(150-200°C)t o support steam
electrolysis is technically feasible and offers
technology efficiency benefits over cold water
electrolysis. Steam electrolysis is readily available.
GREEN HYDROGEN-Cornerstone of a
sustainable energy future
 Green Hydrogen is produced through the electrolysis of water in an
electrolyzer, powered by electricity produced from renewable sources
such as hydro, wind or solar. Provided that the inputs of electricity only
come from renewable energy sources (and if desalinated water needed,
powered 100% by solar and wind), the GHG emissions during the
production process are equal to zero.
 Though green hydrogen is still in its infancy, it is seen as a technology
with enormous potential both for commercial reasons and in the context
of climate action. Currently, about 3.2 GW of green hydrogen capacity
are at the planning stage, and with large-scale investment and
regulatory incentives, the pipeline of new projects could rapidly expand.
 By 2040, about 10 percent of the world’s primary energy demand (the
equivalent of 1.4 billion tons of oil) could be replaced with H2, the
majority of which could be produced from renewable sources like wind
and solar power.
GREEN HYDROGEN-Electrolyzers

 Electrolysis is a promising option for carbon-free

hydrogen production from renewable and nuclear
resources. Electrolysis is the process of using
electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen.
This reaction takes place in a unit called an
electrolyzer. Electrolyzers can range in size from
small, appliance-size equipment that is well-suited
for small-scale distributed hydrogen production to
large-scale, central production facilities that could be
tied directly to renewable or other non-greenhouse-
gas-emitting forms of electricity production.
 Like fuel cells, electrolyzers consist of an anode and
 Three types of electrolyzers:
a cathode separated by an electrolyte. Different 1. Polymer Electrolyte
electrolyzers function in different ways, mainly due Membrane Electrolyzers,
to the different type of electrolyte material involved
and the ionic species it conducts. 2. Alkaline Electrolyzers
3. Solid Oxide Electrolyzers
GREEN HYDROGEN-Electrolyzers

1. Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Electrolyzers

• In a polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM)
electrolyzer, the electrolyte is a solid specialty
plastic material.
• Water reacts at the anode to form oxygen and
positively charged hydrogen ions (protons).
• The electrons flow through an external circuit and
the hydrogen ions selectively move across the
PEM to the cathode.
• At the cathode, hydrogen ions combine with
electrons from the external circuit to form
hydrogen gas. Anode Reaction: 2H2O → O2 +
4H+ + 4e- Cathode Reaction: 4H+ + 4e- → 2H2
GREEN HYDROGEN-Electrolyzers

2. Alkaline Electrolyzers
• Alkaline electrolyzers operate via transport of
hydroxide ions (OH-) through the electrolyte from
the cathode to the anode with hydrogen being
generated on the cathode side.
• Electrolyzers using a liquid alkaline solution of
sodium or potassium hydroxide as the electrolyte
have been commercially available for many
• Newer approaches using solid alkaline exchange
membranes (AEM) as the electrolyte are showing
promise on the lab scale.
GREEN HYDROGEN-Electrolyzers

3.Solid Oxide Electrolyzers

 Solid oxide electrolyzers, which use a solid ceramic
material as the electrolyte that selectively conducts
negatively charged oxygen ions (O2-) at elevated
temperatures, generate hydrogen in a slightly
different way.
 Steam at the cathode combines with electrons from
the external circuit to form hydrogen gas and
negatively charged oxygen ions.
 The oxygen ions pass through the solid ceramic  Compared to PEM electrolyzers, which operate at
70°–90°C, and commercial alkaline electrolyzers,
membrane and react at the anode to form oxygen which typically operate at less than 100°C).
gas and generate electrons for the external circuit.
 Advanced lab-scale solid oxide electrolyzers based
 Solid oxide electrolyzers must operate at on proton-conducting ceramic electrolytes are
showing promise for lowering the operating
temperatures high enough for the solid oxide temperature to 500°–600°C.
membranes to function properly (about 700°–800°C).

 Hydrogen can be stored physically as either a gas

or a liquid.
 Storage of hydrogen as a gas typically requires
high-pressure tanks (350–700 bar [5,000–10,000
psi] tank pressure).
 Storage of hydrogen as a liquid requires cryogenic
temperatures because the boiling point of
hydrogen at one atmosphere pressure is
 Hydrogen can also be stored on the surfaces of
solids (by adsorption) or within solids (by

1. Compressed Gas
 The current technology for compressed hydrogen, primarily in vehicle on-board storage, uses
pressure vessels operating at 350 – 700 bar. With four standard types of cylinders used for hydrogen
1. All metal cylinders
2. All metal hoop-wrapped composite cylinders
3. Fully wrapped composite cylinders with metallic liners
4. Fully wrapped composite cylinders

2. Liquified Hydrogen
 To store hydrogen as a liquid, at any pressure, it must be cooled below -250C.
 Once liquified, hydrogen requires energy to be kept in thermally insulated containers. Liquified hydrogen is several
times more dense than compressed hydrogen.

3. Stored in materials
 Some hydrogen carriers include methane, methanol, ammonia, methylcyclohexane and sodium borohydride. A
chemical reaction is needed to convert these products and release gaseous hydrogen. There are also metal
powders that can absorb and release hydrogen(metal hydrides). They can store significant amounts of hydrogen
at atmospheric pressure and room temperature, due to forces acting inside the metal crystal lattice. Metal hydrides
are the most compact way to store hydrogen. They are more dense than liquid hydrogen.
unlocking the clean hydrogen economy

 Getting hydrogen from global production sites to end users at the lowest
possible cost will be key to the success of the green economy.
 The question is how to provide reliable large-scale hydrogen transportation that
keeps costs in check and ensures the economic competitiveness of clean
 To ensure that clean hydrogen becomes economically competitive and widely
adopted, new transportation solutions must urgently be found.
 Three promising hydrogen carrier technologies, liquefied hydrogen, ammonia
and liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC). Choice is dependent on concrete
use cases, transportation modes, distances and potential partner synergies.
 There is also the transportation of hydrogen-based derivative products such as
synthetic fuels directly to end users. And through pipelines.
 Gaseous hydrogen can be transported in pipelines, like natural gas. Before injection, the
hydrogen is mechanically compressed to the operating pressure of the pipeline. This is
usually higher than the outlet pressure of electrolyzers.
 Depending on the pipeline's characteristics and local conditions, the hydrogen must be
recompressed at certain distances along the pipeline before it reaches its destination. In
addition, storage facilities (such as salt caverns or above-ground tanks) are required for
buffering in case of volatile supply. As with natural gas pipelines, a mature hydrogen
pipeline system with transmission and distribution grids also requires metering stations,
control valves and gates to manage flows and ensure onward distribution to end users.
 Ammonia (NH3) is a bulk chemical that is normally synthesized from natural gas and
mainly used as chemical feedstock, e.g. in fertilizer production.
 It can also serve as a clean hydrogen storage medium. The medium is produced by
reacting hydrogen and nitrogen (derived from air via an air separation unit) to synthesize
liquid ammonia, using a process that is very similar to the conventional production method
(Haber-Bosch process). The liquid ammonia can then be transported in refrigerated tanks.
Once it reaches its destination, the ammonia is broken down into its components, nitrogen
and hydrogen, through an endothermic cracking process. The resulting gas mixture is then
purified, and the nitrogen removed and released back into the atmosphere
Liquefied Hydrogen
 The volumetric storage density of hydrogen can be significantly improved through
liquefaction, that is, cooling it below its boiling point of minus 253°C.
 After liquefaction, LH2 is stored in specially insulated and double-hulled tanks.
 This limits heat transfer from the environment and subsequent losses due to evaporation,
as built-up gas (boil-off) has to be vented.
 Under these conditions, LH2 is already being transported via specially designed trailer
trucks today. At the destination, LH2 is usually vaporized into its gaseous form before use.
Organic Hydrogen Carriers
 Liquid organic hydrogen carriers are easily transported chemical compounds that can be
reversibly hydrogenated and dehydrogenated.
 The hydrogenation process involves chemically binding hydrogen to the liquid compound so
that it can be transported at atmospheric pressure like many other oil-like substances. At the
destination, the hydrogen is released via an endothermic (heat-requiring) dehydrogenation
process. The dehydrogenated LOHC can then be transported back to the hydrogen source for
 There are several organic carrier substances available, among which toluene, dibenzyltoluene
and benzyltoluene (so-called heat transfer fluids) are the most common.
CHALLENGES-IRENA point out multiple challenges
that may hinder the fulfilment of Hydrogen potential

 Cost. With long-term average fossil fuel prices of USD 75/bbl for oil and USD 4-6/GJ for natural gas, renewable
hydrogen is two to three times more expensive to produce than the fossil references. Hydrogen pipelines can be
10-50% more expensive. Fuel cells and storage tanks for road transport are multiple times more expensive than
internal combustion engines. Synthetic fuels for aviation can currently be three to six times more expensive than
jet fuel from fossil oil. The cost premium for renewable pathways compared to the fossil-based options can be 50-
75% for ammonia, 150% for methanol and 30-40% for steel.
 Lack of differentiation. There is no established way to differentiate low-carbon hydrogen from fossil-based
hydrogen. This means the link between (market and policy) incentives and production is missing and that there is
no way for consumers to know the origin and environmental impact of the hydrogen produced. There are multiple
ongoing efforts on hydrogen certification that could breach this gap.
 Lack of hydrogen market. Hydrogen is not a traded commodity today, which means there is no price index. This
translates into higher costs paid by consumers since there is low price transparency and competition. There is
little demand for low-carbon hydrogen and projects need to be integrated from supply to infrastructure and end
 Limited infrastructure. Globally, there are only about 4 500 km of hydrogen pipelines. Using renewable resources
from remote locations would require additional investment in the transport infrastructure, from pipelines to
conversion and liquefaction units, as well as storage, which increases the initial investment needed.
 Energy losses. Every conversion step leads to energy losses, which increase the renewable capacity needed
upstream to satisfy a specific end use. Additional hydrogen use beyond the applications where it is strictly
necessary will only increase the required annual pace of renewable capacity deployment which will make the
decarbonization task more challenging.
 Policy. Most of the policy efforts have so far focused on road transport, particularly for fuel cell electric vehicles
and refueling stations. With the focus on a broader set of hydrogen applications, policy attention is shifting
towards comprehensive national strategies, hydrogen supply, infrastructure and uptake in industry.
we achieved, and where are we going?
 The article published on ELSEVIER journal “Green-hydrogen research: What have we
achieved, and where are we going? Bibliometrics analysis”. Could give us an indication about
the researches direction
 The study examined the evolution of green-hydrogen research themes since the UN
Sustainable Development Goals were adopted in 2015 by utilizing bibliographic couplings,
keyword co-occurrence, and keyphrase analysis of 642 articles from 2016 to 2021 in the
Scopus database.
 top three institutions are the Chinese Academy of Sciences, CNRS, and the Ministry of
Education China, with 73, 50, and 40 authors. Two of the top institutions come from
China, while one comes from France.
 Studying bibliometrics indicators and temporal evolution of publications and citations,
patterns of open access, the effect of author collaboration, influential publications, and top
contributing countries.
 considering new indicators like publication views, keyphrases, topics with prominence
andfield weighted citation impact, and Altmetrics to understand the research direction further.
 The study find four major thematic distributions of green-hydrogen research
based on keyword co-occurrence networks: hydrogen storage, hydrogen
production, electrolysis, and the hydrogen economy
FUTURE PLAN-Next steps
The information gathering

Areas of deep dive

The topic to research


Start my proposal writing

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