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 To develop writing skills in the

context of writing a short story.
 To develop the ability to identify and
use narrative tenses when writing.
What are story elements?
 A good story contains several key
1. Characters
2. Setting
3. Problem
4. Solution
• Introduction
• Body/plot
• solution
• Ending
Last Sunday ,I was
watching TV with parents and enjoying
my day. Suddenly I heard people
shouting outside. I was surprised. As I
heard the noise outside ,I looked out
of my window . I saw a house caught
fire and some people inside the house
were shouting for help .
It was a horrible scene to watch. I
rushed outside to help them but nothing
I could do . I hurriedly called the fire
fighter and an ambulance.

Soon the fire fighters came. They were

so quick .They took out their hoses, put
out the fire and rescued the children
and women from the fire. One child was
mild injured so first aid was provided to
Thank God ,rescue team reached on
time and all were saved ,their service
was beyond word and they were quick
to response . Everyone was saved but
still that day remains as a painful
memory in my life.

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