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Prepared by Dr. Judy Siguaw Dean Cornell-Nanyang Institute of Hospitality Management

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

Status of hospitality education now in China? Potential impact of current curriculum Where should hospitality education be? Why raise standards?

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai


WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

Broad knowledge, no depth

Year 1

Semester 1 (21 weeks) Business Monitoring & Control Communication & Information Tech Food Service Operations Hospitality Tourism Consumer Hospitality Business Environment Introduction to Hospitality Operations Introduction to Gastronomy Managing People and Organisations

Semester 2 (21 weeks) Business Performance Research and Project Management Food Services Management Events Management Hospitality & Tourism Marketing Facilities & Property Operations Accommodation Management Organisational Behaviour Human Resource Management

17 courses in 42 weeks or 51credits in less than one year

Year 2 Semester 3 Minimum 800 hours Industry Placement in Food & Beverage Semester 4 Minimum 800 hours Industry Placement in Rooms Division
WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

Vocational Faculty Qualifications

Bachelor degree, at best Little depth of knowledge in subject matter

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

College and University Level

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

In 10 months time . . .

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

21 courses or 63 credits in 10 months

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

In 3 years time

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

College Faculty Qualifications

Bachelors degrees with some Masters degrees

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

General Manager Qualifications

Majority of general managers have a three-year vocational college education.

Source: Lan Li, Eliza Ching-Yick Tse, Lishan Xie (2007)

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

University Curriculum 3 years

The Operation & Management of Hotel Capital The Operation & Management of Front Office The Operation & Management of Housekeeping The Operation & Management of Food & Beverage Hotel Personnel Management Sales & Marketing for Hotel Knowledge on Western-style Food Beverage & Bar Management Hotel Engineering Management Hotel Law Practice Hotel Management Practice Chinese Cookery Western Cookery Guide & Travel Agency Management Mandarin Basic Knowledge for Guides Knowledge-guide Operation Guide Simulation

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

University Curriculum

English Tourism Economy Tourism Psychology Hotel Service Skills Management Theory and Application of Modern Hotels Housekeeping Management of Modern Hotels Catering Management of Modern Hotels Hotel Marketing Tourism Laws Wine Knowledge and Cocktail Making Skills Food Nutrition and Hygiene

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

University Faculty Qualifications

Less than 20 per cent may be PhD holders.

Source: South China Morning Post 2004

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

Where is hospitality education now in China? Potential impact of current curriculum Where should hospitality education be? Why raise standards?
WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

Potential Impact
Providing degrees while offering little knowledge or skill enhancement
Diminishes value of hospitality degree

Producing unqualified/unemployable graduates Perpetuating poor perception of hospitality as a career path Failing to elevate the industry as a respected and desirable profession

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

Global State of Affairs

The current state of tourism education is not meeting the industry's expectation. Industry executives and managers are not satisfied with graduate performance. The industry is not appealing to graduates - how to narrow this gap is a strategic problem facing China's tourism and hotel education programme development. The current curriculum is outdated; it needs to be updated in line with industry expectations. Good, quality educators are rare. In order to upgrade the educational quality of tourism programmes to an international level, the provision of intensive training to educators will be necessary.
Source: Zhang and Wu (2004)

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

Where is hospitality education now in China? Potential impact of current curriculum Where should hospitality education be? Why raise standards?

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

Hospitality Management Certificate 1 semester


Major Core Requirements Service in the Hospitality Industry Exploring the Hospitality Industry Hotel and Restaurant Law Cost Control for the Hospitality Industry OR Cost and Portion Management


Mgmt. Of Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry Hospitality Elective (Choose one 3 from below) Nutrition Sales and Conventions Management Hotel Organization and Front Office Management Restaurant Development Understanding Wines Total Required Credits 18

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT AAS Degree/Diploma Mgmt. ofyearsResources in the 2 Human

General Education Requirements (Communications,ISocial and Behavioral Sciences, IHumanities & Fine Arts, Math/ Sciences) Microsoft Office Applied Foodservice Sanitation Service in the Hospitality Industry Quantity Food Preparation for Hospitality Managers Exploring the Hospitality Industry Hotel and Restaurant Law Management Accounting for the Hospitality Industry Cost Control for the Hospitality Industry or Cost and Portion Management Hospitality Industry Organizational Behavior in the Hospitality Industry Professional Development for the Hospitality Industry Internship in Hospitality Management Major Core Electives (Choose four courses from the following) Food Service Purchasing Nutrition Sales and Conventions Management Hotel Organization and Front Office Management Food Service Systems Understanding Wines Total Credits 66

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

University Level 4 years

Introduction to Hotel Operations Introduction to Food Service Operations Writing Seminar Hospitality Quantitative Analysis Hospitality Development and Planning Hospitality Facilities Operations Financial Accounting Managerial Accounting Culinary Theory and Practice Microcomputing Introduction to Information Systems Management Business and Hospitality Law Restaurant Management Service Operations Management Finance Hospitality Financial Management Organizational Behavior and Interpersonal Skills Human-Resource Management Managerial Communication I Managerial Communication II Microeconomics for the Service Industry Marketing Management for Services Strategic Management

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

University Curriculum 4 years

Students must take a minimum of 12 credits of Hotel School electives at the 300-level or higher.
At Cornell, the choice is from approximately 40 elective courses ranging from revenue management to facilities design to asset management to beverage management to advanced business modeling to real estate law to intercultural communication to marketing research to structured financial products and everything in between.

Students also take distributive and free electives courses in the humanities and social and physical sciences

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

University Curriculum Masters Degree

Managerial Accounting Finance Operations Management Marketing Management Development Organizational Behavior Strategy Information Systems Human Resources Communications 4 Career Track Electives

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

Over 95% of faculty are doctoral degree holders many formally trained in business schools.

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

Where is hospitality education now in China? Potential impact of current curriculum Where should hospitality education be? Why raise standards?

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

Why Raise Standards?

The gap between hospitality education and industry's expectation must be narrowed.
Failure to do so will slow the development of the hotel industry and the massive shortage of talent in the hospitality industry will not be overcome.

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

Why Raise Standards?

The hospitality industry has advanced in terms of technology, information systems, and even management styles.
New job functions and specializations which did not exist ten or even five years ago. Extensive experience alone is not sufficient; many of the newer skills and knowledge required for todays sophisticated business environment have to be learned outside the organization. Industry problems are more complex, requiring manager-scholars.

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

Why Raise Standards?

Hiring people with the right skill sets and educational qualifications makes financial sense, as the organization will spend less money training them and they will have a much faster learning curve. The new knowledge that recent graduates bring to the organization can be cherry-picked by savvy managers and disseminated to staff who may have been out of school for some time.

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

Why Raise Standards?

A cadre of well-educated staff will ensure greater viability and long-term financial performance for the organization.
These staff will have a broader vision and understanding of global competition.

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

Why Raise Standards?

The greater degree to which the industry values education and is populated by educated personnel, the more the hospitality industry will be perceived as a professional career option. In turn, increasing numbers of both graduates and nongraduates will view the industry as the career of choice. Note: 3.2 million personnel are needed for hospitality positions in China, but in 2007, 1.2 million college graduates in China had no job offers.
[Source: Xinhua News Agency,, 2007]

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

Thank You

WTTC International Conference, Human Resources for Chinas Travel & Tourism Industry 16 January 2008 at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

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