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TITLE outside Our nest and forget whatever your POSITION
in other organizations; Once you knock, you are an
•  DATU LAPULAPU Eagles CLUB firmly adheres to TFOE-PE
5 "I" process before any APPLICANT is accepted as a full-
Pledged Eagle or KUYA.
1. The Applicant shall submit a Letter of Intent to an Eagles Club he intends to
2. He shall be interviewed by a panel of interviewers, hereinafter called the
Panel, which shall be constituted by the Membership Committee of said
3. The interview shall cover, but not be limited to, the Applicant's character is his
view regarding honor, loyalty, integrity, perseverance, patience, humility
and/or dedication, openness to render service to the community, the Club
and/or Assembly; financial stability, i.e., livelihood, employment and/or
profession, openness to fellowship, i.e., brotherhood/sisterhood and/or group
4. The membership committee must select at least ONE applicant to serve as
the committee's FOCAL PERSON.
6. The Applicant shall then, during the General Membership Meeting (GMM),
be presented and introduced to the members of the Club by the Chairman of
the Membership Committee.
7. The applicant shall then be required to attend the following to wit: Three (3)
consecutive GMM’s and three (3) consecutive Community Services without
8. An Applicant's failure to attend any of these meetings and services shall
cause the deferment of his induction as a member and be again required to
undergo Incubation.
9. Any proposals by the applicants, such as Community Service and Special
Projects, shall pass through the Membership Committee.
- During the implementation of applicant Community Service and Special
Projects, the membership community shall coordinate with the Community
Service Community.
10.All applicant concerns and queries must be channeled to the Membership Committee.
11.All Applicants' payments must be made directly to the DLEC Treasurer via GCASH,
Palawan, or bank transfer.
12.The Applicants are strongly advised against executing the eagle handshake nor shall be
addressed as Kuya/Ate. it must be emphasized that the salutation Kuya/Ate and the Eagle
handshake is reserved solely for FULL-PLEDGED members of the Fraternal Order of
13. The applicants must always wear the applicant t-shirt while performing community
service, having applicants' meetings, and attending the DLEC general monthly meeting.
14.The Applicants must assist the committee with any events or activities of DLEC, except
for the Applicants' inductions day
15. The Applicants are not permitted to post any DLEC activities on social media during the
incubation period.

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