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What is a literature review?
A literature review is an account of what
has been published on a topic by scholars
and researchers. In writing the literature
review, your purpose is to convey to
your reader what knowledge and ideas
have been established on a topic, and
what their strengths and weaknesses
As a piece of writing, the literature review
must be defined by a guiding concept
(e.g., your research objective, the
problem or issue you are discussing, or
your argumentative thesis). It is not just a
descriptive list of the materials available,
or a set of summaries.
A literature review must be:
 organized around and related
directly to the thesis or
research question you are
 a synthesized results into a
summary of what is and is not
 an area of controversy in the
 Able to formulate questions
that need further research
 Things to do:
 1. Topic: E.g. Life Lessons from Paul, the Apostle
Establish a question (1 only)
Eg: E.g. How does Paul inspire me in my work?
Look for Related Studies and Literature
Summarize the Literature or Conclusions
Include References (in-text citation)
Write your article (2-3 pp)
 In what way does this book or
article contribute to your
understanding of the problem
(question) and in what way/s is it
useful for practice?
Ask yourself  What are the strengths and
questions like: limitations of the article?
 How does this book or article
relate/differ/negate to the
specific article or question you
are developing?
Parts of the Literature Review
1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction (1-2 par- introduce the topic in your own words with citations)
1.1.1 Objective (present tense) Eg. This article explores on the life of Paul, the
1.1.2 Main Question (present tense) 1 QQ : How does Paul inspire me in my work?
2. Discussion (Body which is the longest part of the Related Reviews - At least 10 citations )
2.1 Answer the question with citations. Establish relationships, differences.
Paraphrase the author’s points. Make a story line
2.3 In-text citations [e.g. According to Batugal (2020); OR as cited by Batugal (2021)]
2.4 Doctoral at least 10 articles. Masters at least 5 articles.
3. Conclusion should be based on the reults of your study (insights; new discoveries, 1 par)
4. References (APA format)
It'simportant to cite the sources you used in
your research:
 To show your reader you've done proper
research by listing sources you used to get
your information
 To be a responsible scholar/researcher by
giving credit to other researchers and
acknowledging their ideas
 To avoid plagiarism by citing words and ideas
used by other authors (As cited by Batugal
 To allow your reader to track down the
sources you used by citing them accurately
in your paper by way of reference list

Key: Paraphrase
Sample APA format
Text written by Dena Taylor, Health
Sciences Writing Centre, University of
Credits 

With revisions from: Batugal, 2021

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