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Relationship between Philosophy of

Education. Branches of Philosophy:

Metaphysics, Epistemology and
What is Philosophy?

What Is Education?

What is the relationship

between Philosophy
and Education?
The term Philosophy originates from the Greek
term “Philosophia”.


Philosophy is therefore the Love of Wisdom.
Philosophy can be broadly defined as
the study of the nature and meaning of
the Universe, human life, reality and
human existence. Philosophy is
regarded as a Mental activity as it seeks
to obtain fundamental truth through
reasoning and critical enquires.
Philosophy is the study of general
and fundamental problems
concerning matters such as
existence, knowledge, truth, beauty,
law, justice, validity, mind, and
Philosophy is a system of beliefs about reality. It is
integrated view of the world. It includes
an understanding of the nature of existence,
humankind, and its role in the world. Philosophy is
the foundation of knowledge. It provides premises
by which man can discover truth, and uses his
mind to support his life. In conclusion we can say
that philosophy is a critical examination of
reality characterized by rational inquiry that aims at
the Truth for the sake of attaining wisdom.
Philosophy has been defined variously by scholars and thinkers:

Aristipus (435-356 B.C): “Philosophy is the ability to feel at ease in any society”.
Aristotle: “Philosophy is the science which investigates the nature of being, as it
is in itself”.
Brightman: “Philosophy may be defined as the attempt to think truly about
human experience as a whole and to make our whole experience intelligible”.
Cicero, Marcus Tullius (106-43 B.C): “Philosophy is the mother of all arts and
the true medicine of mind”.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834): defined it as the, “Science of Sciences”.
Dr. Baldev upadhyaya: Methodical training or “Sadhana”.
Dr. Radhakrishnan (1888-1975): Philosophy is a logical inquiry into the nature
of reality.
Dumery H. in his book the “problem of god” (1964) defines philosophy as a
critical reflection on concrete action.
1. Philosophy is a set of views or beliefs about life and the universe, which
are often held uncritically.

2. Philosophy is a process of reflecting on and criticizing our most deeply

held conceptions and beliefs.

3. Philosophy is a rational attempt to look at the world as a whole.

4. Philosophy is the logical analysis of language and the clarification of

the meaning of words and concepts.
5. Philosophy is a group of perennial problems that interest people
and for which philosophers always have sought answers.
What is Education?

Education is the process of undergoing teaching,

training and learning in order to improve your
knowledge and to develop skills. Education may also
be defined as the act of imparting or acquiring general
knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and
attaining a kind of schooling or academic training.
“Education without philosophy is blind and philosophy
without education is invalid” 

Education and philosophy, the two disciplines, are

very closely related and in some areas they
overlap each other. According to J.S.Ross,
“philosophy and education are like the two sides
of the same coin; one is implied by the other; the
former is the contemplative side of life, while the
latter is the active side”.
Philosophy gives ideas and Education works out
these ideas given by Philosophy.

Education cannot effectively function without

Philosophy and vice versa. Both Education and
Philosophy, therefore, depend on each other.
Three Major Branches of



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