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Crafting Your Mission to

“Boldly Go”
Session 2
Your “Why” Drives Your
“What” & “How”
• The meaning behind your business, your why, becomes the director of the mission for
your business.

• Are you waiting for your mission to be given to you, etched in stone tablets?

• It doesn’t work this way!

• You get to decide what your mission is.

• Why? 

• Because, your mission is based on the personality traits you already have. The ones
you were born with or that you developed over time.
Your “Why” Drives Your
“What” & “How”
• These are the ingredients that stimulate your dreams.

• These are the tools you use to define your mission.

• Now, let’s have some clarification…

• Mission. Vision. Goals. These words DO NOT mean the same thing.

• Your mission is your marching orders.

• Mission defines what you will do to fulfill the meaning that you’ve decided you have in life.

• Mission is the purpose for which you were put here.

• Mission is your “what.”

Your “Why” Drives Your
“What” & “How”
• How will you complete your mission? By enacting your vision.

• Vision describes the result of completing your mission.

• Vision involves sight. Sight is the key.

• Vision is what the accomplishment of your mission actually looks like.

• Vision is your “how.”

Your “Why” Drives Your
“What” & “How”
• So, how do you en-vision the fulfillment of your mission?

• Don’t get confused. Your mission consists of your marching orders.

• Your vision describes what the completion of your mission will look like.

• Next comes your Goals.

Your “Why” Drives Your
“What” & “How”
• Goals are the incremental objectives or targets required to fulfill your mission.

• Goals are your “therefore.” The “action steps” that make your vision come to life.


• “My vision is X… therefore I will make XYZ happen to bring about my vision, which
in turn makes my mission a reality, giving my business, my life, and my purpose a
successful, satisfying meaning.”

• So, how do you set effective goals?

• As Stephen R. Covey said… “Begin with the end in mind.”

Your “Why” Drives Your
“What” & “How”
• First, set a date when you’ll achieve your outcomes.

• What will it take to make that a reality?

• Work your way backward, step-by-step, until you arrive at today.

• So, what is your BIG goal?

• What will it take to achieve?

• What must you do now to get started?

• Take a minute to write down your thoughts.

Your “Why” Drives Your
“What” & “How”
• Is your goal a task? Or a project?

• If your vision is big enough, it is a project goal.

• Set goals. 

• Assign a target completion date.

• Work backward to reverse engineer what needs to be done to achieve.

Your “Why” Drives Your
“What” & “How”
• That will yield your list of action steps.

• What gets scheduled gets done.

• Be clear about your terms and remember this formula…

• Mission + Vision + Discipline = Destiny

• Your discipline is in the setting and completion of goals and tasks.

What Is Destiny?
• Is it a shower of divine light shining down upon you?

• No!

• Destiny is derived from the same root as the word “destination.”

• You arrive at a destination by going in a specific direction.

• How do you start off in the right direction?

• By deciding where you want to end up. 

• Look at your map. Make a plan. Proceed in that direction. 

What Is Destiny?
• The problem is, most people don’t have a map. 

• They wander aimlessly through life.

• As Zig Ziglar said…

• “It’s time to stop being a wandering generality and being to be a meaningful specific.”

• Set goals you want to attain. 

• Identify tasks that will lead you there.

• Then, move in the direction of their achievement. 

• This leads to your ultimate destiny, or destination.

• YOU get to decide your destiny!

Where Most People Want To Start,
To Their Cost
• Most people want to start with their message: their sales pitch, their website, their

• But without laying the groundwork we’ve covered so far, this is a huge mistake.

• Like baking from a special recipe, you cannot skip steps and expect to get your cake
to rise.

• Only when you have your “why,” your “what,” your “how,” and your “therefore”
firmly in place are you safe to start defining your message.

• Why?
Where Most People Want To Start,
To Their Cost
• Because your message is the means of communicating your vision and your mission
to your ideal customer in a way that will successfully attract them to you.

• Your message beckons and engages customers to rally to your side.

• But be careful. DON’T make the next most common mistake.

• Don’t start with what you do. Rather, start with who you serve.
Start With Who
• If you start with your solution first, you’ve lost before you’ve begun.

• Rather, begin writing your message by considering the person, their problems, and the
pain those problems cause.

• No message succeeds without the person you’re writing to in mind.

• Before you name your company. Before you write your slogan. Before you create a
product or marketing plan. You MUST figure out who you serve.
Start With Who

• Who is your ideal customer?

• What is the MAIN problem you can help them solve?

• What does the pain feel like from their perspective?

• How do they experience the pain of the problem you can solve?

• Take a few minutes to answer these questions.

Start With Who
• You don’t have a marketing message UNTIL you have a specific group of people with
money, who have a problem you can, and want, to solve.

• Jay Abraham said…

• “If you can describe a person’s pain better than they can describe it themselves,
they automatically believe you have the solution to their problem.”

• And how to do this?

Start With Who
• You have to talk to them. Get to know them. Experience their lives from their point of view.

• The best way to do this is at ground level. Go where they go. Shop where they shop. Read
books and magazines they read. Watch TV shows and movies they watch.

• Seek to experience life the way they do.

• What are they like? What do they hate? What do they love? What frustrates them? What are
their fears and anxieties? What keeps them awake at night? What gets them out of bed
feeling excited in the morning? What are their needs?

• Which needs am I talking about?

Start With “Who”
• Tony Robbins’s “6 Core Human Needs.”

• Certainty

• Variety

• Significance

• Connection

• Growth

• Contribution
Next, Go To “Why”
• Now it’s time to amplify the consequences of not solving the problem.

• Everyone is in denial. It’s your job to amplify the cost of not taking action now.

• How?

• Explain the painful price mounting the longer they wait. Explain in a way that reaches
through their defense mechanisms.

• This is not as easy as it sounds, which is why copywriting is so important.

• If you haven’t yet taken my course, The Copywriting Academy 3.0, I strongly
recommend you do at your earliest convenience. 
Next, Go To “Why”
• After amplifying the consequences of not solving the problem, the next step is to speak
to the aspirations the person has.

• Their dreams, hopes, expectation, the paradise they wish to inhabit someday.

• Everyone hopes for a heaven on earth... someday!

• The truth is, they are lying to themselves most of the time.

• Your job is to help them see how they will never get closer to “someday” if all they do
is dream about it. 

• Instead, show them how they can achieve their aspirations faster than they think if they
simply take action.
Next, Go To “What”
• Now it’s time to tell your ideal customer what to do.

• It’s important to make it clear that there’s only one answer for them and that you have
that answer.

• How?

• Simple. You tell them a story they can relate to. One that hits home to them. One of
struggle, of anxiety, of failure.

• These kinds of stories bond you to your ideal customer because you share common
Next, Go To “What”
• Nobody wants to learn to be successful from someone who’s never failed. 

• Everyone encounters struggle. Everyone has problems. Everyone has failures.

• Tell them your story of struggle, of failure, and how you rose above it all to solve the
problem you can now solve for them.

• Show them how it CAN be done. Give them hope.

• When you do this, you won’t have to sell at all.

If You Confuse, You Lose
• Be very clear, simple, and easy to remember. 

• Most people’s marketing is way too confusing. 

• Nobody is affected by confusing marketing. 

• And if they’re confused they’ll NEVER buy.

• With these pieces intact, you are now ready to “BOLDLY GO” forth on your mission!

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