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DIFFUSION- Is the tendency of molecules or materials to move from areas

of high concentrations into areas the same molecules are in a lower

concentration. This tendency is a result of intrinsic thermal energy (heat)
found in all molecules at temperature above absolute zero. Without other
outside forces at work, substances will move/diffuse from a more
concentrated environment to a less concentrated environment. No work is
performed for this to happen, as diffusion is a spontaneous process. Most
materials move by simple diffusion through the semi-permeable membrane
surrounding the cell. A semi permeable membrane only allows certain types
of molecules to enter or leave the cell. Limitations may be based on size or
charge of the molecules. Simple diffusion does not require energy, instead,
it happens by random motion.
Passive transport
Passive transport can be of the following
different types:

•Simple diffusion
•Facilitated diffusion

A substance tends to move from a region of high concentration in diffusion to a

region of lower concentration until equilibrium is reached. The total movement of
molecules in and out of the more concentrated region and into the lesser
concentrated one is till the concentration is equal. Such a process does not
require any input of energy. A concentration gradient itself is a form of stored
energy, which is utilized as concentrations tend to equalize.
The directional movement as a result of diffusion along a gradient is passive and
continues this way till the molecules are dispersed evenly. Non-polar and small
molecules can diffuse freely across the cell membranes. The rate of diffusion
could be affected by many factors such as –
•Size of molecules – large particles have a greater resistance in a fluid medium
•Rate of diffusion is higher if the concentration gradient is higher – steepness of
Simple Diffusion
Facilitated diffusion
“Facilitated diffusion is a type of diffusion in which the molecules
move from the region of higher concentration to the region of lower
concentration assisted by a carrier.”
Osmosis Definition
“Osmosis is a process by which the molecules of a solvent pass from a dilute
solution (lower solute concentration) to a more concentrated solution
(higher solute concentration) through a semi-permeable membrane.” 
The below diagram shows the process of active transport, which uses
an external energy ATP for the movement of the molecules.
“Passive transport is the movement of ions and molecules across the cell
membrane without requiring energy.”

Different types of Passive Transport are – Osmosis, diffusion, and

facilitated diffusion

“Active transport is the movement of molecules across a membrane from a

region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration against the
concentration gradient, often assisted by enzymes and requires energy”

Active and passive transport are the two main biological processes that play a
crucial role in supplying nutrients, oxygen, water and other essential molecules
to the cells along with the elimination of waste products. In essence, active
and passive transport work for the same goals/ purposes, but with different

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