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Plot of The Office Space

• The film focuses on its protagonist, a programmer named Peter who works for a company
named Initech.
• Dissatisfied, Peter and his two close friends, Samir and Michael, plan to express their
dissatisfaction in various ways.
• Peter and his girlfriend go to an occupational hypnotherapist. The appointment does not go the
way Peter wanted, as the therapist dies while Peter is in a trance and thus Peter remains trapped
in that state of mind.
• Peter returns to the office, he finds that he was promoted but that his two close friends have
been fired. As a way of getting revenge, the three plan to release a viruses that will rob the
company systematically.
• Peter goes to his office in the middle of the night with an envelope containing a check with the
money and a confession letter.
• The next day however, when Peter goes to the office, he sees it burning. Peter also sees one if
his coworkers, a man named Milton who threatened to burn the building.
• The film ends with Peter, now working in a construction crew, cleaning the debris from his
former office building and sometimes meeting with his friends. The three all agree to never
mention the incident again, telling themselves that their conscience is clear since they did try to
return the money.
• Initech could’ve been a successful organization if there were good
leadership skills which means that the leader needed to loosen the
gap between him and his employers by better interpersonal skills.
• A good leader also needs to analyze the capabilities of his workers
and assign jobs according to it otherwise it will be a big failure.
• Job satisfaction is very important for better production.
• There were rules and regulations which were just bothering the
workers and work environment. Such rules should be thrown out of
the organization and the workplace needs to follow rules which are
good for it.
• There should be no uncertainity.

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