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Implementation of Jamming

Defense Strategies for real-time

traffic in Wireless Networks
Presenter: Yinglin Sun
Oct 7, 2008
Wireless Jamming
• Wireless jamming aims at blocking wireless
communication by keeping the medium busy or
by corrupting received signal using radio
• Attack strategies
– Scanning: Attack radio keeps hopping until it finds a
channel that has legitimate activity. It will stay until it
detects lack of activity.
– Sweeping: Attackers periodically and simultaneously
switch channels irrespective of channel activity, and
jam until the next period.
Channel Hopping
• There are some orthogonal radio channels in
many wireless standards.
– 802.11a: 12 channels, 802.15.4: 16 channels
• Channel hopping, whereby radios switch
channels to escape jamming, has been
proposed to mitigate jamming.
– Reactive hopping: each radio stays at current channel
till jamming is detected.
– Proactive hopping: radios switch channels
Course project ideas
• Tune up jamming defense strategies based on c
hannel hopping for real-time traffic in wireless ne
tworks, like VoIP, streaming video.
• Set up a real experimental wireless network to d
o experiments
• What we have
– 5 PCI wireless cards, 1 USB wireless adapter
– Sender & receiver: Switched channels with Wireless t
ools for Linux
– Jammer: working on modifying madwifi driver to bypa
ss MAC-layer protocols
• Looking for a teammate 
Question 1
• Which defense strategy (reactive or proactive) a
chieves the best jamming resiliency under a give
n system and attack scenario?

• Sherif Khattab showed reactive defense p

rovides better jamming tolerance than proactive
when considering communication availability in
multi-radio wireless networks with simulation.
Multi-radio wireless network
• Multi-radio wireless network can
be used to increase overall netw
ork capacity by exploiting chann
el diversity, and communication
reliability by sending redundant
• Error-correcting Codes (ECC):
(n, m)
– Augmented data is divided into n pi
eces and sent out.
– Any m of n pieces can restore origi
nal data.
• Trade-off between goodput and
Question 2
• How to maximizing network goodput under jamm
ing attacks in multi-radio networks by combining
channel-hopping and error-correcting codes(EC

• Sherif described the solution space , deve

loped a model of the reactive channel-hopping d
efense against the scanning jamming attack, an
d validated it with simulation experiments.

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