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Which are the immediate

effects given by the use of our

“genius of the tank”?

After only 48 hours, from the installation of our
“Genius”, the careful customer will notice:

• 1. Increased engine elasticity due to better

combustion that will allow the customer to
use higher gears and hence travel to lower
engine speeds, which results in fuel
economy. (Try to run 10 kms in 4th gear and
the same 10 kms in the 5th without SUPERTECH
and you will see the difference in consumption:
10% minimum!)
• 2. Another, immediately visible, effect is
the reduction of exhaust gases.? This black
cloud that comes out from older vehicles,
every time they are under stress, ...... is
now, significantly, reduced.

• We had cases of customers who received

compliments from the road police after the
gas control.
After the first 6 months of use of our “Genius” ...
the careful customer will notice that diesel and
engine oil filters are cleaner and do not need to
be replaced, so often ... therefore

• Given by the fact that the entire gas
expulsion circuit is now cleaner and therefore
both the filters and the oil are less dirty.
• Our careful customer will verify, he will notice these
3 effects, but obviously the driver of the vehicle
should always be the same to note the difference
between: what happens BEFORE the installation and
what happens AFTER.

That's why our best customers are the small fleets

where each vehicle, in most cases, is assigned to a
specific driver who, as you can hear in the various
videos and read in the various testimonials,
immediately notice the improvements mentioned
Advantages verified
by the driver
Advantages verified
by the driver
Advantages verified
by the driver
These are just a few of the
tens of thousands of small
customers who declare that
the benefits were felt by the
drivers, in addition to the
official test.

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