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Luis Mejia and Angel Garcia

What are Tides? 

•Tides are a fenomena

caused by the the interaction
of the moon, the sun and the

•Tides are the rise and the

the fall of the water on the
coastlines and large bodies
of water.
What causes
• Tides are caused by the
interaction of Earth, the moon,
and the sun.
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• Tides are all about bulges the
bulges that are pulled create
high tides an low tides 

• Earth experiences every day four

tides within 25 hours 
The Influence of the Moon 
• As the moon rotates around the Earth moons gravitational pull pulls
water on the surface of the Earth therefore causing water to create
bulges this is known as tidal bulge 
The influence of the sun
• As the moon and the sun rotates they align. when
this happens massive tides happen due to the
combined gravitational pull of the two celestial
• A spring tide is either of
the two tides that occur at
or just after new moon and
full moon when the tide-
generating force of the sun
acts in the same direction as
that of the moon.
Neap Tides
A neap tide, is  a tide just
after the first or third
quarters of the moon
when there is least
difference between high
and low water.
How do
scientist predict
• Scientist can predict tides
quite accurately for many
• Scientist combine the
knowledge of the
movement of the moon
and Earth with
information about the
shape of the coastline and
other  local conditions.
from Tides
• The movement of huge
amounts of water between
high and low tide is a source
of potential energy.

• Engineers have designed

tidal power plants that
capture some of this energy
as the tide moves in and out.
Disadvantages of Tidal Energy
• Tidal energy is clean and is a renewable resource, but it has several

• Tidal power is practical only where there is a large difference between

high and low tides (at least 4 or 5 meters). 

• Also there are only few places in the world where such a large,
difference occur.
Thank You For Listening 

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