Pitgoras en Ingles

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birth and youth

Pythagoras was born on the Island of Somos, located off the western
coast of Anatolia, this occurred in the year 582 BC.

the oracle of Delphi announced his arrival before his birth

His future parents were predicted that their son would be useful
throughout all the eras of humanity, in addition that he would be a
being full of justice, beautiful and sweet, thanks to this event it is
argued that he was the child announced by the Pythia .
I travel to Sidon’s City, He make contact with Mokhos, creator of the
theorem of atoms.

He also visited Byblos and Tyre, where he
retired to a temple dedicated to Baal.
His Trips

I visit the temple of Memphis and Heliopolis, but it

was difficult to get the desired teachings.

In Thebes, he became a geometer priest, Inscribed

Egypt to the god Thoth

Learned the 3 Egyptian alphabets

He would know the doctrines of the magicians and

the reforms of Zoroaster.
He learned the secrets of purifying the soul from the
consequences of previous lives.
Pythagorean Doctrine

The key to the thought of

The Pythagorean Universe
Pythagoras are:
• the immortality of the soul
• The reencarnation • The music of the spheres
• the eternal return The Cosmos of Divided
• Continuity of life in nature Universes
• The static vision of the
pythagorean school
those who listen
pythagorean school

Acusmaticoi There were 3 types: What is it? What is the highest degree? What
(Acousmatics) should be done or not done?

They maintained their contents by oral and memory transmission,

Many did not understand their symbolic language. The acousmatic
degree was intended to convey simple truths that were useful for
life to people who were not trained to understand deep knowledge.

More internal to mathematicians, there was an internal circle where

there were duly tested disciples to have access to esoteric doctrines
that required greater purification and inner development.
Tests of self-control and detachment, They had no distinction as to
sex, They had no distinction of social origin, Absolutely kept their
Doctrine of numbers

Tetraktys and pentacle
School of music and medicine
Music comes to be the practical and
concrete application of the doctrine of
numbers, in terms of portions and
Harmonic interactions.

He established artistic education as

essential through certain melodies and

From here the cures of human attitudes

and passions are generated and the
original harmonies of the powers of the
soul would be restored.

The most characteristic feature of his

musical theory and practice is found in
the hidden correspondences of the
cosmos that manifest themselves in
sound, powerful and harmonic.
To cure the disease

Illness is a disorder of some dimension

To cure it is necessary to know what a man is

and how he is composed

As previously said the cosmos

The opposite of the cosmos is chaos

Chaos is absolute unity and the cosmos is ordered

fragmenting unity.

The disease is falling into chaos in a brutal way that

generates death
Music of the spheres

The celestial bodies will emit an

equivalent vibration in their
movements through the ordered
space of the cosmos.
The thoughts of the souls, when
they are separated from the great
bodies and can meet the souls of the
great beings, reproduce such
Thank you

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