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Unit 1


Shaping the future

3/9/23 Ms. Thơ 1
Shaping the future
3/9/23 Ms. Thơ 2
Shaping the future
3/9/23 Ms. Thơ 3
Shaping the future
3/9/23 Ms. Thơ 4
Shaping the future
3/9/23 Ms. Thơ 5
Shaping the future
3/9/23 Ms. Thơ 6
Shaping the future
3/9/23 Ms. Thơ 7
Shaping the future
3/9/23 Ms. Thơ 8
1. Where are you from?
I was born and raised in a family on the outskirts of Bentre. The
village where I lived has a very tranquil atmosphere. Although I’ve
been living in the city centre for my study for the better part of the
last 4 years, I always get back to my village to escape from the hectic
pace of city life on weekends.

• on the outskirts (of something)/ˈaʊtskɜːts/: ở vùng ngoại ô …

Shaping the future

• tranquil /ˈtræŋkwɪl/ (adj): yên bình, tĩnh lặng
• the better part of something: phần lớn, hầu hết
• escape from the hectic pace of city life/ɪˈskeɪp//ˈhektɪkpeɪs/: thoát
khỏi nhịp sống xô bồ ở thành phố
3/9/23 Ms. Thơ 9
2. What is the weather like in your home town?
My hometown has pretty consistent weather. It’s usually warm in the
summer and cold in the winter. Sometimes there can be dry spells, but we
get a normal amount of rain and snow. I like that we go through all the
seasons. It’s nice to have a change every once in a while .

• pretty consistent weather: thời tiết khá ổn định

• dry spells: thời kì khô hạn

Shaping the future

• once in a while: thỉnh thoảng

3/9/23 Ms. Thơ 10

3. When is the best time of year to visit your home town?
Well, I can be said that anytime in a year is a fabulous time to visit
my hometown because it is famous for its pleasant climate and
rarely suffer from natural disasters like other areas.
I guess autumn and spring are probably the most favorable seasons
for tourists.

Shaping the future

3/9/23 Ms. Thơ 11
To be honest, I would say I Frankly speaking, I dislike the slow
like everything. But what I pace of life in my city. For a young,
like the most maybe its dynamic, active person like me, my
hometown is not an ideal place for
privilege in natural me to expand my horizons or find
landscapes. I mean my city a better job opportunity. That’s
is well-known for having why I moved to Ho Chi Minh city
incredible sceneries for work. However, I still think Da

Shaping the future

everywhere from the fine Nang is a perfect place for
sandy beaches to the east vacationers who would only stay
to green chilling forests to for a few days.
the west.
3/9/23 Ms. Thơ 12
Shaping the future
3/9/23 Ms. Thơ 13
Shaping the future
3/9/23 Ms. Thơ 14
Shaping the future
3/9/23 Ms. Thơ 15
Shaping the future
3/9/23 Ms. Thơ 16
Shaping the future
3/9/23 Ms. Thơ 17
Shaping the future
3/9/23 Ms. Thơ 18
Shaping the future
3/9/23 Ms. Thơ 19
Shaping the future
3/9/23 Ms. Thơ 20

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