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Inventor of Voronoi Diagrams

 Voronoi diagrams were considered as early as 1644

by philosopher René Descartes and are named after
the Russian mathematician Georgy Voronoi.
 who defined and studied the general n-dimensional
case in 1908.
 This type of diagram is created by scattering points
at random on a Euclidean plane.
Nature of Voronoi Diagrams

 A Voronoi pattern provides clues to nature's

tendency to favor efficiency: the nearest
neighbor, shortest path, and tightest fit.

 The points or the coordinates are shown in the diagram they are called SITES.
 Now the sites are separated by the lines and we call it as EDGES.
 The edge creates some part of area it is called region or cells.
 At finally the edges intersect they are called intersections.
 VORONOI diagrams are constructed in a series of perpendicular bisectors

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