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Condition of workers in

independent India
In this Presentation we will talk about following
points :
• Revolutions
• Social cohesion
• Healthcare
• Technology
• Democracy
• Literacy
Main Revolution in India
• Green Revolution – This revolution was
related to food grains, agriculture, etc. It was
started in 1965.
• White revolution – This revolution was related
to milk and dairy. It was started in 1970.
• Blue Revolution – This revolution was related
to fish. It was started in 1985.
Social Cohesion
Winston Churchill was the former PM of United
Kingdom. He dismissed the India’s experiment
of self governance. He also said that India is
merely geographical expression. It is no more a
single country than the Equator. Well he was
wrong India is still united.
After the independence approximate life of
people was 32 years now it has reached 70
years. At the time of independence many
diseases like malaria, tuberculosis, polio and
smallpox. In 2021 India was holding world’s
largest vaccination drive. Now India exports
medicines to over 200 countries and is known as
world’s pharmacy.
Just after 17 years of independence we decided
to go to space. In 1962 India set up
(INCOSPAR) Indian national committee for
space research. In 1963 India’s first rocket was
launched from a place known as thumba, parts
were transported from bicycles and bullock
carts. Today India is a well established space
From the first day of independence. India was
adopting democracy but it took US 150 years to
adopt democracy.
Some people cast their vote, some vote their cast
but everybody exercises their right. India has
alleviated poverty, built world class
infrastructure and sent people to space.
At the time of independence 4 out of 5
people could not read. At that time literacy
rate was 12% now literacy rate is 77.7%.
To grow education was made free and
schemes like mid day meal, etc.

Fun Fact
India was the first country outside the
UNSC permanent member to test a
nuclear bomb.

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