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Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory exposition ia a type of text that

aims to convice the readers of listeners
to do something or to take a certain. It is
Difinisi a from of argumentative text that
presents a problem or issue, followed by
a series of arguments and
recommendations to support a particular
The purpose of hortatory exposition is to
influence the readers of listeners to take
action or to adopt a viewpointr
Purpose viewpoint.The text ia desingned to
provide a strong and convincing
argument that Will encourage the
audience to take action.
Structure hortatory exposition that
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Structure - an introduction,
- a thesis statement,
- a series of arguments, and
- a conclusion.
Hortatory exposition used persuasive
language feature such as strong opinion,
racommendations, and persuasive
language devices such as rhetorical
question, imperative sentences, and
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emotive language. In addition, hortatory
Language feature exposition often employs connectives and
transitional worlds and phrases to ensure
that the text flows smoothly and logically.
Persuasive language: the language used in
hortatory exposition is persuasive and aims
to convice the readers or listeners to take
particular action.
Modal Verbs
mondal verbs such as "shound," "must," "ought
to," "need to," and "heve to" are commonly used in
hartatory exposition to express obligation and

Connectives such as "firstly","secondly","in addition","furthermore"
and "moreover" are used to link ideas and arguments in hortatory
Expert opinion:
Hortatory exposition often used expert opinion
and statistics to support the writer's.

Concluding statement:
A hortatory exposition typically anda with a concluding
statement that restates the thesis and provide a summary of the
main arguments presenter in the text.

Overall Hortatory exposition is characteri by its persuasive

language and use of rhetorical devices to convice the readers or
listeners to take a particular course of action.

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