Teacher Preparation For Online Language Instruction

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Case studies

: Four online instructors

Subject of study
p. 273

Second Semester Fourth Semester


Study purpose
p. 273

I have difficulty handling the material in my

online course.

I don’t know how to create the same

atmosphere for learning and speaking as I
was able to in my traditional courses.

SP2 Instructor
Focus of study
p. 273

Teaching the online course is similar to

teaching my traditional courses

FR2 Instructor management of their online courses

(Interaction, Comunity building, Feedback)

Two environments are not at all similar

SP2 Instructor
FR2 Instructor
p. 274

community building by group and paired activities

⇒ create a desired participation

.community in collaborative
by group and activities
(exercises were paired
assigned to be donebyingroup
activities.community an and
online environment,
paired activities
as in chat)
SP2 Instructor
p. 273

I spent more time scaffolding my students’ oral abilities, a need I

found much less evident in my traditional sections.
⇒ explain the Spanish language to the students in a much more
concrete manner
⇒ speaking Spanish much more slowly, inauthentically, and using
more English than was my norm

And therefore I was unable to focus on exploring and expanding the

content of the online course via oral exercise.

p. 274-275

the ability to get to know students more easily in the online

⇒ know students and understand who they are as individuals

increased socialization between the students and teacher

students feel more comfortable in the online learning environment

students also feel comfortable in getting to know each other

increased active participation in online activities

increased and improved feedback

p. 275

must take place electronically as class time is limited
( 제한된 시간 안에 빨리 피드백 주기 위해 매 체를 이용한다는 의미 )

Student⇔Student & Teacher⇔Student

increase the sense that the student is indeed part of a larger group
The evolution of
pedagogical practice
: in Language Online
Four Methods
p. 275

Building Fostering
a community active
of learners participation
1 2

3 4
Innovation Individualization
in collaborative for students
technologies and instructors
Building a community of learners
p. 275-276


Management of a large group of learners by a single instructor

Class time is limited


Lack of a sense of community and the cohesion

Alienation of individuals, resulting in high dropout rates

Building a community of learners
p. 276


Asynchronous response to classmates’ postings on discussion boards

Synchronous chat in pairs and small groups

Role plays, prepared discussion topics, free discussion
Maximize exposure to students to each other(Student-centered)

Fostering active participation
p. 276


prompt response to messages, e-mails, electronic submissions, postings

crucial to increase active participation of learners

collect individualized data on each student’s prepararion

can offer appropriate responses to learners

foster full participation by all students.

Fostering active participation
p. 276


must be committed to taking class and meeting preparation

Innovation in collaborative technologies
p. 277

The use of Chat

Synchronous response to each other in pairs and small groups

have a communicative importance

Audio/Video Conferencing
Instructional use of paired and group audio/video conferencing.


Any assignment that stimulates a sufficient volume of targeted stu-

dent discourse is valid.
Individualization for students and instructors
p. 277-278

Individual differences

Some students perfect areas of weakness through additional listening,

study, repetition of exercises to mastery

Others tend to avoid areas of weakness

Just giving them plentiful opportunities

for practice, listening, and production

do not always guarantee sufficient amount of student interactions

Innovation in collaborative technologies
p. 278


Very targeted individual meetings, actual time-on-task

Instructors can know that their students have a deficiency in some
Different student personalities and learning styles must be accommo-
dated to the greatest extent possible in order to create a successful learn-
ing environment for all members of the class
an online course might not be the best option ⇛ Hybrid approach

Components of the course can serve as diagnostic tools pointing to-

ward specific learning sequences based on learning style
Thank you!
-The end-

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