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Geographic, Linguistic

and Ethnic Dimensions

of Philippine Literary
history from Pre-
Colonial to the
M. JEnnalyn B. Caracas
LEsson objectives
• 1.Identify the geographic, linguistic and ethnic
dimensions of Philippine history from the pre-
colonial to the contemporary
• 2.Compare and contrast the literary from pre-colonial
up to the contemporary
• 3.Distinguish the different themes during a certain
• Read each item carefully, choose the letter of the correct
answer and write your answers on your notebook.
The words "popped" and "sizzled" are Question #1
words that sound like their meaning. What
literary device is this?1. It is a witty saying
using metaphors aimed at teaching virtues.
a. Epics
b. Proverbs
c. Riddles
d. Tanaga
Question #2
2. It is a type of literature which explains
the origin of things.
a. Epics
b. Legends
c. Myths
d. Riddles
3. It is a corrido about the magical bird
Question #3
with healing powers and the three brothers
in the quest for the magical bird.
a. El Filibusterismo
b. Florante at Laura
c. Ibong Adarna
d. Noli Me Tangere
Literature is a word used to describe written and
spoken materials (at times). Originally from the Latin
word litera meaning “letters”, literature most
commonly mean works of the creative imagination
Group Reporting!
I. Pre-Colonial Period (B.C. – 1564)
II. Colonial Period (1565-1863)
III. Revolutionary Period (1864-1910)
IV. Post-Colonial Period – American Regime
topics! V. Japanese Occupation (1942-1945)
VI. Liberation Period (1945-1960)
VII. Modern Period (1960-1999)
VIII. The 21st Century (1960-1999)
“Name That Piece!” Identify what period/time
the given literary piece was written.

1. Hinilawod
2. Women Loving
3. Diariong Tagalog
4. Dekada 70
5. Bernardo Carpio
“Name That Piece!” Identify what period/time
the given literary piece was written.

6. Children of the City

7. Suyuan sa Tubigan
8. Dead Stars
9. Ladlad
10.La Solidaridad
Test II. Identify what type of literature is
being described in the following statement.
1. A puzzling question to be solved or guessed.
2. A witty saying using metaphors.
3. A mono-riming heptasyllabic quatrain
4. It explains how the world was created and
other phenomena.
5. It explains the origin of things.

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