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- Joaquin del rio
- Fabiana Ramos
- Diego Yañez
Where is your town?
San Miguel
when did people first
live there? Where did
they come from?
Don Augusto B who was born on
February 19, 1863, Lambayeque, Peru
What was the town called at that time?
Did it have the same name as now?
Before they called her the great Magdalena and now, they
call her San Miguel.
What are the important
dates in your town´s
history? Why
are they important?
• Between the years 100 and 600, after Christ, the Limac culture developed in the current San Miguelino territory, which built an
important city with hundreds of houses and numerous temples.
• Between the years 900 and 1100, the Wari population descended from Huancavelica and Ayacucho, a brave and hardworking people
who carried out work in agriculture, fishing and adobe construction.
• Then, from the 12th century until the Spanish, the curacazgo of Maranga flourished, which means in Quechua: "Place where corn is
ground", directed by the Curaca Don Diego Chayavilca.
• The Religion of the Marangas, is the same as the other Lima cultures, based in Pachacamac, it is even known that in the Huaca "Tres
Palos" of San Miguel, the oracle of Rimac was found.
• During the colonial period, San Miguel and Magdalena made up a single district, divided into haciendas, farms, farms, and stables;
such as the Pando farm and the Maranga farm.
• This is important because it teaches us what happened in past civilizations.

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