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Corporate Governance

Lec 2

10/03/2023 1
Last Class

Registering a
What is a Types of
company in
corporate? corporates

What is Relevance of Main Actors in

Corporate Corporate Corporate
Governance? Governance Governance
10/03/2023 2
MoA & AoA: Forms the Constitution of the
The Articles of Association (AoA) outlines the rules and
regulations that stipulate a company’s internal affairs.

The articles of association are also considered a user’s

manual for an organization that states the purpose of
the organization and its strategies to accomplish its
short-term and long-term goals.

AoA includes a company’s legal name, address,

purpose, equity capital, organization of the company,
financial provisions, and provisions regarding the
shareholder meetings.

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Duty of Care
Duty of Obedience
Duty of Loyalty

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Principals of Corporate

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1. Fairness -Fairness refers to equal treatment, for example, all

shareholders should receive equal consideration for whatever
shareholdings they hold.
In addition to shareholders, there should also be fairness in the treatment
of all stakeholders including employees, communities and public officials.

The fairer the entity appears to stakeholders, the more likely it is that it can
survive the pressure of interested parties

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2. Accountability - Corporate accountability refers to the obligation and responsibility to give

an explanation or reason for the company’s actions and conduct.

Responsibility - The Board of Directors are given authority to act on behalf of the company.
The Board of Directors are responsible for overseeing the management of the business,
affairs of the company, appointing the chief executive and monitoring the performance of
the company. In doing so, it is required to act in the best interests of the company.

Accountability goes hand in hand with responsibility. The Board of Directors should be made
accountable to the shareholders for the way in which the company has carried out its

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3. Transparency - A principle of good governance is that stakeholders

should be informed about the company’s activities, what it plans to do
in the future and any risks involved in its business strategies.

Transparency means openness, a willingness by the company to provide

clear information to shareholders and other stakeholders. For example,
transparency refers to the openness and willingness to disclose financial
performance figures which are truthful and accurate.

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4. Disclosure of material matters concerning the organisation’s performance and activities should be
timely and accurate to ensure that all investors have access to clear, factual information which
accurately reflects the financial, social and environmental position of the organisation.

Organisations should clarify and make publicly known the roles and responsibilities of the board and
management to provide shareholders with a level of accountability

5.Leadership: Board members should actively provide guidance to the management and be ethical

6. Stakeholder Management: Take care of all its stakeholders

10/03/2023 9
Rational: Corporate Governance

The ways in which The economies of

companies are all countries to a
directed and large extent
controlled is of depends upon the
fundamental efficiency and drive
importance to of the corporate
society sector

10/03/2023 10
Corporate Governance: UK

10/03/2023 11
Scenario in UK in 1990s
Committee under Sir George
Adrian Cadbury ( Chairman of
Cadbury & Cadbury) was
appointed in May 1991 by the
Increasing lack of investor Financial Reporting Council of
confidence in the honesty and London Stock Exchange
accountability of listed
In 1990s UK industry was reeling
from a string of corporate Polly Peck Consortium of the most successful companies in UK. It collapsed owing
collapses whose names still
£550m in 1990. Asil Nadir, Founder was jailed for 10 years. He stole £29million from
resonate: Polly Peck Consortium,
wall paper Group-Coloroll, Bank company.
of Credit and Commerce
International and Maxwell Group BCCI made phony loans, concealed deposits, hid huge losses, and was the bank for a
host of shady customers ranging from terrorists and spies to drug runners and

Robert Maxwell looted millions from the pension fund of the Mirror Group, wiping
out shareholders and condemning pensioners to poverty.
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UK: Cadbury Committee Report 1992

Absence of a clear framework for ensuring that

directors actions were controlled
• Looseness of accounting standards and competitive pressures, both
on companies and on auditors, which made it difficult for auditors to
stand up to demanding boards.
• Lack of effective board accountability for such matters as directors'
• Institutional Investors need more dialogue with the company they
invest in
10/03/2023 13
UK Cadbury Committee Report 1992

Governance Issue Cadbury Code Recommendation

Separate CEO and Chairperson Recommended but not compulsory

Nomination of Directors Formal Board process via nomination committee dominated by outside directors.

Outside Directors Minimum of 3 non-executive directors

Independence of Directors Majority of Non-executives to be independent

Rotation of Directors Directors to be appointed for specified terms with non-automation reappointment
Pay and Bonuses Annual Report to reveal disaggregated director’s pay; remuneration committee of
board to be dominated by outside directors

Independence of the Auditor Audit committee of the board to be formed, comprised exclusively of outside
Flow of information to the Board Board to have a formal schedule of decisions, directors to have paid access to
outside advice.
Greater Scope of Auditing Auditors to review compliance to the Code, including directors’ statements on
going-concern and on internal audit effectiveness.

In December
10/03/2023 1992, the Cadbury Committee published their Code of Best Practice 14
Implications of Cadbury Report 1992
• Corporate failures: UK on a path in corporate law and governance
that proved novel and revolutionary, having an impact far beyond the
UK equity market.
• Cadbury committee became popular across the globe.
• Many countries adopted it as a model code for developing corporate
governance roles at their places.
• India’s Kumar Mangalam Birla Committee Report was aligned on the
findings of the Cadbury Committee

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Key findings

Greenbury Report 1995 • Remuneration Committees made up of non-

executive directors should be responsible for
determining the level of executive directors'
compensation packages
• Sir Richard Greenbury, Chairman and • There should be full disclosure of each executive's
Chief Executive, Marks and Spencer pay package and that shareholders be required to
approve them.
• The Greenbury Committee was
established in 1994 by the • Remuneration should be linked more explicitly to
Confederation of British Industry in performance, and set at a level necessary to 'attract,
retain and motivate' the top talent without being
response to growing concern at the excessive.
level of salaries and bonuses being
• More restraint be shown in awarding compensation
paid to senior executives. to outgoing Chief Executives, especially that their
performance and reasons for departing be taken into
• This code of conduct was voluntary in the hope that
self-regulation would be sufficient to correct things. 

10/03/2023 16
The Hampel Report 1998
The Committee on Corporate Governance (the Hampel Committee-Chaired by Sir
Ronald Hampel was established in November 1995 by the Financial Reporting
Council (and sponsored in part by the London Stock Exchange, Confederation of
British Industry, and Institute of Directors) to review matters arising from the
Cadbury and Greenbury Committees and evaluate implementation of their

To promote high standards both to protect the investors & preserve & enhance the
standing of company’s listed on the stock exchange.

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The Hampel Report 1998
The Committee felt that corporate governance was
ultimately a matter for the board.

If boards felt it was in the interests of enhancing
'prosperity over time' to have a unitary CEO and Chair, or
not to put remuneration policy before the AGM for
• Different individuals as
approval then that was their concern. Chairman and CEO
• Directors’ contracts not to
Transparency was more important than adhering to exceed one year
any particular set of guidelines,
• Non-executives on
remuneration committee
If any shareholders unhappy with the board's
management had the option of using their votes
• Training of directors
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Combined Code of Corporate Governance
The Cabury Report (1992), Greenbury Report( 1995) & Hampel Report (1998)
were merged to form Combined Code of Corporate Governance in 1998

Principles outlined in the Code include the presence of non-executive directors

on remuneration and audit committees, performance-related pay and the
varying degrees of liability between executive and non-executive directors.

The Financial Services and Markets Act (2000) required listed companies to
"comply or explain"

10/03/2023 19
The Turnbull Report in 1999 & 2005
( updated version)
Set up by the ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Recommendations
Accountants in England & Wales) in 1999. • Internal audit annually
Chaired by Sir Nigel Turnbull, a British politician • Focus on principles rather than rules
and civil servant.
Emphasis on:
• successful risk management adding value
Assigned strategic importance to control and risk • internal control only possible if embedded in internal
in context of CG processes
• role of board in reviewing and implementing
• key risks to be identified and managed
• Sets out how directors of listed companies should comply
with the UK’s Combined Code requirements in respect of
Showed directors how Control & Risks are to be internal controls.
integrated into CG model • The guidance was supported and endorsed by the London
Stock Exchange.

10/03/2023 20
The Higgs Report 2003

Focus on role and effectiveness of

In the Enron case it was found that non- Non-Executive Directors.
executive directors were ineffective in
performing their roles in corporate
governance, so their was a necessity to NEDs to comprise at least 50% of
substantial improvement of their role. board

Sir Derek Higgs was appointed by the Separation of CEO and Chairman
Secretary of State for Trade and Industry in roles
April 2002 to chair a committee to review
the role of the non-executive director (NED)
in the corporate governance framework. Ideally NEDs might serve two three-
year terms

10/03/2023 21
Other Guidelines

In 1999, the OECD came up with its

principles on corporate governance, In 1999, Basel Committee guidelines
which was prepared in consultation were launched that talked about
with World Bank, member countries, establishing corporate governance in
and other private sector organizations. banking institutions across the globe.

It emphasized on internal checks, the

It stressed on the protection of the role of internal and external auditors,
shareholder’s rights, timely disclosures compensation for directors, and the
to be done to promote transparency, compliance role of senior
and the roles of the board of directors. management.

10/03/2023 22
Corporate Governance in

10/03/2023 23
CG Development in USA
In 1974 the Securities and Exchange Commission
(S.E.C.)  interrogated three directors of Penn
Central for misconduct accusations. • In 1976, the S.E.C. amended the
listing requirements of the New
The S.E.C. found out that senior officials were
aware of bribes being paid and corporate York Stock Exchange by
records were being falsified. mentioning that every company
is required to maintain an audit
The S.E.C. found several other bigwigs that had committee consisting of
closed down abruptly. qualified independent directors.

The agency solved several such cases by doing

board-level changes, creating audit committees,
and appointing external directors. 

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Two Big Scams of USA:
Rocked the World

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10/03/2023 27
Genesis of Sarbanes Oxley Act 2002
As USA witnessed scandals such as World.Com and Enron, where external auditors and directors shared a close
relationship causing corporate malpractices and subsequently the companies collapsed. In 2002, U.S.A. came up with
the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

The 2002 Act established New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) listing requirements and reforms in the corporate management

The Act emphasized on C.F.O. (Chief Financial Officer) and C.E.O. (Chief Executive Officer) accurate responsibilities,
preparedness of annual reports

It made external auditors more independent and increased their powers,

The appointment of financial experts in audit committees was mandatory.  

10/03/2023 28
Key Points

The ways in which companies The economies of all countries

There is a established link
are directed and controlled is of to a large extent depends upon
between good governance and
fundamental importance to the efficiency and drive of the
performance of the company
society corporate sector

Companies are increasingly

required to take care of the well Disclosure is the key to raising
being of the society over and standards of governance and
beyond economic contribution. Openess is the basis of public
Companies have to take care of trust
all of the stakeholders

10/03/2023 29
Global Governance Trends:
Implications for India

10/03/2023 30
Indian Scenario
In the early 80s and 90s, as world institutions looked forward to establishing branches in India, the need for
good corporate administration arose. Government came up with the establishment of SEBI in 1988 as a non-
statutory body and in 1992 it was declared an autonomous body with statutory powers .

In 1996, the CII proposed a corporate administration code- Designing corporate governance framework for
company management.

With an aim to develop code for companies, investors’ concerns, transparency in businesses, disclosure of
information by entities, the code tried to introduce clarity in the Indian corporate sector. 

10/03/2023 31
Framework for CG in India

Legal Framework
• Standard Listing Agreement of
Framework Stock Exchanges
• The Companies Acts (CA) 2013, 
• Ministry of Corporate • SEBI Guidelines
Affairs • Accounting Standards by ICAI
• Secretarial Standards that
• Securities Exchange ICSI (Institute of Company
Board of India Secretaries of India)

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