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CE-235 (EH)

EH (CE 235)
Credit Hours (3)
Part A – Surface Water Hydrology
Part B – Groundwater Hydrology and Well
Contact Details
Assoc Prof Dr. Hamza Farooq Gabriel
Phone: (051) 90854159
OFFICE: NIT Building
OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Fri (9:00am-5:00pm);
Otherwise Open Door Policy
The purpose of this course is:
To introduce the principles of hydrology, including the
hydrological cycle and its impact on water resources
availability, catchment water balance, measurement of
catchment rainfall and its analysis, measurement of flow in
natural river channels.
To introduce fundamentals of subsurface flow and transport
emphasizing the role of groundwater in the hydrologic cycle
and the relation of groundwater flow to geologic structure.
Part A – Surface Water Hydrology

1. Introduction
Hydrological cycle
Hydrologic equation
Importance and practical applications of hydrology
Types of precipitation.
Factors necessary for the formation of precipitation
Measurement of precipitation
Computation of Average Rainfall over a Basin
3. Runoff & Hydrograph
Runoff & Factors Affecting Runoff
Computation of Runoff
Characteristics of hydrograph
Components of a hydrograph
Hydrograph separation
Estimation of maximum rate of runoff
Unit Hydrograph
Discharge estimation by probabilistic method
4.Stream Flow Routing
The phenomenon of flooding and its causes
Frequency and duration analysis
Reservoir & channel routing
Methods of Stream Gauging
Measurement of Stream Flow by Current Meter
5. Basic Definitions & Law in Ground Water
Darcy’s Law
Differential Equation governing Ground Water Flow
Porosity, Specific Yield, Specific Retention, Storage
Coefficient, Permeability & Transmissibility
Water Yielding Properties
Ground Water Reservoir
Aquiclude, Aquifuge, Aquifer & Types of Aquifer
Aquifer as Reservoir
Aquifer as Conduit
6.Well Hydraulics
Steady Radial Flow to Well in Confined &
Unconfined Aquifers – Dupuits Theory
Assumptions & Limitations of Dupuits Theory
Well Losses
Capacity of Well
Interference among Wells
7.Tube Well Construction
Tube Well Types
Tube Well Construction

Ghumman, A. R. (2006) Engineering Hydrology: An

Introduction. Prosperous Pakistan Publishers, Lahore,
Raghunath, H.M. (1988). Hydrology: Principles,
Analysis & Design. Wiley Eastern, India.
Punmia, B.C. (1984). Irrigation & Water Power
Engineering. Standard Publishers Distributors, New
Dehli, India.
Awan, N.M. (1981). Surface Water Hydrology, Vol 1.
National Book Foundation, Pakistan
Subramanya, K. (2008) Engineering Hydrology. 3 rd
Edition. McGraw-Hill.
Linsley R K, Kohler M A, and Paulhus L H (1988)
Hydrology For Engineers, Mcgraw Hill, Paperback -
1988, ISBN
Hydrology is the science of the waters of the earth
and its atmosphere. It deals with occurrence,
circulation, distribution and movements of these
waters over the globe and their interaction with
the physical and biological environments.
Engineering Hydrology deals with:
 estimation and analysis of water resources;
 the study of processes such as precipitation, runoff,
evapotranspiration and their interaction; and
 the study of hydrologic problems such as floods and
droughts, and strategies to combat them.
Engineering Hydrology provides hydrologic data
essentially required for a variety of projects, such as:
 Hydraulic Structures like Dams, Bridges, Head-works,
Spillways and Culverts etc.
 Hydroelectric Power Generation
 Flood Control Projects
 Irrigation Projects
 Environmental Pollution Control, and
 Planning and Execution of Water Resources
Development Projects
Hydrologic Data
The hydrologic data comprises:
• Rainfall Data
• Snowfall and Snowmelt Data
• Runoff Data (Catchment Runoff and Stream Flows)
• Topographic Maps, Satellite Imageries, and
• Groundwater Data
Difference Between Hydrology & Hydraulics
Hydraulics  Hydrology
Design of spillway to pass  Determination of
a design discharge magnitude of design
Storage requirement of a
reservoir for water supply
or irrigation
 Required draft during
Stream flow design dry & wet season
calculations  Effect of rainfall on
Design of hydraulic magnitude of flow
structures  Flood forecasting &
effect of reservoir on
downstream flood
Scope of Hydrology
Essential for analysis, design and operation of any
hydraulic structure which retains or conveys water
(from the simplest culvert to the largest complex of
dams, hydroelectric works, barrages and irrigation
Designer needs magnitude of stream flow and
their probability of occurrence not only for design
of hydraulic structures but also for flood control.
Combating the menace of water-logging and
salinity in irrigated areas.
Scope of Hydrology
Predictable relationship between characteristics of
a basin and rate of flow.
Probability of occurrence of floods and droughts.
Water availability into the reservoir from the
Effect of rainfall occurring in basin on the
magnitude of flow in stream and predict rainfall-
runoff relationship of the basin and probability of
its occurrence.
Scope of Hydrology
Probable flood flow over a spillway, at a highway
culvert or in urban storm drainage system.
Reservoir capacity sizing required to assure
adequate water for irrigation, hydropower or
municipal water supply during droughts.
Effect of reservoir, levees and other control works
exert on flood flows in stream.
Assessment of reasonable boundaries of
Distribution of Earth’s Water
Hydrologic Cycle
Surface Water Hydrology
Hydrologic Cycle
The earth’s water circulatory system is known as
Hydrologic Cycle.
Total water supply of earth is in constant circulation
from earth to atmosphere, and back to earth.
(water vapor)
The Hydrologic Cycle




Flow ( ) = Storage

an s

Land Streams Oceans

Surface Lakes
Compartmentalized (Ice, snow, etc.
Hydrologic storage) Overland flow =
Direct Runoff

Cycle (Surface water) (Seawater)


Volcanic outgassing
Vadose Zone
Runoff = Streamflow
(Soil moisture)


Groundwater flow
and Baseflow

Subsea outflow

Water Table

(Ground water)
Processes of Hydrologic Cycle
Fall of moisture from the atmosphere to earth surface.
Precipitation may be:
 Liquid precipitation
 Frozen precipitation

Evaporation and Transpiration

Surface Evaporation
Water Surface Evaporation
Plants/Leaves Evaporation (Transpiration)
Atmospheric Evaporation
Processes of Hydrologic Cycle
Portion of precipitation that is not evaporated is known
as runoff, which ultimately runs to ocean through
surface or sub-surface streams. Runoff may be classified
 Surface runoff
 Inflow or subsurface runoff
 Groundwater or base flow
Processes of Hydrologic Cycle
Precipitation falling on the ground, is to some extent,
absorbed by the land. This absorption of precipitation
water by land from the surface of earth is called
Processes of Hydrologic Cycle
A part of the precipitation is obstructed by vegetation
and temporarily remains there. This process is called
interception. Later the intercepted water is either
evaporated or infiltrated.
Processes of Hydrologic Cycle
Depression Storage
A part of precipitation is stored in depressions on the
catchment area. This is called depression storage.
Processes of
Detention Storage
Hydrologic Cycle
When the precipitation occurs for a longer duration
and at a rate greater than the rate of infiltration some
water is collected on the surface of the earth up to a
certain depth. On attaining a certain depth, the action
of gravity makes this water flow. Before it starts
flowing, the water stored on the surface of earth is
called detention storage.
Hydrologic Equation
I – O = ΔS (law of conservation of matter)
I = Inflow
O = Outflow
ΔS = Change in storage
In its differential form it states that rate of volume inflow
minus the rate of volume outflow is equal to the rate of
change of storage. Mathematically
I – O = ΔS / Δt
I = Rate of volume inflow (volume/time) (m3/sec or ft3/sec)
O = Rate of volume outflow (volume/time)
ΔS / Δt = Rate of change of storage (volume/time)
inflow - outflow = D storage

inflow Storage outflow
Hydrologic Equation
Components of Inflow
There are two components of inflow:
 Precipitation over the catchment and reservoir; and
 Surface or groundwater flow from other catchment
Hydrologic Equation
Components of Outflow
Three components of outflow are:
 Surface evaporation;
 Groundwater seepage; and
 Direct runoff
Hydrologic Equation
If we fix the time and take the volume units, then the
hydrologic equation can be written as:
Total volume inflow – Total volume outflow = Total
change in volume of the system
This is hydrologic or storage equation.
Hydrologic Equation
Assuming inflow changes linearly from ‘I1’ to ‘I2’ in
time ‘Δt’, the outflow changes linearly from ‘O1’ to ‘O2’
and storage changes from ‘S1’ to ‘S2’ in this time, the
equation can be written as:
(I1 + I2) / 2 – (O1 + O2) / 2 = (S1 + S2) / Δt
Example 1:
Flow of River Chenab at Marala Barrage varied linearly
from 34 cumec (m3/sec) to 283 cumec in 10-hours
during a flood. The flow variation at Khanki Barrage,
downstream of Marala was observed to be from 28 to
255 cumec during the above mentioned time.
Assuming no lateral flow in or out of the reach, find
out the rate of change of storage of the river reach
between Marala and Khanki. What is the total change
in storage of the reach in this period?
Example 2:
Water at a constant rate of 370 cumec was observed to
be entering into Tarbela Reservoir in a certain season.
If outflow from the reservoir including infiltration and
evaporation losses is 280 cumec, find out the change
in storage of reservoir for 10 such days. Also convert
your answer into Hectare-Meter.
Hydrologic Equation
Water Budget in a Catchment
I – O = ΔS
P – (Li + R + Le) = D + F
or R = P – (Li + Le + D + F)
R = P – The Losses
Example 3:
A precipitation measuring 125 mm occurred over a
catchment. If the infiltration, interception, depression
storage and other losses are 50 mm, find direct runoff
and total runoff.
Example 4:
A part of catchment area of Hub River measuring 78
km2 received 100 mm of rainfall in 3 hours due to a
storm. A drainage stream joins this part of catchment
to the Hub River. The stream was dry before rainfall
and there was flow in the stream for a period of 2.5
days with an average discharge of 10 cumec. After the
storm runoff, the stream again became dry. Find the
losses, direct runoff and total runoff in cumec and
Area of Catchment, A = 78 km2 = 78 x 106 m2
Precipitation, P = 100 mm = 0.1 m
Discharge, Q = 10 m3/sec
Time, t = 2.5 days = 2.5 x 24 x 60 x 60 sec
Total Runoff = P x A = (0.1) x (78 x 106) = 7.8 x 106 m3
= 7.8 x 106 / 104 = 780 Hectare-m
Direct runoff (DRO) = 10 x 2.5 x 24 x 60 x 60
= 2.16 x 106 m3 = 216 Hectare – m
Losses, L = P – R = 7.8 x 106 - 2.16 x 106 = 5.64 x 106 m3
= 564 Hectare-m
Example 5:
Assume that Mangla Reservoir has surface area of 39
sq. km in the beginning of a certain month and the
water depth is 76.20 m for this whole surface of the
lake. Further assume that sides of reservoir are nearly
vertical. The reservoir received an average inflow of
226.50 cumec as a direct runoff in the same month,
and direct precipitation of 125 mm. The outflow from
the reservoir was 170 cumec and evaporation and
seepage losses were estimated to be 113 mm during the
month. Find out depth of reservoir at the end of that
month and total increase or decrease in the storage.
Δt = 1 month = 30 x 24 x 60 x 60 = 2.592 x 106 sec
Total inflow as DRO = I x Δt = 226.50 x 2.592 x 106 m3
= 587.088 x 106 m3
Addition from precipitation = P x A
= (125/103) x 39 x 106 m3 = 4.875 x 106 m3
Total outflow = O x Δt = 170 x 2.592 x 106 = 440.64 x 106 m3
Losses = (Evaporation + Seepage) x Surface area of reservoir
= (113/103) x 39 x 106 m3 = 4.407 x 106 m3
Now the total change in volume of storage
= (total volume of inflow + total volume of precipitation) -
(total volume of outflow + total volume of losses)
= (587.088 x 106 + 4.875 x 106 ) – (440.64 x 106 + 4.407 x 106)
= 146.916 x 106 m3
Change in depth of reservoir = change in storage / surface
= 146.916 x 106 / 39 x 106 = 3.77 m
Depth at the end of month = depth in the beginning +
change in depth
= 76.20 + 3.77 = 79.97 m
Question 1 – 5 given on Page 16 of Text Book.
Exercise 1 – 4 given on Page 16 of Text Book.

Due Date: 4 Oct 2010

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