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Measurement of Precipitation
magnitude, intensity, location,
patterns of precipitation
quantity of precipitation as well as, the
spatial and temporal distributions of
the precipitation have considerable
effects on the hydrologic response.
Measurement of Precipitation
Amount of Precipitation
The amount of precipitation means the vertical depth of water
that would accumulate on a level surface, if the precipitation
remains where it falls. The amount of precipitation is
measured in length units (inches, ft., cm., mm., etc).
• Intensity or Rate of Precipitation
Amount of precipitation per unit time is called the intensity
or rate of precipitation (mm/hour, etc.)

Both the amount and rate of precipitation are important in

hydrologic studies.
Measurement of Precipitation
Precipitation is measured by:
Rain Gauges
The purpose of a rain gauge is to measure
the amount of rainfall at a single point
Measure What?
Depth of water on a flat surface
Depth is assumed to be same as
Types of Rain Gauges
There are two types of rain gauges:
a. Non-recording rain gauge (Standard rain gauge)
b. Recording rain gauge
A non-recording rain gauge is typically a
catchment device calibrated to provide visual
observation of rainfall amounts.
Recording gauges are equipped with paper
charts and/or data logger equipment.
Non-recording Rain Gauge
Container of varying dimensions and heights e.g.
- Symon’s Rain Gauge (127 mm diameter)
- U. S. Weather Bureau Rain Gauge (200 mm
 Sharp edge

 Rim falls away vertically

 Prevent splashing

 Narrow neck prevents evaporation

Image here
U. S. Weather Bureau Rain Gauge
The standard gauge of U. S. Weather Bureau has a
collector of 200 mm diameter and 600 mm height. Rain
passes from a collector into a cylindrical measuring tube
inside the overflow can. The measuring tube has a cross-
sectional area 1/10th of the collector, so that 2.5 mm
rainfall will fill the tube to 25 mm depth. A measuring
stick is marked in such a way that 1/10th of a cm depth
can be measured. In this way net rainfall can be
measured to the nearest 1 mm. The collector and tube
are removed when snow is expected. The snow collected
in the outer container or overflow can is melted, poured
into the measuring tube and then measured.
Non-recording Gauges

Two types of standard storage raingauge
Recording Rain Gauges
Analogue Devices
Weighing Bucket Rain Gauge
Float Type Rain Gauge
Digital Devices
Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge
Optical Rain Gauge
Analogue Recording Rain Gauges
Weighing Bucket Rain Gauge
 Standard instrument used to quantify rainfall.
 Spring scale beneath the collecting bucket
platform that is calibrated to mark the rainfall
depth on a paper chart.
 The chart is rotated by a spring-driven or electric
clock at speeds of 1 revolution in 6, 9, 12, 24, or
192 hours.
 The rain gauge chart is a record of the
accumulated of rainfall for the selected time
Weighing Bucket Rain Gauge
The weighing rain gauge consists of a metal canister that
houses a funnel, a pail that sits atop a scale, and an analog
recorder (a rotating drum with paper).  Once 0.01 inches
of rain falls through the funnel into the pail, the weight of
the water on the scale triggers the pen on the recorder to
move upwards.  As more rain falls, the pen continues to
move upwards creating a time series of rainfall amount on
the chart paper of the rotating drum, which is turned by a
clock mechanism.  Although precipitation is measured by
its weight, it is converted to inches on the chart.  The
chart paper is replaced weekly, but the pail is emptied
only when it becomes too full, every two months or so.
Analogue Recording Rain Gauges
Float Type Rain Gauge
Standard instrument used to quantify rainfall.
Float within collecting bucket rises with level
Vertical movement marked by pen and shows
rainfall depth on a paper chart.
The chart is rotated by a spring-driven or electric
clock at speeds of 1 revolution in 6, 9, 12, 24, or 192
The rain gauge chart is a record of the accumulated
of rainfall for the selected time interval.
Analogue Recording Rain Gauges
Float Type Rain Gauge with Siphon
Standard instrument used to quantify rainfall.
Usually with Float Type Rain Gauges
 System siphons itself at a certain level (typically 25mm)
 Empties container completely
 Stores siphoned water in separate (total) container

 Total container as check

 Pen returns to bottom line

 15 seconds to siphon
 Freezes
Digital Recording Rain Gauges
Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge
 Two containers on balance beam form a “tipping bucket”
 Rain fills one container until it threshold weight reached
 Bucket then tips over, emptying collected water into total
container and continues to collect rainfall in other container
 Magnet generates electric pulse which is recorded

 Evaporation from buckets
 Discontinuous record in light rain

 Susceptible to freezing
Digital Recording Rain Gauges
Optical Rain Gauge (ORG)
The ORG is mounted on a small pole
The ORG sends a beam of light (which you cannot
see) from one of its ends to a detector at the other
When raindrops fall, they break the beam. The rain
rate is measured by the ORG by measuring how
often the beam is broken.
The rain rate can be used to calculate the total
amount of rain that has fallen in any given period
ORG measures the rate of rainfall in millimeters per
hour (mm/hr).
Sources of Error
Mistakes in reading the scale of gauge
Dents in collector rim may change its receiving
Instrumental error in gauge or in their
recording or measuring arrangements
Some rainwater may get lost due to splash from
the collector
Some initial rainwater may get lost in
moistening gauge funnel and inside surfaces
Sources of Error
Blowing wind may tilt the rains from vertical
which thus brings less rain catch in the gauge
Vertical upward air currents may impact
upward acceleration to precipitation thus
brings less rain catch in gauge
Gauge inclined 10° from vertical will cater 1.5%
less rainfall than it should
Sources of Error
No rainfall recorded during tipping of bucket
Tipping of bucket may be affected due to
rusting or accumulation of dust on pivot
Measured Gauge Accuracy
(Un)avoidable Errors
Equipment failure
Observer error

Avoidable Errors
 Obstructions
 Height - splashing
 Surrounds
 Wind
• Ideally, the gauge should be sited
with some shelter, but not over-
• Windshields may reduce the loss due
to turbulence (eddies) around the
Measured Gauge Accuracy
Common Errors
Evaporation - 1%
Adhesion - 0.5%
Inclination - 0.5%
Splash +1%
Wind -5-8%
Advantages of Recording Rain Gauges
Rainfall is recorded automatically, therefore no
need of attendant
Recording rain gauge also gives intensity of
rainfall at any time, while non-recording gauge
gives only total rainfall for time interval
Recording rain gauges can be installed far off
places as no need of attendant
Possibility of human error is obviated
Disadvantages of Recording Rain Gauges
Costly in comparison to non-recording gauges
Error in recording rainfall due to fault in
electrical or mechanical mechanism
Recording of Data
Paper Charts
Data Loggers
Recording of Data
Paper Charts
Simplest method
Chart moved by spring or electronically driven clock
past pen
Pen moves with weight/float etc
Two Types
 Drum - rotates
 Strip - moves past pen
Recording of Data
Data Loggers
A data logger is a computer that records and stores
data from sensors both analog (voltage) and
The data logger requires a program to tell it what to
 Preloaded computer chip that already has the program in it
 or create the program

Data can then be accessed by a computer to monitor

current conditions or download stored data.
Recording of Data
Data Loggers
 Vandalism due to desirability of batteries
Recording of Data
Data stored by logger can transferred directly to a
base station via some form of telecommunication
Example 3.1
A rain gauge recorded 125 mm of precipitation. It was
found later that the gauge was inclined at an angle of
20 degree with the vertical. Find the actual

P (measured) = 125 mm
Angle of inclination (θ) = 200 with the vertical
P(actual) = P(measured)/cos (θ) = 125/cos 200 = 133 mm
Rain Gauge Network
Design of Precipitation Network depends upon
the purpose:
Developing & managing water resources
Operational purposes like flood forecasting,
operation of reservoirs, research, etc
Factors Affecting Density
Physiographical and hydrological factors like terrain
and rainfall regimes
 Flat regions of temperate and tropical zones
 Mountain regions
 Arid and Polar regions
Stream network
Population density and economic activity
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) recommendation:

1. In flat regions of temperate, Mediterranean and tropical zones:

ideal – 1 station for 600 – 900 km2
acceptable – 1 station for 900 – 3000 km2
2. In mountainous regions of temperate, Mediterranean and topical
ideal - 1 station for 100—250 km2
acceptable - 1 station for 250—1000 km2
3. In arid and polar zones: I station for 1500—10,000 km2 depending on
the feasibility.

• 10 % of the raingauges should be self recording to know the intensity of the


Rain Gauge Network
Network density of rain gauges depends upon
Uses for which the rainfall data intended
Represent picture of the aerial distribution of rainfall
Area (Sq Km) Rain Gauge Stations
0 - 80 1
80 – 160 2
160 – 320 3
320 – 560 4
560 – 800 5
800 – 1000 6

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