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Common people view on


11/15/2022 1
“Every gun that is made, every
warship launched, every rocket fired,
signifies in the final sense a theft from
those who hunger and are not fed,
those who are cold and are not
~ Dwight D. Eisenhower
11/15/2022 2
Russia Ukraine war :
• Russia supplies 30% of oil and natural
gas to Europe and 66% of supply pipeline
passes through Ukraine.
• Ukraine can claim his ownership on this
• New natural GAS sources are found in
Ukraine and Poland.
• If they sign on the deal to exploit these
fields which would make EU independent
of Russia. 11/15/2022 3
Common people view on the Russia Ukraine war.

Q1. Who according to you is winning the paper not on the paper but in reality?
Ans.[Biplab Sir]:
At the global level it seems that Ukraine is winning the war as it is gaining the support from
European and American continent . But in real sense people are suffering because of the conflict in the political
ideology so who ever wins the war it is definitely gonna affect the people of the country a lot.
According to her no country win the war in reality after winning the war also there is a lot of
instability in the country and country's progress gets affected and a lot of crisis happened so she thinks neither
Russia nor ukriane is going to win the war in reality.
Ans.[Jimit Sir}

11/15/2022 4
How did war affect the students studying in Ukraine?
Ans.[Biplab Sir]
Many of the international students were depoted on the concern of their safety. Which
may create a bad image of Ukraine in terms of foregin education and definetly students wil l think
twice before going for their study.

All the energy, capital invested and the sheer hardwork of the students in wasted due
to the conflict between the country. Their might be now trust issues towards Ukraine and a fear among
students to go there.
Ans.[Jimit sir]

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Q3. What are the global impacts of the Russia Ukraine war?

Ans.[Biplab Sir]
Many of the MNC have shut down their office in Russia and Ukraine are been closed and this is not
Only affecting Russia or Ukraine but whole nation as due to shutting of MNC their share prizes are also coming down
Which in result is affecting all the investors across the globe.

The war will weaken the edifice of the UN. Oil prices will be destabilized. Russia and Ukraine
together exports a total of 30 % wheat globally which may now result in the crisis.

Ans.[Jmit Sir]

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Q4.How is India’s economy been aff3ected by the war?

Ans.[Biplab Sir]
India is a country which will again gain the momentum in the economy. And india has now more
For the same as due to less exports of wheat from Russia and Ukraine now India can export their wheat more and at
a more higher price with less competiton.
A thing from which india can affect the most is but the crude oil production as india depends on
the crude oil from Russia and now due to the war there is a huge hike in prices of crude oil.
Ans.[Jimit Sir]

11/15/2022 7
Conclusion from the views and from the chapter ‘The Adresses’

11/15/2022 8
Name Role

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11/15/2022 9

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