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Basics of Digital Electronics

• What is Digital electronics ?

- It is a field of computer science. It deals with devices that are

used to carry out computer applications.

• What is binary logic?

-The two logic states are “0” (low) and “1” (high).
Logic Gates
What are logic gates?

Difference between Bit, Nibble, Byte, word and double word?

Codes in digital electronics
• The group of bits is known as binary code.
• The specific arrangements of bits to process the information.

• What do you mean by binary codes?

Classification of Binary Codes
Classification of Binary Codes Contd…
• Binary codes can be represented as numbers and alphabets as well as
many special characters and control functions.

• They are classified as

(i) Numeric
(ii) Alphanumeric codes.
Classification of Binary Codes Contd…
• Numeric codes are used to represent numbers.

• Alphanumeric codes are used to represent alphabetic letters and

Classification of Numeric Codes
1. Weighted Binary Codes

• In weighted codes, each position of the number represents a specific

• For example, in decimal code, if the number is 345, then the weight of 3 is
100, 4 is 10, and 5 is 1.
• In the 8421 weighted binary code, each digit has a weight of 8, 4, 2 or 1
corresponding to its position.
• Example: The codes 8421, 2421 and 5211 are examples of weighted
binary codes.
Classification of Numeric Codes Contd..
2. Non-Weighted Binary Codes

• Non-weighted codes do not follow the positional weighting principles.

• In non-weighted codes, each digit position within the number does not
have any fixed value.
• Example:Excess-3 and Gray codes are examples of non-weighted
Classification of Numeric Codes Contd..
3. Reflective Codes

A code is said to be reflective when the code for 9 is complement for the
code for 0, 8 for 1, 7 for 2, 6 for 3, and 5 for 4.

Example: Codes 2421 and excess-3 are reflective.

Classification of Numeric Codes Contd..
• Example of reflective code where the complement of 8 is 1 and the
complement of 7 is 2.
Classification of Numeric Codes Contd..
4. Sequential Codes
• Sequential codes are codes in which the succeeding code is one binary
number greater than its preceding code.
• This assists in mathematical data manipulation.

• Example: 8421 and excess-3 codes are sequential codes.

Classification of Numeric Codes Contd..
5. Cyclic Codes

• In cyclic codes, only one bit in the code changes at a time while
moving from one number to the next.
• It is a non-weighted code, which means that the position of bit does
not contain any weight.
• Example: Grey Codes
Classification of Numeric Codes Contd..

• Observe the bit patterns assigned

for gray code from decimal 0 to
Classification of Numeric Codes Contd..

6. Error Detecting Codes

Whenever data is transmitted from one point to another, there is a

probability that the data may get corrupted. In order to detect these data
errors, some special codes called error detection codes are used.

Eg. Hamming codes, Single-bit Error Correction

Q. What is parity?
Alphanumeric Codes
• These are codes that consist of both numbers and alphabets.
• The most commonly used alphanumeric codes are ASCII and EBCDIC.
• ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange
• EBCDIC : Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange
• It is a 7-bit code that represents 128 different characters.
• These 128 characters include
- 52 alphabets, which include A to Z and a to z, numbers from 0
to 9 (that is, 10 numbers), 33 special characters and symbols, and
33 control characters.
• EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange) is mainly used
with large computer systems like mainframe computers.
• It is an 8-bit code that accommodates up to 256 characters.

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