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Assignment Concrete Technology

Sulphate Attack On Concrete


Semester: 5
Enroll: 8210
Dept: Civil
Section: A
Sulphate attack is a chemical breakdown
mechanism where sulphate ions attack
components of the cement paste.

The compounds responsible for sulphate attack are

water-soluble sulphate-containing salts, such as
alkali-earth (calcium, magnesium) and alkali
(sodium, potassium) sulphates that are capable of
chemically reacting with components of concrete.
Sulphate attack might show itself in
different forms depending on:

The chemical form of the sulphate

The atmospheric environment which the concrete is
exposed to
What happens when sulphates
get into concrete
It combines with the C-S-H, or concrete paste, and
begins destroying the paste that holds the concrete
together. As sulphate dries, new compounds are
formed, often called ettringite.

These new crystals occupy empty space, and as they

continue to form, they cause the paste to crack, further
damaging the concrete
Sulphate sources:
1.Internal sources: Is more rare but, originates from such concrete-making materials as
hydraulic cements, fly ash, aggregate, and admixtures.

• Portland cement might be over- sulphated

• Presence of natural gypsum in the aggregate
• Admixtures also can contain small amounts of sulphates

2. External sources: External sources of sulphates are more common and usually are
a result of high-sulphate soils and ground waters, or can be the result of atmospheric or
industrial water pollution.

•soil may contain excessive amounts of gypsum or other sulphate.

•ground water be transported to the concrete foundations, retaining walls, and other
underground structures.
•industrial waste water.
Nature of reaction ( chemical,
Sulphate attack processes decrease
the durability of concrete by changing the chemical
nature of the cement paste, and of the mechanical
properties of the concrete.
Chemical process:
1. the sulphate ion + hydrated calcium aluminate and/or the calcium hydroxide
components of hardened cement paste + water = ettringite (calcium
sulphoaluminate hydrate)
C3A.Cs.H18 + 2CH +2s + 12H=C3A.3Cs.H32
C3A.CH.H18 + 2CH + 3s + 11H =C3A.3Cs.H

2. The sulphate ion + hydrated calcium aluminate and/or the calcium hydroxide
components of hardened cement paste + water = gypsum(calcium sulphate


Two forms of chemical reaction
depending on
Concentration and source of sulphate ions
Composition of cement paste in concrete
Physical process:
The complex physico chemical processes of “sulphate
attack” are interdependent as is the resulting damage
Physical sulphate attack, often evidenced by
bloom(the presence of sodium sulphates Na2SO4
and/or Na2SO4.10H2O) at exposed concrete surfaces.
It is not only a cosmetic problem, but it is the visible
displaying of possible chemical and micro structural
problems within the concrete matrix.
Spalling due to sulphate attack
An overview of sulphate attack
Control of sulphate attack on
Following measures help to control sulphate attack:
1. Use of sulphate resisting cement:
The most efficient method of resisting the sulphate
attack is to use cement with the low C3A content. It
has been found that a C3A content of 7% gives a
rough division between cement of good and poor
performance in sulphate waters.
2. Quality concrete:
A well designed, placed and compacted concrete
which is dense and impermeable exhibits a higher
resistance to sulphate attack.

3. Use of air-entrained admixture:

Use of air-entrained admixture to the extent of about
6% has beneficial effect on sulphate resisting qualities
of concrete.
4. High pressure steam curing:
High pressure steam curing improves the resistance of
concrete to sulphate attack. This improvement is due
to the change of C3AH6 into a less reactive phase and
also to the removal or reduction of calcium hydroxide
by the reaction of silica which is invariably mixed
when high pressure steam curing method is adopted.
5. Use of high alumina cement:
The cause of great resistance shown by high
alumina cement to the action of sulphate is still
not fully understood. High alumina cement
contains approximately 40% alumina, a
compound very susceptible to sulphate attack.
It should be remembered that high alumina
cement may not show higher resistance to
sulphate attack at higher temperature.

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