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Energy from Household waste material, its best possible

method and its Feasibility in Pakistan
 Convert household waste energy into useable energy using different methods (like DE polymerization,
Gasification, Pyrolysis, Plasma arc gasification) and Non-thermal technologies (like Anaerobic digestion)

 Analyzing each method and predict the most feasible method or combination of method for maximum energy
yield possible in Pakistan.
 We will analyse different methods of extracting energy from household waste material and their overall feasibility
in Pakistan for using those methods and choosing the most suitable method for Pakistan. The survey would be
done from big cities to small villages to get an idea of presence of the burnable substances in municipal waste

 There are many existing methods for getting energy from waste materials few examples are Thermal technologies
(like DE polymerization, Gasification, Pyrolysis, Plasma arc gasification) and Non-thermal technologies (like
Anaerobic digestion)
Flow chart

Surveying the non-recyclable
villages/cities for Combustion
household waste materials Properties

Selecting most feasible Analysis of different Theoretical calculation of

method or combination of methods that can be used heat values obtainable by
methods achievable in for converting waste into these substances
Pakistan for waste to energy
energy yeild
Waste Products
 Solid waste are non-liquid, non-soluble materials ranging from municipal garbage to industrial waste which
contain complex and hazardous substances.
 Population growth, Increasing urbanization, Industrialization, and standard of living have contributed to rise in
both the amount and variety of waste generated in most countries.
 The technology of recovering energy from solid waste will play a significant role in mitigating issues relating to
waste and will also result in reduction of overall quantity of waste.
What is a Solid Waste
Any material that we discard that is not gas or liquid is solid waste
 Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
◦ Solid waste from home and office

 Industrial Solid Waste

◦ Solid waste product from mines and agriculture or Industry
Sources of solid wastes
Sources of solid wastes in community are
 Residential
 Commercial
 Institutional
 Construction and Demolition
 Municipal Services
 Treatment Plant Sites
 Industrial
 Agriculture
Sources of solid wastes
Source Typical facilities, activities, Types of solid wastes
locations where wastes are

Residential Single and multifamily dwellings Food wastes. paper. cardboard,

plastics, textiles, leather. yard
wastes, wood. glass, metals,
ashes. special wastes (e.g., bulky
items, consumer electronics,
white goods, batteries, oil, tires),
and household hazardous wastes
Industrial Light and heavy manufacturing, Industrial process waste. scrap
fabrication. Construction sites. materials, etc. Non - industrial
power and chemical plants waste including food wastes.
construction and demolition
wastes. rubbish. ashes ,
hazardous wastes, ashes,
special wastes
Sources of solid wastes
Source Typical facilities, activities, Types of solid wastes
locations where wastes are

Commercial Stores, hotels, restaurants, Paper, cardboard, plastics, wood,

markets. office buildings, food
wastes, glass, metals, special
hazardous wastes

Institutional Schools. hospitals, prisons, Same as commercial

government centers

Construction and Demolition New construction sites,road Wood, steel, concrete, dirt, etc.
repair, renovation sites,
demolition of buildings, broken
Sources of solid wastes
Source Typical facilities, activities, Types of solid wastes
locations where wastes are

Municipal Street cleaning, landscaping, Street sweepings; landscape and

Services (excluding parks, beaches, other recreational tree
treatment facilities) areas, water and wastewater trimmings; general wastes from
treatment plants parks,
beaches, and other recreational

Agricultural Field and row crops, Spoiled food wastes,

orchards,vineyards, dairies, agricultural wastes, V
farms, etc. rubbish, hazardous waste
Waste Products
 Pakistan generates about more than 30 million tons of solid waste which is continuously increasing with increase
rate of 2% per annum

Solid waste
City Population in million generation/day
in tons

Karachi 20,500,000 9,440

Lahore 10,000,000 6,510

Faisalabad 7,500,000 4,883

Rawalpindi 5,900,000 3,841

Hyderabad 5,500,000 3,581

Multan 5,200,000 3,385

Gujranwala 4,800,000 3,125

Sargodha 4,500,000 2,930

Peshawar 2,900,000 1,888

Quetta 600,000 326

Waste Products Composition
 United Nations Environment Program on waste management in Pakistan showed following composition of waste

Waste Materials Percentage

Ash, Bricks and Dirt 18%

Glass 6%

Textile 2%

Cardboard 7%

Food Wastes 30%

Leather 1%

Paper 6%

Plastic 9%

Rubber 1%

Metal 4%

Wood 2%

Yard Wastes 14%

Thermal Chemical Conversion
 It is characterized by higher temperatures and faster conversion rates.
 Best suited for lower moisture feedstock.
 Thermo chemical routes can convert the entire organic (carbon) portion of suitable feedstock to energy.
 Inorganic fraction (ash) of a feedstock does not contribute to the energy products but may increase nutrient
loading in wastewater treatment and disposal facilities.
Thermal Chemical Conversion
 Gasification
 Pyrolysis
 Partial oxidation process, pure oxygen, oxygen enriched air, hydrogen, or steam.
 Produces electricity, fuels (methane, hydrogen, ethanol, synthetic diesel), and chemical products.
 Temperature > 700oC.
 More flexible than incineration, more technologically complex than incineration or pyrolysis, more public
 Thermal degradation of carbonaceous materials.
 Lower temperature than gasification (400 – 700oC)
 Absence or limited amount of oxygen.
 Products are pyrolitic oils and gas, solid char.
 Distribution of products depends on temperature
 Pyrolysis oil is used for (after appropriate posttreatment) liquid fuels, chemicals, adhesives, and other products.
 A number of processes directly combust pyrolysis gases, oils, and char.
Biochemical Conversion
 Anaerobic digestion

Anaerobic digestion (occurs in controlled reactors or digesters and also in a less controlled environment in
 Anaerobic fermentation

Anaerobic fermentation (for example, the conversion of sugars from cellulose to ethanol) .

Biochemical conversion proceeds at lower temperatures and lower reaction rates than other conversion processes.
Biochemical Conversion
 Anaerobic digestion

Anaerobic digestion (occurs in controlled reactors or digesters and also in a less controlled environment in
 Anaerobic fermentation

Anaerobic fermentation (for example, the conversion of sugars from cellulose to ethanol) .

Biochemical conversion proceeds at lower temperatures and lower reaction rates than other conversion processes.
 The process in which we convert polymers of macro molecules into small size of molecules like monomers or
mixtures of monomers is called depolymerization. The process is done at very high temperatures.
 Waste plastics and tires are long-chain polymers, containing more than 50,000 carbon atoms, directly linked by
the cross-link or branched chains. Depolymerization decomposes the long-chain to shorter chains.
 United Nations Environment Programme, report on waste management in Pakistan
 Project Procurement International

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