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How to lead a healthy and sustainable lifestyle?

Healthy lifestyle
By: Gisselle Espinoza
A healthy lifestyle is a set of daily behaviors or attitudes, to maintain the
body and mind in an appropriate way both related to mental health, food,
physical activity, health prevention, work, relationship with the
environment and social activity.

Leading a healthy life implies living in harmony, that is, maintaining the

Healthy best quality of life we can achieve.

The habits necessary to lead a healthy life are the following:
Eat well, in a balanced way
Exercise regularly
Maintain a healthy weight
Avoid excessive alcohol consumption
Avoid smoking
Habits Go to the doctor on a regular basis
Taking care of your teeth
Maintain healthy blood pressure
Taking care of our emotional health
Follow safety rules
 Sleep well (adults should sleep 8 hours and children between 10 and
12 hours)
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in its
report Sustainable Diets and Biodiversity, warns that 800 million people
go hungry in the world, while an even greater number suffer from
diseases related to an incorrect diet, such as obesity.

But it not only affects human health, but also planetary health.
Sustainable food is based on food production with a reduced
environmental impact, respects biodiversity and ecosystems, is

Sustainable culturally acceptable, economically fair and nutritionally safe.

Eating healthy should always be accompanied by sustainable food. With
the right diet, greenhouse gas emissions could be reduced by 40%.

According to FAO, unsustainable food uses 48% of natural resources,

70% of fresh water and contributes to deforestation and biodiversity
loss. In conclusion, the current production model is not sustainable and
if it continues like this it will need resources equivalent to almost three

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